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Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I am so sad. I am not producing enough milk and right now we are supplementing with formula. I never imagined I would have to do this. I know its not the end of the world and its what is best for the baby but part of me feels like a bad mom (silly I know).
I am on a regimen from the lactation consultant of pumping and breast feeding to hopefully get my supply up.
I was just wondering if anyone else went through this and what you were able to do to get your milk production up.
At my appointment tomorrow we're going to talk about some supplements I can take that will hopefully help as well.
Breastfeeding is just so important to me otherwise I would throw in the towel and go to formula. At least I was able to get organic formula, I just hope I don't have to use it very long.

Posted 10/5/05 3:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I'm sorry. I know how you feel. It's good that you are getting help now.

My milk never came in. I saw 2 lc's in the hospital and asked many nurses for help, I tried everything they showed me and nothing worked. I should have seen an lc when I got home and still having problems - a nurse talked me into formula at the hosptial and I was so exhausted and depressed when I first got home I didn't even think about it. By the time I did it was too late.

I was very depressed about it for about 3 months. I was convinced it was a sign from G0d that I wasn't meant to be a mom. I still get upset when people ask me if I bf'd. Someone asked me at the post office last week and when I said no she gave me a long lecture on how Sarah will never be healthy, etc. I got into the car and cried for 5 minutes.

I hope you are able to get your supply established. I wish I'd had the bonding experience that bf'ing moms get to have with their baby.

Posted 10/5/05 3:43 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I haven't had my baby yet, but I know that in everything I've read and everything my mom has told her mothers over the years (she was a lll leader for like 30-35 years) it was always that the more milk you feed/pump the more your body will make. It's good that you're working with a lactation consultant. Hopefully if you're feeding and pumping as often as possible your body will start producing more. And for right now supplementing with formula is okay. I've heard ofsome moms doing half formula half breast milk. You need to do what ever is necessary, and if that's what it is, so be it. I hope all works out and your milk supply increases soon!

Posted 10/5/05 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I think its great you are working with a LC, she should be able to help you the most. I always felt my supply was just enough, when I am home and BF her everything is fine, but when I have to pump to make the bottle for when I am at work it seems like I can barely do it sometimes. I have taken fenugreek and blessed thisle and it seems to help increase supply a little, but I didn't have the patience to take it all the time. I have gotten into routine of having mothers milk tea every morning and I eat oatmeal at least one a day sometimes twice a day. Also one of the key things to help supply is to drink LOTS of water. I find that pumping in the middle of the night or early morning is when I am able to get the most. Dont stress yourself out about this, it will only make matter worse, if you need to supplement there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, everything will fall into place soon....

Posted 10/5/05 5:40 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I'm so sorry!! Are you drinking enough fluids???

Posted 10/5/05 5:46 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

Thank you for the support. It is very frustrating. My doula came for my post partum visit today and brought me a supply of mother's milk tea. I am brewing a cup now. I know deep down I'm not a bad mom if I end up not being able to breast feed but right now it just feels that way so I can totally understand how you feel Sarahsmommy.

Posted 10/5/05 6:37 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I drank Mother's Milk tea and it helped with my supply issues. I also took fenugreek caplets also.

Posted 10/5/05 7:19 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Anyone with Milk Supply Issues?

I'm having the opposite problem. I stopped feeding 9 weeks ago and the milk won't go away Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/05 8:51 PM

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