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Parents Moving

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I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Parents Moving

This is the last week my parents will be in their house-the one I was raised in and they have lived in for 30 years!

I am so sad! It's my mother's bday tomorrow and I will be going to LI-but I cant believe it will be the last time I sleep in "My House"

What's funny is that I went away to school-stayed in CT -bought a house-got married-and I still say, "Going Home" when referring to Long Island...

My parents are not going far-its not that...its the memories in the house!

Anyone ever experience something like this-how did you deal?

Posted 9/5/06 4:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Parents Moving

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I'm sorry.... I know I will feel the same way when my parents move out of their house....

Posted 9/5/06 4:03 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Parents Moving

I am going thru it now- but with a twist- we lost my Mom 2 years ago- so I think it makes it even harder

my Dad moved to florida 2 weeks ago
the house is about to be closed on

I was so over come with emotion the last time I was there- I cried the whole drive back to my house- my eyes are welling up with tears now just thinking about it

I don't have any advice on how to deal- but I know how you feel - and it's very hard

I wish the new family has the great life that we had in that house

they even said we could visit it- but I don't think I can even drive past it

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Posted 9/5/06 4:07 PM

Totally in love

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Re: Parents Moving

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for you.

I wish them well in their new home!

Posted 9/5/06 4:12 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Parents Moving

I have yet to experience this, but when I do I know it won't be pretty.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 4:22 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Parents Moving

My parents are selling the house I grew up in, so I will soon be feeling the same Chat Icon

And although their new place is gorgeous, and still on LI, I just can't imagine driving past *my* house and not being able to go in...

Posted 9/5/06 4:25 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Parents Moving

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Posted 9/5/06 4:49 PM

My Happy Girl

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Re: Parents Moving

Chat Icon Chat Icon for parents plan on selling the house i grew up in soon too...I'm sure when it happens i will feel the exact same way

Posted 9/5/06 5:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents Moving

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am sorry=I can't imagine how hard that is for you!Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 5:06 PM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Parents Moving

When my parents sold their house in Queens, I was happy. I lived there from the age of 5 to 24 (when I got married). But my parents sold that house to move 5 blocks away from me in LI. SO it was cool. But it was very weird seeing the house packed up and empty. I got a little emotional, but I was already out of the house for 6 years at that point.
Now the next move might be my family (me, DH and our kids) and my parents (again). This time to move to North Carolina. Time will tell.

Posted 9/5/06 6:08 PM


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Re: Parents Moving

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Posted 9/5/06 6:12 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: Parents Moving

Posted by july06bride

What's funny is that I went away to school-stayed in CT -bought a house-got married-and I still say, "Going Home" when referring to Long Island...

I do the same thing. I've been a CT resident for 5 years, and in many ways, I still think of LI/my parents' house as my "home."

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Posted 9/5/06 6:42 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Parents Moving

I know how you feel. My parents moved to FLorida 3 years ago. I am still trying to deal with it.

Posted 9/5/06 6:43 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: Parents Moving

My parents moved 10 years ago and I felt awful. I cried for days.

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Posted 9/5/06 9:13 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Parents Moving

I am here at the LI house- I was suppossed to come this morning- but I couldnt stand it anymore- I came last night! Its sad-everything is packed up and empty and its rough! plus, my moms last bday in the houseChat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 10:45 AM

My two miracles!

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Re: Parents Moving

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I have not experienced it just yet but know i will be within the next year or so. It is going to be so tough especially considering DH & I bought 2 miles from my parents. I always lived in my parents house & still refer to it as "home" even though I have my own home now! What makes matters worse, my parents will be moving 425 miles away from me & I will only see them every month or so. I know it is the best thing for my parents especially considering my dad is retired & the financial burden to live on LI for them, is very hard.

I might be selfish though & just don't want them to go. My mom & I are best friends & it is going to be so difficult to not be able to go see her in the drop of a hat. Plus all the memories in my parents house will just be that! NO bringing my children to see my old stomping grounds! It is sad, but I guess we all need to deal with it at some point!

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Posted 9/6/06 10:56 AM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


Re: Parents Moving

Message edited 5/26/2007 10:33:53 AM.

Posted 9/6/06 12:50 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Parents Moving When my parents sold my house it was HORRIBLE!!

They moved in January of 2005, DH (then FH) and I went out and spent the night before out there and helped them get stuff out of the house.

Then we left and I sobbed so hard, and it was just sobbing. I couldn't control it. I cried the hardest that I have ever cried in my life. DH was shocked to hear me cry like that...but it was where I grew up, I was came home from the hospital to that house, came home from college to was HOME to me.

So, basically, I know how you feelChat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 1:31 PM

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