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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
4 weeks left!!!
OMG!!! I have only 4 weeks left until my c-section and we still haven't finished painting the living room forget about even starting the baby's room and our room. They both need to be cleaned out and move furniture around. The baby's room still needs to be painted also!
There's so much to do!!! I do have to report that my DH has been a MUCH bigger help than the last post I had about him. The living room is just taking a lot longer to get done than I had hoped. But between both of us working 2 jobs I guess you can expect that to happen. At least we are about 80% done with the living room and hope to get the bedrooms worked on this weekend.
What if the baby comes early??? My dogs are acting funny. They're both all of a sudden jumping into bed with me at night to sleep. I've been going to bed before my DH. There wouldn't be room for all of us otherwise.
Anyone else have a lot to do???
Posted 8/15/06 2:58 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: 4 weeks left!!!
I "thought" your baby was measuring big? Are they still going for your due date or do they think the baby will come before. Not to burst your bubble but GET MOVING....this baby can be here in less then 4 weeks How big did they say it is now?
Posted 8/15/06 4:57 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: 4 weeks left!!!
You are soooo close!
Posted 8/15/06 4:59 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: 4 weeks left!!!
The baby is measuring at least 3 weeks bigger. My DD is 9/20 but they're doing the c-section on 9/12. With Caiden he came 5 days before my DD, I'm thinking this one will be coming before 5 days and I think before the scheduled c-section. But, I could be wrong!
The living room is almost done. I did some more painting last night. I can only seem to do a little every night. More on the weekends of course. I am definitely going to be working on cleaning the rooms out this weekend. I still think this baby is going to come on my birthday, 9/7. It's going to be a full moon! If not, that's fine with me, but it's just a feeling!
I don't know how big he is now. I don't have another growth sono until 8/31 at 37 weeks. The last one I had was at 27 weeks and he was about 3 lbs. then. I'll keep you updated!
Posted 8/16/06 8:48 AM |
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