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I'm worried about our Disney trip...

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


I'm worried about our Disney trip...

I'm worried that this trip next week to Disney is going to be more of a pain than anything. I was sooooooo excited to be bringing Caiden there so he can have fun, but now I just see him throwing fits and tantrums, and telling us "No" constantly and not listening, and just end up with nobody having fun. I know it's the age, but I really want us to enjoy this time together as a family, and not spend it being frustrated. Chat Icon Does anyone have any suggestions to help us get through this trip with everyone having a good time? Including mommy and daddy? My son is 21.5 months old so he's rather opinionated at times. He's generally a happy little boy, but he definitely has his moments. Please help!

Posted 10/27/05 11:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

Everything will be perfectly fine! Think positive!

Whenever I travel with my kids, I pack their bags with all their necessities for the planeride and if there are any delays. I don't pack any of their food or diapers or wipes in the suitcase. I use that space and pack an extra duffle bag (for any stuff we buy while we are away) and I pack inflatables for them to play with in the pools. I also hit up the supermarket or any big full service department store before heading to the hotel and buy the diapers/food/drinks/wipes there.

Good luck!

Posted 10/27/05 11:53 AM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

We took aidan and my niece who was 20 months at the time to Disney back in March.

All of the stuff PP said, plus a DVD player for the plane ride was key! Kept her happy on their lap for the trip. She even fell asleep.

In Disney, it was so important that we took advantage of their little parks, or "dog runs" as we called them. Chat Icon Like I think at MGM they have a great Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground to just let her run and run and get the energy out of her system from being strapped in the car/tram/stroller for so long.
Across from Minnie and Mickeys house there is one too. They are all over... At that age they really need to move so sitting in the stroller for hours just leads to meltdowns!

They were both also able to take naps in the stroller, but people suggest taking a break and going back to your hotel.

If you plan to eat out, try to make reservations so that you don't have to wait. We also went to an off property Outback that had toys in the waiting area, this was a god send, my niece played there with one of us until the food came.

If I think of anything else, I'll add it on!

You'll have a great time!

Message edited 10/27/2005 12:37:36 PM.

Posted 10/27/05 12:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

I was just going to recommed some lunchtime cocktails for you and DH!Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/05 2:30 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

its the Meltdown Kingdom, not the Magic Kingdom, don't worry about tantrums, they all do it regardless of their age when they get to Disney! Have a glass of wine or a beer and you'll be calm and collected! Enjoy!!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/05 3:15 PM

And so it goes....

Member since 9/05

2217 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

Try to stick to his regular schedule as much as possible, dont overschedule the day. Its hard because you want to see and do everything you can while you are there but you have to remember how overstimulated he will be just by being there so take it slow and him guide you as to his limits.

Posted 10/27/05 4:21 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: I'm worried about our Disney trip...

not a parent, but went to disney a ton of times, with parents, kids, as a nanny.

My best advice is don't over do it. You will try to see everything, but really, you can't. Just have a great trip and concentrate on that. It can be a very exhasting place. Do some of the park, then go back to the hotel. Then go back for fireworks and the parade.

Posted 10/27/05 4:56 PM

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