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Another prenatal question...sorry

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Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

2241 total posts


Another prenatal question...sorry

I was prescribed prenate vitamins from my family Dr. while TTC and they were OK. When I found out I was PG, the OBGYN said get rid of those and take the Prima Care vitamins - they are 2 a day. The evening pill makes me feel disgusting so I told the Dr. last week what I should do (it was different Dr. than the one that prescribed them), and she said go back to prenate.

I was just wondering what would make one so much better than the other for the OBGYN to change my exsiting prescription (paid too - 3 months = $65.00)

Posted 2/27/06 9:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Another prenatal question...sorry

I can't picture one vitamin being better than another only which one doesn't make you feel gross.

That is a lot of money for vitamins and 2 a day is a pain.

I would finish up what you bought and then switch back. But do whatever makes you feel better.

I'm sure any prenatal will do, since we found out a lot of people don't even take them.

Posted 2/27/06 9:55 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Another prenatal question...sorry

The difference between Prima Care vitamins and other prescribed prenatal is tha the Prima Care have fatty acids in them that aren't found in other prenatals. The most important things is to make sure you get enough folic acid. Take the prenatals that make your feel the best.

Posted 2/27/06 9:59 AM

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