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1 year old checkup

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1 year old checkup

I took John in for his checkup today. My poor baby got 2 shots in his coolie, a tb test and a blood test, needless to say he is not a happy camper. My son weighs 21.4 lbs, up 1lb since December and he is 29 1/4 inches long, up 1 inch. The Dr said something to me that kind of puzzled me, he said his height isnt something I should be too concerned with....what does that mean? He asked how tall both dh and I are (5'3 and DH is mayyyybe 5'7). I honestly didnt question him because my baby was sobbing so hard on my shoulder I just wanted to get him home. I think he is in the 25th% for height. He also said he is very well preportioned

Should I call the dr and ask him to explain again?

Posted 3/20/06 1:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 1 year old checkup

If it is something that is on your mind I would definately call just to have it cleared up and for an explanation. It will just give you peace of mind...

Posted 3/20/06 1:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1982 total posts


Re: 1 year old checkup

I agree you should call if it's on your mind. I think he may have been suggesting that since you and your husband are average height that your child is likely going to be of similar height. There are 'child height predictor' tools out there where you enter your height and your spouses height and it gives you your child's "predicted" height.

ETA: Hope he feels better - the 1st yr check-up is a big one with lots of pokes Chat Icon

Message edited 3/20/2006 1:22:30 PM.

Posted 3/20/06 1:21 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: 1 year old checkup

I would call him up and ask him to explain.

Chat Icon Chat Icon to your little one...

Posted 3/20/06 1:42 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: 1 year old checkup

I agree, it can't hurt to call for clarification.

Chat Icon to John for his shots!!

Andrew was in the 20th percentile for height at his 12 month checkup (29 1/2 in) and the doctor said it was fine. I wasn't thrilled with her overall assesment b/c between 9 months and 12 months he didn't gain ANY weight or grow at all and she said 'fine' to everything.

Andrew is going to a new doctor today.

Posted 3/20/06 1:45 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: 1 year old checkup

my son's weight is a little low...but since his height and head circumfrence have continued on the same path the Dr. told me not to be too concerned.
He expalined that since his weight is still increasing just not at the same rate as his head and height...he wouldn't worry...only if his weight gain completly dropped off...or if his height or head circumfrence dropped off as well.

Of course i can't be a 100% sure that your Dr. was making the same kind of refrence in regards to your son's height...I would guess this is what he meant. But if you are feel uncomfortable call the Dr. Office. Dr. told me that if I was feeling uncomfortable he could order a blood test to rule out anythign else...but he honestly did not feel that it was nessecary...espicially since he will need blood work at his 2 yrs old check up in Aug.

Posted 3/20/06 4:04 PM

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