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Angelina offends Brad's mom

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LIF Toddler

Member since 11/05

463 total posts


Angelina offends Brad's mom

Anyone hear about this one:

Ange offends Brad's mum
30 August 2006

Angelina Jolie reportedly offended Brad Pitt's mother by drinking at son Maddox's fifth birthday party.

Brad's family flew in from their hometown in Missouri to visit granddaughter Shiloh Nouvel but allegedly left early because they were unhappy with her behaviour at the party.

Angelina is said to have barely acknowledged Brad's family and upset his mum, Jane, by having an open bar at the bash.

Neither of Brad's parents drink and they didn't approve of Angelina drinking around her and Brad's children and the other youngsters at the party.

A source told America's Star magazine: "They were the only ones not drinking and it was uncomfortable for them. To Jane, drinking is unhealthy, and she thought Angelina was intoxicated.

"Things were very tense that weekend, and they left with an even worse impression of Angelina than before. They think she is tactless and doesn't consider other peoples feelings."

The Pitt family allegedly cut their trip short after just two days, leaving on the day of the party.

-Bang! Showbiz

Posted 8/31/06 1:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Angelina offends Brad's mom

If she didn't acknowledge their presence, thats one thing.

But to disapprove of drinking in front of children? She needs to get off her high horse. Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/06 1:43 PM

The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06

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Re: Angelina offends Brad's mom

They need to give Angelina a break. What is so wrong if she was drinking? Is Angelina a child? Please, Brad's parents need to get a life.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/06 3:36 PM

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