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Pet Question

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

197 total posts


Pet Question

Sorry to put this on here but I figured there'd be more traffic....

We had our puppy neutered today & the vet told us that we didn't need one of those cone things because they observe them & if they don't bother it, they should be fine.
We got the instruction paper that said to contact the doctor if they lick or bite the wound excessively & it starts to bleed, etc...

My question is - we've been watching him all night and he's tried to lick it, but we stopped him. I put him in the kitchen for bed - he's in his crate - and checked on him ten minutes later and it's obvious he's been licking it because it's a little red. I'm just nervous that if he does this for a good portion of the night, it's going to open up and start to bleed or something...

Anyone have any experience with this? I don't know why they didn't just give us the cone just in case...

Message edited 6/6/2006 12:41:33 AM.

Posted 6/6/06 12:16 AM
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Re: Pet Question

You can always make a cone out of cardboard if you are really worried.

Posted 6/6/06 12:24 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

197 total posts


Re: Pet Question

True.... I have him in the bedroom with us now so I can watch him a little better...
Thanks for the suggestion, definitely not a bad idea.

Posted 6/6/06 12:26 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Pet Question

lukin wasnt given an elizabethan either,but he didnt bother with the stitches/ just try to keep telling him "no" when he goes to it. distract him. by tomorrow he'll probably have forgotten about it.

p.s. its always a good idea to at least xpost pet Q'son PETS.... youd be surprised at how much traffic it gets.

Posted 6/6/06 1:03 AM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

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cause you are gray.

Re: Pet Question

Bruno was good at the vet's office probably because he was still so out of it but as soon as he felt better the next day he kept trying to lick at it. Luckily I told the vet I wanted one even though he was ok there. If I were you, I'd go pick one up to feel safe especially if he's still licking tomorrow.

Posted 6/6/06 1:14 AM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Pet Question

My husband is a vet...and I'm really surprised your vet sent your dog home without a cone.

Call your vet and get the cone, your dog will definately infect the wound, and worst it up.

A lot of owners feel bad for their dogs when they have to wear the cone, but it's not a big deal, they do fine....

My husband had an unfortunately case many years ago...he did a spay on a puppy...gave the owners the cone, explained how important it was to keep the cone on the puppy, etc...the owners took the cone off...went to sleep...assumed that the puppy wouldn't bother the site at night...well, the next day the puppy had it's entire wound open, and it was filled with dirt and all other the end, the puppy didn't survive.

That's obviously a total extreme...but it's definately a good idea to get that cone asap.

Good luck, if you have any questions, please feel free to FM me. Chat Icon

Posted 6/6/06 8:33 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Pet Question

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Awww they should have sent you home with an Elizabethan collar Chat Icon You can always call them up and pick it up for around $20 at their office. It will save you from having to watch him ever second.

Posted 6/6/06 8:41 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Pet Question

When Molly had her surgery they didn't give her a cone either. I was so paranoid the entire time. Any time she went towards the stitches I would distract her. It took her longer to heal because of other complications and their were alot more stitches. It was not fun. Chat Icon

I would call up your vet and have him give you a cone that way you don't have to worry about it.

Posted 6/6/06 8:45 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

197 total posts


Re: Pet Question

Thanks so much everyone! Last night, he ended up falling asleep and from what I can tell, he slept the whole night. I left him for a half an hour this morning and the wound is just a little pink. I'm still going to the vet to get the cone/collar. I just don't want to take a chance.

Thanks again for the help Chat Icon

ETA: Just called the vet and she set one aside for me to pick up. She said that he definitely cannot excessively lick the area. I did tell them I was afraid of that yesterday when I picked him up, but whatever.
Thanks again. :)

Message edited 6/6/2006 9:29:30 AM.

Posted 6/6/06 9:24 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Pet Question

Gus chewed his elizabethan off, hahaha....

Posted 6/6/06 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Pet Question

I am very surprised that you did not get an e-collar. You can buy them at petco, but I would call the vet & let them know that it was necessary and that you have to make an extra trip to get it AND that the area of the incision is now infammed.

Posted 6/6/06 9:52 AM

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