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1st month clothes

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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


1st month clothes

I need to go shopping for pjs, coveralls, and one piece comfy outfits.

Everyone tells me differently on how much I should buy, including websites.

so BTDT mommies.

What did you put on the baby for the 1st month or at least 1st couple weeks home?

How many should I get?

I don't want to overbuy, but I don't want my poor baby not having enough comfy clothes to hang and sleep in.

What do you think?

Posted 4/7/06 1:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

I got lucky..Aly hardly spits up, so I don't need to change her often.

I say enough clothing to last a week in case you fdon't get to do laundry.

Posted 4/7/06 2:25 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

I wouldn't go too crazy in buying clothes for two reasons - first, you have no idea what size your baby will be! I went out and bought a whole bunch of clothing that didn't fit Alex for at least 3 weeks because she came out so small (6lbs). I ended up sending hubby to BRU to pick up premie/newborn clothes that would cover us for a few weeks.

Also, once your baby is born, your house will be FLOODED with gifts, especially clothing. And, in the beginning, baby grows so so so quickly, so buying a lot of clothing will go to waste.

I would say, for the first few weeks, you need some side snap shirts (until the umbilical cords falls off). Make sure they are side snap shirts because they are ohhhh sooooo much easier to get onto baby. Trust me, you do NOT want to try pulling a shirt over your baby's delicate head in the first few months, especially when he/she is groggy - will send them into a FIT! I'd say about 4-5 side snap shirts, and maybe 4-5 onesies, that button down (again, the pull-over-the-head issue).

Alex was born in the fall, so I would put her in a shirt and a sleeper on top of that. Your baby will be a summer baby so you won't need as much layering. But, if you use air conditioning, your baby will probably be most comfortable in a sleeper/gown. I'd say 3-4 of each.

Posted 4/7/06 2:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

573 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

Do you have an idea from the sonogram how big your baby will be? If you're expected to have a big baby, then I wouldn't keep any newborn clothes. "Newborn" clothes only last up to 8 pounds.

I recommend getting 10 onesies and 10 sleepers (the outfits with the feet)/gowns (for bedtime so you don't have to unsnap the outfits at night) size 0-3 months.

It also depends whether you have a washer/dryer in your home. If you have to go to a laundromat then I'd say you'll probably want more.

Posted 4/7/06 3:03 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

Posted by Ali

Do you have an idea from the sonogram how big your baby will be?

At my 32 week sono, she weighed almost 5lbs alreadyChat Icon !

Doc said she's going to be on the bigger side of normal, whatever that means!!

So should I stick with 0-3 then?

Posted 4/7/06 3:09 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

Posted by sweetness

Posted by Ali

Do you have an idea from the sonogram how big your baby will be?

At my 32 week sono, she weighed almost 5lbs alreadyChat Icon !

Doc said she's going to be on the bigger side of normal, whatever that means!!

So should I stick with 0-3 then?

Not necessarily!! Remember, the ultrasound can be off by 2-3lbs, which makes a *huge* difference! All throughout my pregnancy my doctors told me Alex would be BIG. 4 days before I delivered I had an ultrasound and the doctor told me she would be well over 8lbs. Well, 4 days later and she came out a whopping 6lbs, 1 ounce! That's definitely not the norm, so I wouldn't run out and by newborn clothing, but don't go too crazy on the 0-3 months just yet either...

Posted 4/7/06 3:12 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

Andrew lived in layette gowns and side snap shirts his first few months. I can't remember if those are one size fits all, but at first they were huge and then they became too small with his little feet poking out of the bottom.

I agree to not buy too much b/c you will get a lot of things as gifts.

Posted 4/7/06 3:18 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: 1st month clothes

Plenty of onsies and pajamas... I wouldn't use the sonogram as a guide. At 40 weeks, 2 weeks before I delivered I was told DD was going to be at least 8 lbs and she was born 7 lbs.

Posted 4/7/06 4:27 PM

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