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Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
My Mother in Law...
Found out on St. Patrick's Day that she has Shingles.She had it for a week without knowing it, and she was around Jacob during that week!! So I had called the Ped last friday to let him know and he just said to watch him for any signs. Now tonight as i was taking his clothes off for his bath i noticed a RASH all over his torso and on his upper arms. I am freaking out. He doesnt have a fever and doesnt seem to be uncomfortable from it, but i have to take him to the ped first thing in the morn!!!! I am hoping it is just an ordinary skin rash... With all his other issues, I will just DIE if he has it!!!!!!!! Wish me luck....
Posted 3/20/06 9:21 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
and for your MIL who is certainly guilt-ridden...
Posted 3/20/06 9:23 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
It seems a tad bit early..
My Dad had shingles it started showing up a few weeks prior to our wedding.. talk about stressful. And it affected his face. It's really painful for him and he looked like a monster and had to wear makeup for our wedding. Luckily no one got it and we all lived with him, shared a bathroom.. etc! I hope it's nothing and just a rash..
Prayers for you, the baby and your MIL (I know how terrible my Dad felt, he got it from a cateract surgery)
Posted 3/20/06 9:29 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
I was under the impression shingles is usually on the torso but on one side, along a nerve -- wouldn't it manifest itself as chicken pox?
Posted 3/20/06 9:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
Posted by nrthshgrl
I was under the impression shingles is usually on the torso but on one side, along a nerve -- wouldn't it manifest itself as chicken pox?
It can be anywhere. My Dad's was on his face around his eye. Dh's cousin had it once on her back.
Posted 3/20/06 9:48 PM |
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Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: My Mother in Law...
Posted 3/20/06 11:05 PM |
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Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
Praying that he doesn't get it. I'm sure your MIL feels just awful about this. I also hope she gets well soon. Shingles is not fun.
Posted 3/20/06 11:08 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
I hope all is fine. Don't worry to much, I know easier said than done.
When Andrew was born, my MIL came to visit us in the hospital. She called the next day to say she couldn't come that day because she was giong to the doc. She calls me that night to tell me she has shingels. Andrew was less than a day old when she had contact with him and everything was fine. My doc assured me that my immunity was passed on to him, so I should just pay attention and not worry!
Posted 3/20/06 11:09 PM |

Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
Fingers crossed that Jacob doesn't get it!!!!!!!!
Posted 3/21/06 8:46 AM |
Live in the Present

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: Dannielle
Re: My Mother in Law...
I hope Litle Jacob doesn't get chicken pox/shingles.
Posted 3/21/06 9:03 AM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: My Mother in Law...
Posted 3/21/06 9:11 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: My Mother in Law...
Any update?
Posted 3/21/06 9:11 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: My Mother in Law...
OMG I hope he is ok and its just a rash please keep us updated when you get back from the doc.
Posted 3/21/06 10:13 AM |