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Luteal phase ?

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Luteal phase ?

How long is everyones normal LP?

And question about mine. This month I started to spot on 11DPO ( or 12DPO) depending..not 100% what day O was. Now I think I understand the brown spotting to be the end of LAST months cycle from what I read. SO does it interfere with my LP?

I havent started to actually bleed yet so I am not counting anything yet as Day 1 of a new cycle.

Any info on that would be appreciated!

Posted 6/14/05 10:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

I've only charted for two cycles thus far... 10 or 11dpo the 1st, and 13dpo the 2nd.

I think that the last day of the cycle is NOT when you start spotting, but when you see red. I believe it's supposed to flow with the new cycle - last cycle day is the day before 1st day of the next cycle.

Posted 6/14/05 12:06 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

Posted by Lichi

I've only charted for two cycles thus far... 10 or 11dpo the 1st, and 13dpo the 2nd.

I think that the last day of the cycle is NOT when you start spotting, but when you see red. I believe it's supposed to flow with the new cycle - last cycle day is the day before 1st day of the next cycle.

I agree - CD1 is the day you get full on AF - bright red blood. Spotting isn't considered CD1

Posted 6/14/05 12:19 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

mine is 11. I don't count day 1 until I see red blood, but I have been concerned that it is so short...

Posted 6/14/05 12:38 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

I looked back at my calendar and my last 4 LPs were 14, 18, 14 and 16 days. I dont know if this helps at all. Im just adding my history

Message edited 6/14/2005 12:50:24 PM.

Posted 6/14/05 12:50 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

thanks Kathy and Lichi...I was trying to get an idea....I think mine are too short...

Im trying to get all the info on me I can before deciding if I call my obgyn or go to an RE.

Posted 6/14/05 12:55 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

Posted by dm24angel
thanks Kathy and Lichi...I was trying to get an idea....I think mine are too short...

Im trying to get all the info on me I can before deciding if I call my obgyn or go to an RE.

In the "Take Charge.." book, it says that a normal LP is about 12-16 dpo. Maybe you didn't calculate O correctly, and all is fine.

Posted 6/14/05 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

Posted by Lichi

Posted by dm24angel
thanks Kathy and Lichi...I was trying to get an idea....I think mine are too short...

Im trying to get all the info on me I can before deciding if I call my obgyn or go to an RE.

In the "Take Charge.." book, it says that a normal LP is about 12-16 dpo. Maybe you didn't calculate O correctly, and all is fine.

this month I KNOW I calculated right. Maybe not other moths, I could have been off...but this month I got a very positive OPK and then a nice high temp spike 2 days after. Ovusoft gave me O the day after the opk and fertility friend 2 days after.. So I am either off by a day or two...although we BD'd soooo much I couldnt have missed it.

Posted 6/14/05 3:20 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

Donna, I have a small date book that I write down all my temps in, when I get AF, when I O, etc. So I can refer back to it. Maybe try that so you can keep track?

Posted 6/14/05 5:10 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

Posted by dm24angel
Posted by Lichi
Posted by dm24angel
thanks Kathy and Lichi...I was trying to get an idea....I think mine are too short...

Im trying to get all the info on me I can before deciding if I call my obgyn or go to an RE.

In the "Take Charge.." book, it says that a normal LP is about 12-16 dpo. Maybe you didn't calculate O correctly, and all is fine.

this month I KNOW I calculated right. Maybe not other moths, I could have been off...but this month I got a very positive OPK and then a nice high temp spike 2 days after. Ovusoft gave me O the day after the opk and fertility friend 2 days after.. So I am either off by a day or two...although we BD'd soooo much I couldnt have missed it.

That's ok... if you see red today, then that would means that you're either 12 or 13dpo, right? And that falls in the 12-16 normal dpo count, which means that your LP isn't short like you thought.

Posted 6/14/05 5:14 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

I just want to say, that you definitely count the day of full flow blood, as day one of your AF. However, if you are known to 'spot' prior to Af, whether it be....a few days before or even midcyle. It is get progesterone checked....on 7 dpo, every month. A large cause of spotting is the 'battle' estrogen and progesterone have. Progesterone rules the's responsible for your high temps....if estrogen starts to kick in...because progesterone isn't 'high' enough, you may spot. I am not saying this is definitely the cause but, I was told by an RE can be a reason. Trust me, I never imagined having low progesterone, but I did. My temps were always high and my LP was 14 dpo. However, recently, I had been spotting before AF, and for the last three cycles my progesterone has been low. Once again, it's important to get it checked every cycle....because...progesterone levels change. I had a progesterone level of 6 in march, and a progesterone level of 8.6 in May. Progesterone suppositories are disgusting, they leak and are an extreme nuisance...but they can sustain pregnancy and so worth taking if your progesterone is a bit off. I would always get it checked.....jmo.

Posted 6/14/05 5:55 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Luteal phase ?

I will question my dr.
Todays day 1 I got Af HEAVY now.
I tend to have one day of a few light brown spots the day before or morning of AF.

Never mid cycle or anything substaintial.

Posted 6/14/05 6:23 PM

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