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A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

I have been a mission to learn what I can about IUI's ...and I found this interesting information. I am definitely inquiring about it when I go to see the Re next. I doubt it's being used at RsofNy.

Platlet Activating Factor and Intrauterine Inseminations by William E. Roudebush, PhD

In many centers drug induced ovulation induction (OI) followed by intrauterine insemination (IUI) have become standard therapy for non-tubal factor related infertility. As the initial treatment for infertile couples, IUI is commonly used and is a cost effective procedure. The success of IUI is dependent on the ovulation induction regimen as well as seminal parameters. Commonly, because of lower patient costs, complexity and risks of high order multiple pregnancy, clomiphene citrate (CC) is initially used. At Reproductive Biology Associates (RBA), Atlanta, GA the typical treatment regimen involves three CC/IUI cycles followed by GT/IUI for up to three cycles. Failed IUI therapy subsequently results in consideration of in vitro fertilization therapy.

Male fertility requires production of an adequate number of normal sperm with sufficient motility for fertilization. Poor production of quality sperm may lead to subfertility or infertility. A number of endogenous biochemical factors have been attributed to regulate the fertility potential of spermatozoa, for example platelet-activating factor. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is present in human spermatozoa, and its content has a significant and positive relationship with motility and pregnancy rate. In a recently published paper (Fertility & Sterility 2004;82:52-56), we reported on the benefit of washing sperm with PAF for intrauterine insemination.

Since February 10, 2003 RBA has been routinely adding PAF to the IUI sperm wash protocol. The average pregnancy rate for PAF-IUI cycles is >40% (see graph below), nearly twice the rate of non-PAF treated IUI cycles (~29%). Additionally, we are finding a tremendous improvement in first-cycle IUI pregnancy rates. Patients are finding less time (a 1 in 3 chance with PAF compared to a less than 1 in 5 chance without PAF) required to become pregnant with PAF-IUI, thereby resulting in reduced cost for infertility treatment.

PAF is a potent phospholipid that is naturally found in sperm and whose content has a positive correlation with pregnancy outcome. From our studies on PAF, we have found that morphologically abnormal sperm do not respond to PAF as do normal-motile sperm, with improvements in overall sperm motility (numbers and grade). We believe PAF has a sperm-selective capacity that results in the improved pregnancy outcomes. PAF is a safe and efficacious treatment for patients undergoing IUI therapy for infertility.

Posted 10/29/05 8:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Very intersting. I will definitely be asking my doc about this. What a difference in success rates using PAF.

Thanks again Michelle for your helpful info:)

Posted 10/30/05 10:32 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/05

47 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Since February 10, 2003 RBA has been routinely adding PAF to the IUI sperm wash protocol. The average pregnancy rate for PAF-IUI cycles is >40% (see graph below), nearly twice the rate of non-PAF treated IUI cycles (~29%). Additionally, we are finding a tremendous improvement in first-cycle IUI pregnancy rates. Patients are finding less time (a 1 in 3 chance with PAF compared to a less than 1 in 5 chance without PAF) required to become pregnant with PAF-IUI, thereby resulting in reduced cost for infertility treatment.

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this information.

Posted 11/4/05 4:50 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/05

47 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI


Message edited 11/4/2005 4:51:51 PM.

Posted 11/4/05 4:51 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

325 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

This sounds very interesting. I wonder if RSofNY does this. Like Redstar said, probably not. I have another consult soon and will ask them also. I had 5 iui's with not luck.


Posted 11/4/05 6:22 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Posted by sylvester

This sounds very interesting. I wonder if RSofNY does this. Like Redstar said, probably not. I have another consult soon and will ask them also. I had 5 iui's with not luck.


I will be taking this with me to my next RSofNY appt. on Monday.

Posted 11/4/05 7:34 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Sounds interesting. ANyone who talks to RSONY about this, please post their response. I wont be there for at least another week or so, and would love to hear what they say. Im a wimp when it comes to approaching them about things, unfortunatly even when it comes down to my own success with TTC.

Posted 11/5/05 9:14 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

146 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Next time I go, I'll inquire about it but I don't hold out too much hope on getting a straight answer. They seem to do as they wish without really considering if it's the best path for the patient. Since we missed my surge this month due to not really monitoring me closely enough, I asked about doing a trigger shot and they kind of brushed me off. If I get any answers, I will let you all know.

Posted 11/5/05 9:50 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: A new type of way to wash sperm for IUI

Posted by undercover

Next time I go, I'll inquire about it but I don't hold out too much hope on getting a straight answer. They seem to do as they wish without really considering if it's the best path for the patient. Since we missed my surge this month due to not really monitoring me closely enough, I asked about doing a trigger shot and they kind of brushed me off. If I get any answers, I will let you all know.

I couldn't agree more ! I just put in a request for a hcg shot tomorrow, let's see if they do so. I have been there every single day since Thursday. Yesterday I was there 2 1/2 hours !
I have appts, tomorrow and Monday as's insane. Almost every practice, uses trigger shots whether you surge on your own or not, so they can regulate O. I actually should have had one done today.....

Posted 11/5/05 11:57 AM

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