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Is this normal?

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

121 total posts


Is this normal?

I put on a LOT of weight during my pregnancy and have been on a "semi" strict diet for the past 3 weeks. I try to exercise every day and have a personal trainer who comes to the house once a week for an hour. Well, I've put ON three pounds just this week alone. I'm very frustrated and want to look good for DS's christening and going back to work. I dont' know what to do. Does anybody use diet pills or know of a nutritionist?

Posted 7/20/06 2:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Is this normal?

It definitely is normal to gain... if you're training hard, you're probably putting on muscle, which weighs more than fat. Hang in there, you'll shed the pounds before you know it!

Posted 7/20/06 2:28 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: Is this normal?

What worked for me (the only thing that has worked) is weight watchers. Have you read the Jenny McCarthy book Baby Laughs? If not I really recommend it. It has become my bibile! She talks about her tremendous weight gain when she was preggo and how long it took her to get her butt in gear to loose it. She has a personal trianer and that didn't work. She said the only thing that worked for her was weight watchers. So I took her advice and went and lost all but 5 lbs of my post preggo weight. The last 5 are my fault b/c I have had bbq after bbq and went off of it. I just went back on to loose 10 lbs to get to my pre-wedding weight.

BTW- it took me 1 1/2 mts to loose 20 lbs on WW.

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Posted 7/20/06 2:40 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Is this normal?

Posted by kelly4

What worked for me (the only thing that has worked) is weight watchers. Have you read the Jenny McCarthy book Baby Laughs? If not I really recommend it. It has become my bibile! She talks about her tremendous weight gain when she was preggo and how long it took her to get her butt in gear to loose it. She has a personal trianer and that didn't work. She said the only thing that worked for her was weight watchers. So I took her advice and went and lost all but 5 lbs of my post preggo weight. The last 5 are my fault b/c I have had bbq after bbq and went off of it. I just went back on to loose 10 lbs to get to my pre-wedding weight.

BTW- it took me 1 1/2 mts to loose 20 lbs on WW.

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I agree! I am on WW too! Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/06 4:50 PM

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