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TTC with new job?

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TTC with new job?

DH and I just bought a house and we will be moving in mid-September. Things are going really well and I even just landed a great new job.....I start in about a week and a half.

DH just asked me when are we going to start TTC....although I feel I am ready, I don't know if it is the best time, b/c I would honestly feel guilty getting pregnant right after I joined a new company....

Do you think I should wait to TTC until I've been at the company almost a year, or screw it and TTC b/c DH and I are ready?

Posted 7/22/06 10:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: TTC with new job?

You need to check the new company's maternity and/or disability policy. In many companies, those benefits don't kick immediately.

The other issue with being new at a company is that FMLA does not kick in until 12 months with the company. If you went out before then, there is no guarantee of anything.

Posted 7/22/06 10:29 PM

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Baby Momma

Re: TTC with new job?

I agree. I just started my new job in June and FMLA does not kick in for 12 months or 1500 hours. So we are not even thinking about it now. Your job is not guaranteed until then.

Posted 7/22/06 10:34 PM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

it is 12 months until the event and the event is the birth not the pregnancy..

say if you get pg after 3 months there you are covered

Message edited 7/22/2006 10:40:58 PM.

Posted 7/22/06 10:40 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

Posted by Summer

it is 12 months until the event and the event is the birth not the pregnancy..

say if you get pg after 3 months there you are covered

good to know, thanks!

Posted 7/22/06 10:41 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

Posted by Summer

it is 12 months until the event and the event is the birth not the pregnancy..

say if you get pg after 3 months there you are covered

true, BUT if someone has a tough pregnancy and requires bed rest, you may not reach the 12 month point.

your new company might have awesome benefits, so FMLA might not even be an issue.

Message edited 7/22/2006 10:46:34 PM.

Posted 7/22/06 10:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

I agree with everyone, but you also might not get pregnant right away either so I also think you need to take that into consideration. Good luck with everything!

Posted 7/22/06 11:33 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

I just started a new job too and not like we are thinking about TTC right away, probably another 2 years (we say that now, but that may speed up since my switch has been flipped!), but I would never think about it until I was there at least a year.

Aside from the benefits and the FMLA, I personally think it's unprofessional to take a job and then always have the doc appts to leave for, potentially be calling in sick due to a bad first trimester, as someone else mentioned- what if you get put on bedrest, and then of course there is maternity leave. That's a lot of time not in the office for a fairly new employee. Also, you want enough time to really prove your value-- the more valued you are, the more accomodating your boss will be.

I was actually working with my best friend at the time she got preggo- now while we were working for an insensitive arsehole, he had kids and should understand these things. She started the beginning of June and then got preggo she thinks around July 4th. They were not very thrilled about it-- and they did give her a hard time with everything-- granted, this guy was a little nuts and this was a very small company (under 15 employees so he didn't have to abide by a lot of employment laws)-- but, if she had been there a long enough time to prove her worth, etc., it may have been different-- she ended up not going back to work.

Anyway-- just my two cents, but I think that should be considered in the planning. At least start TTC towards the end of your first year there.

Posted 7/23/06 9:57 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

I didn't care about when we TTC. I just wanted to get PG. I started a new job a month before I got PG. I didn't care. I left there(abusive boss) and even got another job. I have no plans on going back there either (temp job until I had the baby, I just needed something).

I am currently looking for something new. TTC was more important to us then my job. I figured I could always find another oneChat Icon I'm not getting any younger.

Posted 7/23/06 10:11 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

My new company has great benefits so it is not a problem for me. I just started the end of june and I will be on Maternity leave in March. I am lucky that my company has such great benefits, it is a bery family orientated company

Posted 7/23/06 10:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

Obviously it's a personal decision (outside of health benefits). I agree with Randella in the way that I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a new position and then knowing that I would need the time for appts., etc. I just wouldn't feel comfortable doing that to a new employer, and I know that a lot of times once a person is established with a new company, people seem to be a lot more understanding about needing time off. Personally, I wouldn't want to be resented while I'm getting my foot in the door. But, like I said, I think this is DEF. a personal decision. Some people know it's time to start TTC and that's their priority (which of course it should be if that's your decision), but other women may want to have the opportunity to flourish in a new position before getting preggo - just for a little added security.
I know every time I even think about switching jobs, I consider that I may want to TTC in the next year or so, and think now is not the time for a career change (on top of the potential huge life changing event of having a child).
Good luck in your decision!

Posted 7/23/06 11:50 AM

Two in Blue

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Re: TTC with new job?

As a woman with a "professional" job, yes if your first priority is your career, you should put that above all else. When I got married we thought we would be fine with TTC and we were! The very first month we tried I got PG. Well I then M/C and nine months later of diligent tryingChat Icon we still have not gotten PG again. I also started a new job that could be a very good career in the next year. I have been trying every month since I started and no luck. yet. I have no been there 3 mos which mean if I do get PG I will be covered under FMLA(it's funny that that even maters considering it is about $180 a week) Luckily I work for a very family oriented company so I may be able to work PT, pump at work, etc. What I'm trying to say is, first decide what is your priority: work or TTC/having a baby and then go from there. Take into account what your decision would be if it did take you longer than you expect. Good luck.

Posted 7/23/06 3:59 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

I think basically what it comes down to is how you and DH feel-- depending on how you feel about your job/career, how accomodating your company is, etc. You just have to do what feels right for you and your own circumstances.

Posted 7/23/06 4:57 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

I guess I'm just more worried about being professional. I am not really a career person, and I will eventually stop working when I do have children, but the new job I got is as close to a dream job as I will ever I do want to make a great impression, even though I will eventually not be working at all...hard to explain, but thanks for all your advice!!!

Posted 7/23/06 5:05 PM

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Re: TTC with new job?

Posted by johnsae

I guess I'm just more worried about being professional. I am not really a career person, and I will eventually stop working when I do have children, but the new job I got is as close to a dream job as I will ever I do want to make a great impression, even though I will eventually not be working at all...hard to explain, but thanks for all your advice!!!

I feel the same as you. I am interviewing for new jobs, and realy don't know what to do if I get one of them.....

If having a family is the most important thing to you and DH, start TTC after you've been there a few months, this way your job will be covered and you have the option to go back (first making sure your company is covered by FMLA first!). Then you can decide what to do about going back.

It's a tough decision I know, you just have to roll with it....good luck!

Posted 7/24/06 10:39 AM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

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Re: TTC with new job?

If this is a job you see as being permanent I might wait a ouple of months at least. If its just a job, and not important for your future career, go for it!

Posted 7/24/06 11:32 AM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

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Re: TTC with new job?

Posted by kaklesmay

If this is a job you see as being permanent I might wait a ouple of months at least. If its just a job, and not important for your future career, go for it!

I agree, it depends on what the job means to you

Posted 7/24/06 1:42 PM

My Boys!!!!

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Re: TTC with new job?

I recently started a new job (3 1/2 weeks ago) and just found out last week I was pregnant. It is what it is. I know my job is not guaranteed b/c I will not be employed there for a year when the baby is born but that is something I will deal with at the time. I am hoping if I work my a$$ off and show that I am an asset and a great employee, they will hold my job for me. If not, I will have to look elsewhere (this of course is something I am going to discuss with my boss before leaving after the baby). It's terrible to think an employer will kick someone to the curb b/c they had a baby!

Posted 7/26/06 10:30 PM

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