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Went on the hospital tour last night

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

444 total posts


Went on the hospital tour last night

I heard so many great things about St. Charles and honestly it just looked like a regular hospital to me. I guess I expected to be "wow'd" As a matter of fact, going on the tour has made me apprehensive about going back. Chat Icon

It just reiterated the fact that I hate hospitals...AND I saw a woman being wheeled out of L&D and I got upset that my tour was staring at DH and I turned away out of respect, but the rest of the group gawked. That especially made me feel really uncomfortable for her and made me think about - what if that was me?

Can someone say something inspriational about the hospital? The nurses and staff? ANYTHING to make me a little bit more comfortable about going back. I think that maybe I should have skipped the tour altogether.


PS..this made me pray for a vaginal delivery so that I can leave there as quickly as possible!

Posted 7/6/05 12:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Went on the hospital tour last night

oh my goodness! i'm so sorry it was not what you hoped for, i have never been there but I have only heard wonderful things!!!

Posted 7/6/05 12:47 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Went on the hospital tour last night

I wish I could say something inspiring...I don't know St. Charles AT ALL...but, I feel the same way about EVERY single hospital. I don't think the BEST hospitals are any different.

I now live in PA and heard such GREAT things about St. Luke' sister had one of her children there...her friend, my mom's neighbor, my friend's neighbor, etc. etc.

Anyway, every time I go there for my ultrasounds...I get the's no where near as nice as I expected it to be.

I too, PRAY for a vaginal delivery...I want to get out of there as soon as I can.

I'm sorry that the hospital tour let you down...Chat Icon .

Posted 7/6/05 12:52 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Went on the hospital tour last night

I have a ton of friends who delivered there and absolutely loved it. Said the staff there was fantastic. I've never heard a bad word about the place.

Posted 7/6/05 1:02 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Went on the hospital tour last night

My cousin is having her 3rd baby there any day...she has never had any problems with them. I am going there too...I hope I have a good experience like she did.

Posted 7/6/05 1:15 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Went on the hospital tour last night

OK, I TOTALLY know how you feel. When I went on the tour of St. Charles, I walked out and started bawling. I just hated the whole hospital smell, the fact that I was going to be there just really made me nervous and very upset. I was NOT happy or impressed.

With that being said...I had Cassidy there and had a c-section so I was there for 4 days, and I will tell everyone I know that I LOVE ST. CHARLES HOSPITAL!!! My experience there could not have been any better. The care was awesome, I wound up having a private room for most of my stay, visiting hours were great (compared to where I had Scotty, at Stony Brook) And honestly, since having Cassidy I have said to DH more than once "I wish I was back in the hospital".

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Feel free to FM me if you want to talk or have any ??'s

Message edited 7/6/2005 1:51:55 PM.

Posted 7/6/05 1:50 PM

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