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Transitioning to the Crib

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Transitioning to the Crib

As much as I want my baby near me all the time I am thinking maybe she'll sleep better in her own room and so will I.
Tonight is the first night in the crib and I am so sad. Chat Icon She feels so far away and so lonely in there. I think I'll sleep in the guest room which is closer to her room, at least for tonight.

Posted 3/25/06 9:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Family!

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Re: Transitioning to the Crib

I'm in the same boat as you. Julia still sleeps with us and I know the longer I wait the harder it will be on us. Its just so hard for me to have her upstairs while our bedroom is downstairs, its only like 4 steps up but thats far for me--lol. Anyway I have the video monitor but havent really used it yet only for naps. I want to put her upstairs at night but I just cant yet, I feel she will want me and feel like I left her all alone. Chat Icon Its so hard!
Let us know how she does tonight. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/06 9:53 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Transitioning to the Crib

That was hard for me too. We did it at two months and I was so sad for like a week. But the difference in her sleeping was instant...

Good luck you guys...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/26/06 9:55 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Transitioning to the Crib

Emily has been sleeping in her own crib since December and I still tell my DH that we should get a twin sized bed for her room in case my mom or sister sleep over so that they can sleep in a bed instead of the couch, but my true reason for that is so that I can be close to her.

A few nights a week I cry when I go to sleep in my own bed (DH usually stays up later the nI do so I'm alone in there) because I just miss her too much and wish I could bring her in the bed with me. She just seems so far away.

I completely UNDERSTAND how you are feeling. But I have to admit I do sleep better now that she's in her own room and it gives time for me and my husband to be husband and wife instead of "mom and dad" all the time.

Posted 3/26/06 10:30 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Transitioning to the Crib

Transitioning for me wasnt so terrible cause he was in the carseat for 2 months which i kinda now i feel better that he is more comfortable. I do get up and check on him like 3-4 times a night though....

Posted 3/26/06 10:58 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Transitioning to the Crib

Well it went well. She fell asleep in about 10 minutes. No crying just her usual going to sleep noises.
Woke up at 11pm to eat then again at 4am. I should have fed her then but I was lazy so she was up at 5am. Ate and went back to sleep until 7am.
I thought I would be up all night worrying but I slept really well also.
We're working on it for nap time but she pooed and that woke her up so now we're trying to get her back to sleep because she only had slept a half hour and we have a birthday party to go to this afternoon.

Posted 3/26/06 1:06 PM

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