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long vent about doctor! I need advice!

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My princess!

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long vent about doctor! I need advice!

I am so upset, livid and just besides myself. I cant believe the way a doctor spoke to me today!

I decided to make an emergency appointment this morning at a local office because of my swollen tonsils (I posted about it yesterday). Last night, I could hardly breathe and it was really bothering me. So I get an appointment with a doctor I have never seen before and figure how bad can it be just to look in my throat..boy was I wrong!

I go in and he comes in and says what r u here for? I tell him my tonsils are swollen and that I have had strep so many times throughout my life and im almost positive its not strep. He what are you doing here? Now im like huh?? So I said it gets worse at night and its hard for me to catch air. So he goes its strep then..I tell him I am almost positive it isnt but he doesnt seem to want to believe me. When he looks in my mouth he says...nope not strep..well DUH! So then he proceeds to ask me my height and weight..I said I just had an annual physical a couple of weeks ago and tell him my height and weight. Now granted, I will be the first one to say im overweight. I need to lose weight and I am lazy about it. Anyway...when I tell him my weight he says...WELL YOU ARE FAT! Im like excuse me? He goes YOUR FAT..then proceeds to tell me that AMERICANS are all lazy and fat and thats the way it is here (he was some kind of spanish descent) and goes on and on about obese americans. Now I am almost in tears and ask him what this has to do with my tonsils?!? So then he says..did your doctor order any tests for you? I said yes..thyroid tests my thyroid test was ordered because of my cycle problem and ttc which of course he doesnt know..and he says...oh sweetie, now your blaming how fat you are on the fact that you may have thyroid? He says, I will tell you right now, you DONT have thyroid and DO NOT USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE FOR LOOKING THE WAY YOU DO! I am literally livid. I am shaking with anger and because I am ready to either smack him or break into tears. Finally, I tell him that I just want a prescription from him and I am outta there.

I go into the waiting room where my husband is waiting and storm out. Of course my husband knew there was something wrong but I waited until we were outside to tell him what happened. Of course I had to physically hold him back from going back inside and beating the **** out of this *******...

I know some doctors are blunt...I know I can stand to lose a few pounds..I know all of this..but this was SOOO UNCALLED FOR! I want to report his behavior to someone but who?? The insurance company? A medical board of some sort? Does anyone know? Do you think I am over reacting? Is this the way doctors are supposed to talk to their patients?!?! And as if my fear of doctors wasnt enormous before, now its even worse. Just what I needed!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!

eta: this "genius" also you have pets? Yes 2 dogs..well get rid of them, your allergic to i say I have had dogs my whole life, I doubt I am allergic to them, they dont even shed..and he says well your allergic to them! How the hell do you know that?? Then he gives me a script for zyrtec and since our insurance company policies have changed, was supposed to call the company and give authorization for it and he never did and I had to pay 87 fuckin dollars for these pills! UGH!!!!!!!!!

Posted 5/28/05 4:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Michael or if mom Micheal

Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

Posted by nycchic24

I go in and he comes in and says what r u here for? I tell him my tonsils are swollen and that I have had strep so many times throughout my life and im almost positive its not strep. He what are you doing here? Now im like huh?? So I said it gets worse at night and its hard for me to catch air. So he goes its strep then..I tell him I am almost positive it isnt but he doesnt seem to want to believe me. When he looks in my mouth he says...nope not strep..well DUH!

this reminds me of when i was in plainview hospital 5yrs ago, went in at like 4am because i was spitting up blood. The triage nurse goes oh its probably just a bloody nose and you got a little clot in your throat. I was like its not from a bloody nose the blood was almost purple she give going on how i dont know what im talking about and how it was a bloody nose. So i spit up for her, and she like OH, thats not a bloody nose. NO sh!t thats what i have been saying for the past half hour. Turns out the blood vessels in my right lung collapsed and thats were the blood was comming from.

Posted 5/28/05 4:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Michael or if mom Micheal

Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

this is totally unexcusable from a doctor I would try reporting him the head of the clinic or the medical board.

Posted 5/28/05 4:35 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

That's awful. I can't believe he treated you like that. I'm not sure who you can report him to just wanted to offer Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/28/05 4:48 PM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

I know how you feel. I hate going to the dr. for this reason. anytime I go I get the fat talk. I went once and the lady was like you are obese (I hate that word id rather be called fat) Like I didn't know that and then charged us 10.00 extra for "obese talk" Chat Icon

I had a UTI and i went to a dr. who was of indian decent she told me I should stop having sex and stop eating meat ya ok lady just give me my pescription. im not sure who you can complain to but lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon and the fact that he said you are fat is rude! Hang in there!

Posted 5/28/05 5:16 PM

Making big changes

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

I think that this doctor was completely out of line. I'm not sure who you can report him to, but the way you were spoken to is inexcusable. He commented on your weight when it had absolutely nothing to do with the problem you were experiencing and he put it VERY rudely. Whether you can afford to lose a few pounds or not, there are nicer and more professional ways to word things like that. I'm sorry that you experienced this. I know that I would've been absolutely appalled if it had been me. Perhaps this is something you can report to the BBB? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/28/05 6:11 PM

Life is good!

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

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I would call the clinic during normal hours and speak to the head doctor- (not an office manager).

Posted 5/28/05 6:14 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

Posted by sunny

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I would call the clinic during normal hours and speak to the head doctor- (not an office manager).

Yes, this is what I was going to say. Hopefully there is someone above him that you can tell.
A friend's daughter who was just starting HS at the time had a very similar experience. She ran out of the office hysterical crying, and has absolutely refused to see a doctor for any reason for at least 6 years now. They don't know how to help her over the humiliation that horrible doctor caused her. And as a result, she refuses to discuss her weight with anyone and has even gained more weight while away at college.

It's a disgrace and I truly hope you can find someone who will listen to you. Is he new to the profession? Some of them think they are God once they get that freaking title.
I'm very upset...along with you.

Posted 5/28/05 6:46 PM

Come on in

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

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that is horrible that a doctor would say that. some doctors have absolutly no bedside manners. where did they get their licenses from, a cracker jack box?

i would definatly report him to the medical board

Posted 5/28/05 6:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

OMG that is seriously so awful. I am so so so sorry you went through that. You are NOT over-reacting AT ALL. The way he treated you was COMPLETELY unprofessional. You should report him to your insurance company at the very least! I think the tendency in these situations is to be so humiliated you are afraid to say anything. But PLEASE do not let him get away with this! Again, I am so sorry. Chat Icon

P.S. who was the doctor and where is his office? I want to be sure to NEVER bring my business to him!

Posted 5/28/05 7:18 PM

To a healthy 2013

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: long vent about doctor! I need advice!

im am so sorry that a doctor treated you so bad here are lots ofChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon hugs for you. i would def report him he should not have a license for being a doctor he is un professional, i was going to also say the same thing call the doctor's office where you went and tell them and ask them you want to report him and you want the number to where you can report him gl and again i am so sorry the basT*ARD was rude.

Posted 5/28/05 9:58 PM

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