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Big dog question

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Member since 6/05

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Big dog question

My parents adopted/rescued a dalmation a few months ago. he was 8 months old and the owners kept him crated most of the day.

Buddy is now 1 year old. This dog is massive. He is huge, hyper and very strong. He is very sweet most of the time and very protective. The problem is he doesnt know his own strength. My parents are afraid to leave him lose around DS because he knocks him over and than tramples him niping at his ears. They know he is playing but DS gets scared.

And he has bitten my mom a couple times. Doesnt break the skin but leaves bruises. They have had a trainer come over a few times but my dad is worried.

He loves this dog but he is so afraid that he is going to bite some one and my Dad will lose everything, or that he might hurt DS. My Dad is actually thinking about giving him away and I know it is breaking his heart.

Has anyone had a strong brut dog that eventually calmed down? Any tips?

Posted 9/18/06 7:36 AM
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Re: Big dog question

He's still a baby until he's 2. Usually at the 2 yr mark they calm down dramatically like they are a new dog. If they can hold off and give this dog another year it would be great. I would buy a prong collar and have him leased while around your DS. He can be trained but it's going to take alot of work. Good Luck......

Posted 9/18/06 8:22 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Big dog question

As Gina said, he is still a pup- they don't really mature until 2 years old. My weimeraner is just settling down now.

That being said, you should still do serious training. I know a few people on here have used BarkBusters and raved about them. Maybe your parents could call them or another trainer that comes to your home. Sometimes it's better to train in your home so he learns in his own environment. Especially when the problems are playbiting and jumping. It's harder to get them to do that stuff in a class environment, they are too occupied with the other dogs.
Good luck to your parents - he'll be a great dog, just give him time.Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/06 8:28 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Big dog question

also, neutering him will help calm him down.

your dad needs to "break" him who the alpha is in the family and who is boss.

The spaziness of a puppy goes away after 2 for most big dogs....our Rottie calmed down ALOT after 2 and still has her moments, but she is great with the baby.

Posted 9/18/06 10:16 AM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: Big dog question

He's really still a baby. If he isn't neutered, have it done. This will calm him down quite a bit. He's playing with your son as if he was a member of the pack. Dalmations can be a handful and can be very stubborn, but, are pretty harmless. Neutering and consistent training should do the trick. Don't give up on him. He'll probably make a great companion.

Posted 9/18/06 10:39 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Big dog question

Neutering will help...

also, if you're afraid he'll jump on DS, then leash him when you get there and keep him on leash until he relaxes...

my dog is gigantic, and exuberant, he's really high energy...and he'll jump out and "love" you to death...not realizing that he can really hurt you...

I find that if I leash him when he's first introduced to people, then the excitement wears off, and then I can let him off leash around him.

Posted 9/18/06 10:47 AM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

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Re: Big dog question

I have a big guy too. He was pretty feisty until about 18months, then all of a sudden he started to chill out a little. He still has him moments of craziness. It really is all in the training, setting boundaries etc...

Good luck, TRY to hold out for another year with this dog, it really could make all the difference in the world!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/06 1:50 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: Big dog question

I just want to add -- make sure he has plenty of exercise. Take him to dog parks if he gets along with other dogs and give him lots of off-leash run time. Good luck.

Posted 9/18/06 1:54 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06

384 total posts


Re: Big dog question

I have a pitt mix she is very hyper 21/2 she just really started calming down alittle once she hit two. She needs alot of play time.

lots of exercise will help.

Posted 9/18/06 4:53 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Big dog question

thanks. I am going to print this out and bring it to him.

Buddy is already fixed, that did help a little. The trainer has ben coming to the house, and my dad has been really strict with him. I hope he can hang on a little longer.

Posted 9/18/06 7:22 PM

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