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Moms of 4-6 month olds

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The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Moms of 4-6 month olds

I know every baby is different, but in order to gear up for my ped visit on Friday I wanted to know what everyone's feeding schedule is like. Logan weighs a lot and the doctor was telling me last time that i needed to cut some calories. I don't think I over feed him at all, but this is my first child. His schedule is somewhere around this: ( the water juice combo is for constipation)

6:30 am 2ounces pear juice/4 ounces water
3-4 tbsp of Barley cereal

8:30-9:00 6 1/2 ounces formula

11:30-12:00 6 1/2 ounces formula

2:30-3:00 6 1/2 ounces formula

6:00 pear juice/water
3-4 tbsp of oatmeal cereal

8:30 7 ounces of formula

Is he eating too much?? He usually goes through a growth spurt at the every month mark where I increase his formula 1/2 ounce. He was eating 4 ounces at three weeks old... so I don't feel like he has been overstuffed. Next week he will be 5 months old.

Posted 5/17/06 9:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Alyson is 4 months old (19 weeks tomorrow).

She has a routine more than a timed schedule:

morning feeding anywhere between 8:30am-10:30am (depends on how late she sleeps)
Cereal...I don't measure, but I try to eyeball it around 4 tbsp and I use about 1-2 oz of formula to make it.

about 30 min later (sometimes longer, sometimes not at all)...the rest of the bottle I used to make the cereal.

lunchtime: a container of babyfood (yes, the whole thing) and either immediately after, or a short while (or not at all) a 7 oz bottle, she usually takes 4-6 oz of it, if she's waited awhile, she'll take more.

4-5ish: 6 oz of a 7 oz bottle, SOMETIMES she'll **** it dry, and sometimes it's as little as 4 oz.

dinnertime (around 6/6:30 when I get home from work) cereal

7-7:30: the remainder of the above bottle

bedtime: falls asleep with above bottle.

anywhere between 3-6am, full bottle...sometimes only 5 or 6 oz, but usually all of it. Then she goes back to sleep Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/06 9:31 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Jacob is 20 weeks and is not on cereal yet at all. He's still on formula. Had an awful experience with the cereal a few weeks back so i am holding off. Not too much longer though as i think he is soooo hungry. Right now he just drinks 6 1/2 to 7 oz of formula every 3 hrs from 7am on. Last bottle is around 6-7pm ish.. and was waking up once during the night for a 5 oz bottle but last night he slept thru without waking.. Prob a fluke! Sorry i'm of no value to you. Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/06 11:15 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Instead of increasing the formula, have you tried starting Veggies or Fruits ?

DS will be 6 months next week...this is how his day goes. He is 19 lbs 4 oz and 28 inches.

6 am- nurses for ~ 7-8 min and back to sleep.

8:15 am - nurses for 10 min and plays

naps then lunch at 11:30 - Veggies 2.5-4 oz depending on his mood

3 pm- nurses for 10-15 min and goes in for a nap

Dinner @ 5:30 - Cereal & Fruit (2.5 oz jar).

Bedtime at 8pm - nurses for 20 + min, until sleeping. Then sleeps most of the time, but may wake around 2:30 am to nurse again shortly.

Posted 5/17/06 11:38 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

I don't think he's eating a lot. My son was eating more at 5 mos old and my ped said it was fine as long as he wasn't going over 32.5 oz of formula I was giving him. At 5 mos, he was drinking 32.5 oz of formula a day (6.5 oz bottle 5 times a day) plus 2.5 tablespoons of cereal (plus 4 tablespoons of formula) TWICE a day and I added a fruit in for lunch (about 2 oz) at 5.5 mos old.
We have recently dropped a few oz of formula. He's now 6 mos old. He now drinks 30 oz of formula a day, cereal 2x a day (3tbs w/4 tbs of formula) and 4 oz of fruit a day. We go to the ped on Friday and I assume he will give us the go ahead for veggies.

His schedule goes like this:

830am: 7.5 oz of formula and cereal

12:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula and fruit

4:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula and cereal

8:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula

I also give him a little water in b/w in his sippy cup.

Message edited 5/18/2006 9:54:28 AM.

Posted 5/18/06 9:52 AM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Thanks for the responses...I'll let you know how it goes.

Posted 5/18/06 8:35 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Posted by pnm1654

His schedule goes like this:

830am: 7.5 oz of formula and cereal

12:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula and fruit

4:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula and cereal

8:30pm: 7.5 oz of formula

I also give him a little water in b/w in his sippy cup.

I wish Aly would go 4 hours! She is STILL eating every 2 1/2-MAYBE 4 hrs. On average it's 3

Posted 5/18/06 9:44 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

I dont think thats alot at all. I think that is just right!

Ryans schedule: (he is almost 4 months)

6am - 6 oz bottle

10am - 6 oz bottle

1pm - 6 oz bottle and a veggie

4pm - 6 oz bottle

8pm - fruit and cereal and a bottle

Posted 5/18/06 10:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

7 am - 8 oz bottle
9:30 am - whole jar of fruit
11 am - 8 oz bottle
2 pm - 8 oz bottle
5 pm - 8 oz bottle
6:30 - cereal and veggie

Jack is going to be 6 months

Posted 5/19/06 7:15 AM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Well at my appointment, my ped said to cut one of the afternoon bottles to 4 ounces when I start veggies. I will play it by ear, I think what I am doing is working. He is just a BIG boy. He was 19 pounds 1 oz and 26 1/2 inches at 20 weeks (8 days before "5 months")Chat Icon My chubba...

Posted 5/20/06 10:47 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Oh yeah...anyone starting a sippy cup? My ds is really good at holding his own bottle when sitting in his high chair. He even tilts it up now to get the last dropChat Icon I was thinking I may try it in the next two weeks.

Posted 5/20/06 10:49 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

Posted by emc

Oh yeah...anyone starting a sippy cup? My ds is really good at holding his own bottle when sitting in his high chair. He even tilts it up now to get the last dropChat Icon I was thinking I may try it in the next two weeks.

Dr didn't mention it to us....she's 19 1/2 weeks. I wonder when we're supposed to and what to put in it

Posted 5/20/06 10:53 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

I am a speech therapist and in one of my books it said 4-6 months old. The "what to expect" book is against sippy cups or, I should say is very conservative about them. My ds already drinks a water juice combo, so I was thinking I would start with that. My ped never mentioned it either. I am the pushy momChat Icon When are you going to speak spanish Logan? You've been watching Dora for a week nowChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/20/06 11:02 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 month olds

We started with a sippy cup last month at 5 mos. He ***** the water out of it but plays with it mostly. He loves it.

Posted 5/21/06 12:12 AM

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