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Hi girls. I have a question...

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LIF Zygote

Member since 9/05

17 total posts


Hi girls. I have a question...

I am a teacher, and I am supposed to be going away with my students from Monday to Wednesday. Included in this trip is a five mile hike in the mountains. I do not normally do exercise like this, and I am starting to worry that it might be too much. I have four other teachers coming with me, and I don't know what to tell them since I am early in my pregnancy and I do not want anyone to know yet. I don't know what to do. Anyone know what my risk is if I do this hike? Or where I can look. I didn't start to think about it until today, and I cannot get my doctor onthe phone.Chat Icon

Posted 10/15/05 7:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

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Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

I'd leave a message with the on call dr, see if they will call you back over the weekend. Otherwise, call first thing Mon AM and ask the office.

do you know anyone that is a nurse or anything that might be able to advise you?

Posted 10/15/05 7:58 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

I was told in the beginning of both my pregnancies to continue doing anything I would normally do but not to start something new (and of course no sit ups). I would get some kind of excuse ready if you think a vigorous hike will take a toll on you... but in all honesty walking is good for preggos Chat Icon

Posted 10/15/05 10:27 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

I would say that it is fine, over the weekends I bet you walk about 5 miles and you don't even know it, I guess if the terrain is rough or it is at a fast pace that could be dangerous, but I know ladies who continued to jog into their 4-5 month.

Posted 10/15/05 10:50 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

I think it's fine unless you are feeling dizzy or wierd while on the hike. Can you tell your school nurse that you are preggo and she can give you some advice? She is not allowed to tell anyone (including principal) and it's a good idea to tell her incase anything happens to you while you are at work. I'm a teacher and told the nurse right as soon as I was TTCing and then when I got pregnant. I was glad I did b/c at 6 weeks I had a case of 5th's dissease run through my room and she told me about it right away and I got tested. She didn't tell my principal until after I did.

Good luck! I think you'll be fine but it's always good to check with someone in the medical field.

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Posted 10/16/05 7:23 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

I think you should be ok. I found out I was preggo in Germany and we were on a two week vacation of Germany, Austria and Switerzland. I hiked the whole time and was fine. Just take it easy and remember to stay hydrated.

Posted 10/16/05 8:45 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/05

17 total posts


Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

Thanks ladies. Unfortunately, I do not have an opportunity to speak to anyone at my school before we leave. We're leaving at 5:45am tomorrow, so no one will be at the school. There is, however, a nurse where we are going and maybe I will speak to her. I'm sure I will be fine, I'm just so tired lately that even my everyday routine wares me out. And I woke up this morning with a terrible chest cold. Anyways, thank you so much for the responses!Chat Icon I'll let you know how I make out!

Posted 10/16/05 9:09 AM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

feel better! Since you are sick and you have been feeling tired from your everyday routine at work, I'd make an excuse and call in sick! I would be afraid to be out there in the cold walking 5 miles. YOu could get sicker! You have to put YOU and your BABY first!

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Posted 10/16/05 9:13 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/05

17 total posts


Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

Posted by kelly4

feel better! Since you are sick and you have been feeling tired from your everyday routine at work, I'd make an excuse and call in sick! I would be afraid to be out there in the cold walking 5 miles. YOu could get sicker! You have to put YOU and your BABY first!

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I WISH I could, but I am taking my class away for three days. I cannot call in sickChat Icon This was a very expensive trip, and I only have a few other adults coming, so if I don't go, there's going to be BIG problemsChat Icon

Am I allowed to take ANYTHING for this cold? Or no, nothing? I haven't even had my first doctor's appointment yet, so I still feel like I'm wandering around not knowing which way it up!

Posted 10/16/05 9:22 AM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hi girls. I have a question...

i wouldnt call in sick i would tell them you pulled something over the weekend and dont want to over do it. see if you can start the hike and if it gets too much stop or turn back around. there mus t be some kids that cant do the full 5 miles either. you can always tell them your asthma is kicking in or something like that.

Posted 10/16/05 9:56 PM

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