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Working out.......pregnant

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Working out.......pregnant

how many of you are working out - and what is your routine like? I am hard on myself and feel lazy when I don't go!

Posted 1/4/06 3:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Working out.......pregnant

I am not - but dying to go back, I need someone to tell me what I can do and can't

Posted 1/4/06 3:20 PM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I do. It's been really hard this past 2 weeks because I feel so horrible. I walk a lot so that helps as well. I stopped running (even though they say you can) and do only non-impact cardio at the gym. I also do weights, but made sure they aren't too heavy that I'm struggling.

The general rule is if you worked out before you can continue your rotinue, but just to maintain. They say you shouldn't add weight or up your cardio. If you didn't work out before you should do light excerise like walking, swimming etc.

Hope that helps.

Posted 1/4/06 3:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

Hi Smith!!! how often do you go during the week?

Posted 1/4/06 3:27 PM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

well when i'm not sick i aim for the gym at least 3 days a week. That's my goal and anything over that is a plus, but honestly I haven't been doing much these past 2 weeks. I feel lazy but know that my body needs to rest. I will get back to the gym when I feel better. On the days I feel ok, I take a nice long walk with my dog and I also walk 15 mins each way to work.

I totally know how your feeling. I've never layed around so much in my life. I talk to my friends who have kids and they say the same thing, when you're body needs rest listen to it.

Posted 1/4/06 3:31 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I just hurt my wrist- so no workout for me this week- but I aim for cardio (bike, elliptical, treadmill walking), 3-4 times a week and I take total body conditioning classes twice a week.

Posted 1/4/06 3:50 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I am about 9 weeks. I used to work out all the time before getting pg. Now- I am sick all the time. I feel miserable. I can barely make it through the work day.

Do what you can when you feel up to it. Try not to be so hard on yourself-I'll try and do the same thing. Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 4:17 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I'm 20 weeks and go to the gym 4 -5 times a week, just like always. I do the same routine that I usually do, except I don't go as heavy on the weights and I wear a heart rate monitor so that my heart rate doesn't get too high.
I do 30 minutes of weight training and then 30 minutes of cardio.

And actually, I'm off to the gym right now! Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 4:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I used to work out around 3-5 times a week for years. I stopped when we did IVF because they told me it was dangerous while stimming. Now that I'm 6w4days pg I think I will wait until after the first trimester to do anything. I feel like I worked so hard to get here I just don't want to do anything to jeopardize it. Plus the m/s and respitory infection I caught I can't even think about going to the gym.

Posted 1/4/06 5:24 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Working out.......pregnant

I miss working out Chat Icon I would do a morning yoga routine and also walk a few times per week. I stopped due to some compications early on and now am too tired all the time to do anything Chat Icon I do intend to go back to it as soon as I can!

Posted 1/6/06 8:34 AM

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