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Can you Recommend a breast pump?

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I have no idea what to get!

Posted 4/21/06 7:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I got the Dual Medela Pump - it cost about $300 - unfortunately - my milk supply didn't increase much and I had to supplement - so i decided to give my baby formula exclusively.

I wish I would of waited alittle longer before I bought the pump (about 3 weeks or so) - but it did serve its purpose and I was able to empty both breasts at the same time with it.

Posted 4/21/06 8:05 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

Medela pump in style - I loved it, much as you can love a breast pump.

Posted 4/21/06 8:26 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I have the Medela Pump in Style. I LOVE it! It gives great suction and really maximizes your output! I have had mine since my first born (1999) and have used it for all 3 of my children and I pump ALOT! From month 3-12 (from t etime I go back to work until the time I stop BFing at 1 yr). Usually 4/week. Costly but worth it!!!

Posted 4/21/06 8:28 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

Wait and see... if you are going to seriously pump (like if the baby won't latch, etc), you might want to rent a hospital grade Medela pump. I think they are around $80/mo (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Otherwise, the recommendations the above posters gave are great.

I decided to pump (tried BFing, it didn't work) and for my purposes, since I was also supplementing with formula, the Medela Single Deluxe Electric pump (around $70) was fine.

But I feel that I would have pumped more often and given BM for longer if I had a better pump. So I now I know for next time and next time I plan to rent a hospital grade pump.

Posted 4/21/06 8:33 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

Right now I am using the Medela Pump in Style Advance and am happy with it.

Posted 4/21/06 9:50 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I just got a new Medela Pump in Style Advance. I previously had just the PIS and loved it.

Posted 4/21/06 10:49 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

got a pump in style advance and used a buy buy baby 20% coupon nand saved 70 dollars on it. if you decide torent one its 40 a month and i thought since we are going to have more than one child i would invest in a good one. i like it and bought it becuase the advent hand pump was giving me carpel tunnel.

Posted 4/21/06 10:59 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

im on my second baby with the medela pump in style advanced (but have heard the regular PIS is just as good). I pumped for 5 months the first time and now I'm on my 9th week. I have had no problems with it, and my cousin used it for 6 months in between, so they definitely last.

Posted 4/22/06 12:07 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

Can someone tell me who I can contact (besides LLL) to rent a PIS please!

I am coming to LI in 2 weeks and am desperate to keep my supply up as I exclusively pump...

If anyone has one that they don't use currently and want to rent it to me for 2 weeks...that would also be fantastic.


Posted 4/22/06 4:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I pretty much pump full-time (supplementing one bottle of formula per day), and I have the PIS Advanced. Worth every penny!!! I *broke* the handheld pump they sent me home from the hospital with, from overuse!

After the first few minutes of pumping, the suction basically sticks the cups to your breasts, and you can pump hands-free-- reading, talking on the phone,etc. As long as you don't move around much, you won't dislodge the cups.

Posted 4/22/06 3:47 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I would def hold off on buying a pump right away, just because they are expensive. But once you get in a good milk supply and your BF is going well, then I would recommend purchasing a pump. Pumps can not be returned once purchased, so you will want to make sure BF works for you and your baby.
I have the Playtex Embrace and it works well. It is a dual pump system and takes ~7-10 min to pump at one sitting. Babies"R"Us carries it for $250

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Posted 4/22/06 3:54 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

Go for the Medela Pump in Style backpack - particularly if you plan to pump when you go back to work. The pump is lighter, the carry bag is a good size, and the backpack is easier when you have bags of baby clothes you've just bought from the sample sales in the city.

Message edited 4/22/2006 6:17:16 PM.

Posted 4/22/06 6:16 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I have the Medela Double Select and it works great for what I need it for. I only need to pump for an occassional bottle since I will be home with DS so I didn't feel like I needed to go for the PIS.

FYI: BRU now will accept returns on breast pumps. They told me they changed their policy. I originally bought a pump made by the First Years but it broke so I brought it back. I also got the Avent hand pump at my shower, which I'm not going to use and they told me they would take it back.

Posted 4/22/06 6:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Can you Recommend a breast pump?

I used a hospital grade rental pump, Medela Classic, for the first 12 weeks then moved over to my Pump In Style Advance.

I purchased my pump before I had Molly to help give me more assurance that I could and would give her bm. It did help me to keep going somedays. A good pump is worth its weight in gold!! Medela had great customer service when I had a motor issue too. A cheap pump is not for a mom who needs to pump more than once in a while. There is a HUGE difference when you try them if you are a working mom who pumps.\

You can go right to Medela's website and they list places to rent a pump. When traveling I brought my hospital pump with me in the beginning. It is big and heavy but it was best for me to continue to use it. I used my PISA with a car adapter while in the car though.

I could never pump hands free with my hands free bra. it was the best $32 I spent. I got in on EBay, NEW and sealed.

Message edited 4/22/2006 10:18:23 PM.

Posted 4/22/06 10:16 PM

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