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mens rooms

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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


mens rooms

I was a little shocked today when taking the kids and DH to the movies. A man and his 12 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter come walking out of the mens room. Good Lord, never been in a mens room but arent men visibly naked in the mens room? Isnt this girl a little too old to not go into a ladies room. I personally wouldnt take a girl of any age in a mens room BUT a 10 yr old seems a little steep. At least in the womens rooms we have doors to our stalls.

Posted 2/11/06 9:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: mens rooms

I guess she didnt want her going in the womens room alone. I am not saying its the best option but what else could he do better safe than sorry

Posted 2/11/06 9:44 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: mens rooms

i'd rather have my husband bring our daughter into the men's room with him, than leave her standing outside, unattended... if he brought them there himself Chat Icon

Message edited 2/11/2006 9:46:01 PM.

Posted 2/11/06 9:45 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: mens rooms

I have to say better her go in the bathroom with an adult then all by herself

Didnt you hear that story where the boy went in the bathroom by himself and he was raped and murdered

Posted 2/11/06 9:46 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: mens rooms

Do you know for sure they were 10 and 12? Ten is probably a little old to not let her go to the bathroom by herself so I agree with you there if she was ten but what would people be saying if heaven forbid something happened to that little girl while she went to the ladies room by herself? You can bet they'd be blaming the dad for leaving her alone. Sometimes parents can't seem to do right either way. At least in the men's room he can easily keep an eye on her and tell her to face the wall or whatever so she doesn't see anything she shouldn't. Plus, men's bathrooms do have stalls.

Posted 2/11/06 9:48 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: mens rooms

I am sorry...that is unacceptable. The girl is definately too old to be in the mens room. It sounds a little odd to me. I understand things go on and he may have been nervous to send her in the ladies room alone but to bring her in the mens room???? Thats a little odd to me and I would kill dh if he ever did that!

Posted 2/11/06 9:48 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by nycchic24

I am sorry...that is unacceptable. The girl is definately too old to be in the mens room. It sounds a little odd to me. I understand things go on and he may have been nervous to send her in the ladies room alone but to bring her in the mens room???? Thats a little odd to me and I would kill dh if he ever did that!

what should he have done then?? Left her outside alone??

Posted 2/11/06 9:49 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: mens rooms

I dont know to be honest...

But a ten year old in the mens room?? I just dont agree with it. Sorry.

Posted 2/11/06 9:51 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by nycchic24

I dont know to be honest...

But a ten year old in the mens room?? I just dont agree with it. Sorry.

Then what would you do in that situation? I am curious.

Posted 2/11/06 9:53 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

Posted by nycchic24

I am sorry...that is unacceptable. The girl is definately too old to be in the mens room. It sounds a little odd to me. I understand things go on and he may have been nervous to send her in the ladies room alone but to bring her in the mens room???? Thats a little odd to me and I would kill dh if he ever did that!

what should he have done then?? Left her outside alone??

He should have let her go in the womens room while he waited outside the womens bathroom door. I think its TOTALLY unaccpetable for a 10 yr old to go in a mens room. I would rather have an attendant watch my 10 yr old girl then take her into a mens room. Yes, as someone said...there are stalls but there are also men peeing in urinals. Aside from everything else, how is a man supposed to feel when he is standing there peeing and a 10 yr old girl walks in. Very odd!

Posted 2/11/06 9:54 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: mens rooms

A few months ago a 12 year old was harrassed in ladies room ( I think in NJ)& people were all shocked that her mother let her go in alone.

So you can never win!

I remember when I was litle & at TSS with my father & grandfather & told them I had to go & my dad got all upset & I didn't know why, b/c I knew there was a bathroom there, but it was b/c he didn't know if he could let me go in & didn't want to take me with him.

I don't remember what happened-- I think I convinced him to let me go alone.

Message edited 2/11/2006 9:57:33 PM.

Posted 2/11/06 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by PrincessP

how is a man supposed to feel when he is standing there peeing and a 10 yr old girl walks in. Very odd!

Frankly... most men really wouldn't care. They would probably pay her no mind.

Posted 2/11/06 9:55 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by DjPiLL

Posted by PrincessP

how is a man supposed to feel when he is standing there peeing and a 10 yr old girl walks in. Very odd!

Frankly... most men really wouldn't care. They would probably pay her no mind.

actually my DH and his buddies did find this odd when they walked out

Posted 2/11/06 9:56 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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Re: mens rooms

I would rather have my faughter in the men's room then the scary alternative.

Posted 2/11/06 10:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/06

846 total posts


Re: mens rooms

ooh.. Tough Question!!! I guess I'd rather her be with an adult with supervision than go alone. Tough one!!!! But.. a lot of places are now equipped with a family bathroom, so that makes it a lot easier, no?? I don't have kids yet. Is this an easier option or readily available??

Posted 2/11/06 11:54 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: mens rooms

I think 10 is old enough to go to the bathroom by herself in the ladies room. I would expect DH would be waiting outside for her.

If it was DH that had to go to the bathroom, I'd rather him ask an attendant to watch my 10 year old daughter while he goes to the bathroom. Taking her in at that age would be too strange.

Posted 2/12/06 8:42 AM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by nrthshgrl

I think 10 is old enough to go to the bathroom by herself in the ladies room. I would expect DH would be waiting outside for her.

If it was DH that had to go to the bathroom, I'd rather him ask an attendant to watch my 10 year old daughter while he goes to the bathroom. Taking her in at that age would be too strange.

I agree, this is what I would have expected . . . .

I really do not feel that at 10 a girl should be going into the men's room . . . .

Posted 2/12/06 8:55 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Ugh, I can only imagine the memories or fears this little girl may have now b/c she went into a MENS room at her age!!!!
and it can go the other way- what sickos are in the bathroom going and they see a MINOR FEMALE in the bathroom and think sexual things, go on the internet or worse actually do something to someone.

NO way do I think a 10 yr old should have gone in the mens room- very disturbing.

The father should have, since he is the adult, let the kids go in first- who ever had to go the most and wait right outside the door and if he felt they were in there too long- minutes he could always either open the door or walk a little in and say his childs name out loud and ask are you ok- Im sure the people in the bathrooms wouldnt care about that.

Edit to say now if it was just father and daughter NO son, then I feel the father should ask the attendant or an employee, security guard from the place or hold it in till they got home, or go to a fast food joint!

Message edited 2/12/2006 9:10:46 AM.

Posted 2/12/06 9:09 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: mens rooms

10 year old girl in a mens bathroom is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!

He should have taken her to the ladies room and waited for her outside!!! period!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 9:37 AM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: mens rooms

OMG, this thread is making me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what the he!! do you girls think goes on in a men's room

do you think we all walk around with our ding dongs hanging out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

we go in, we pee, we wash, we leave

scarred memories? unaccpetable behavior? you have to be KIDDING me Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 9:41 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

OMG, this thread is making me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what the he!! do you girls think goes on in a men's room

do you think we all walk around with our ding dongs hanging out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

we go in, we pee, we wash, we leave

scarred memories? unaccpetable behavior? you have to be KIDDING me Chat Icon Chat Icon

if only ALL Men were as normal as you!!!

Posted 2/12/06 9:42 AM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: mens rooms

Posted by girlygrl33

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

OMG, this thread is making me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what the he!! do you girls think goes on in a men's room

do you think we all walk around with our ding dongs hanging out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

we go in, we pee, we wash, we leave

scarred memories? unaccpetable behavior? you have to be KIDDING me Chat Icon Chat Icon

if only ALL Men were as normal as you!!!

but she's in there with her father

i highly doubt anything would happen

Posted 2/12/06 9:42 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

OMG, this thread is making me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what the he!! do you girls think goes on in a men's room

do you think we all walk around with our ding dongs hanging out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

we go in, we pee, we wash, we leave

scarred memories? unaccpetable behavior? you have to be KIDDING me Chat Icon Chat Icon

i happen to think a 10 year old girl being in a room where men have their peeshies hanging out is disgusting!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 9:43 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: mens rooms


Posted by nrthshgrl

I think 10 is old enough to go to the bathroom by herself in the ladies room. I would expect DH would be waiting outside for her.

If it was DH that had to go to the bathroom, I'd rather him ask an attendant to watch my 10 year old daughter while he goes to the bathroom. Taking her in at that age would be too strange.

I agree, this is what I would have expected . . . .

I really do not feel that at 10 a girl should be going into the men's room . . . .

Agreed. I'm pretty sure I was going to public bathrooms by myself at that age.

Posted 2/12/06 9:45 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: mens rooms

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

Posted by girlygrl33

Posted by CaptainCharisma424

OMG, this thread is making me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

what the he!! do you girls think goes on in a men's room

do you think we all walk around with our ding dongs hanging out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

we go in, we pee, we wash, we leave

scarred memories? unaccpetable behavior? you have to be KIDDING me Chat Icon Chat Icon

if only ALL Men were as normal as you!!!

but she's in there with her father

i highly doubt anything would happen

No I dont think anything would happen to her since she is with her father but as a woman and remembering back to my childhood, it mortified me to even hear about mens private parts, b/c I didnt understand at that age and I dont think my parents wanted me too either. edited to say there are just some things you dont do or expose your children too and this is one of them. there are other options. a memory at a young age is very vulnerable.

Message edited 2/12/2006 9:46:52 AM.

Posted 2/12/06 9:45 AM
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