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Good Day/Bad day today. UH!!

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Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Good Day/Bad day today. UH!!

My day started out on a great high. The manager is going on vacation next week and he left me in charge. He said next week I am the manager and any issues that would have been addressed to him will be addressed to me. He said I earned it and deserve it.

What a great high!!

Then at 6pm comes the ultimate low. I booked a ticket for a lady on June 3. I spent 30 min on the ticket and had the floor supervisor as well as another agent with me helping me b/c it was an international ticket. I recapped everything with her and she oked everything. She was happy about the ticket. She gets her itinerary the next day and then waits a week to call us and tell us we made a mistake on her ticket. we booked her on the wrong times. She starts getting nasty with the person she was talking too then was talking to another supervisor and she got nasty with him. She had her brother call and complain which again got her no where.

Well the brother called again today saying how we are liars and theives. How the person who booked his sisters flight is wrong and that his sister should not be penalized for our mistake. My supervisor told the brother he was with me and he remembers everything that happened because of the type of ticket and the situation. My supervisor told the brother the call was on speaker phone and the agent had support with her. Both individuals sitting with the person who did the booking have been doing this for over 20 years respectively would let the agent get away with not recapping the itinerary. One especially being a supervisor. The brother demanded the transcripts of the conversation.
All of this is documented in our notes and in the record locator. And the brother still insists its our error.

So this person is wanting to change her ticket and not pay any fees associated with the change so is blaming us for all the errors.

The supervisor told me dont worry I have your back on this one. I know what is right and I'll make sure it is taken care of.

One of the other agents told me dont worry stuff like this happens all the time and we just deal with it. Roll with the punches.

It just gets me so angry and makes me feel like I am not doing my job correctly when I know I am

Posted 6/15/05 7:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Good Day/Bad day today. UH!!

I am a travel agent too so I can understand. If you have everything documented in your notes and in the pnr, don't worry. Especially since your supervisor said not to worry, he has your back. Did you ever discuss different times? Another common problem is when you verify the spelling of a name and then weeks go by and they call to say "Oh my real name is Kim not Kimberly like you have on the ticket" Chat Icon

Posted 6/15/05 8:31 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Good Day/Bad day today. UH!!


Yea I have everything documented in the PNR especially the general remarks about recapping everything with the client and the client ok-ing everything. We discussed about 5 different times and fares before she made her final decision on which flight she wanted. My question: why wait so long to notify us?

Plus the supervisor was with me when I did the ticket. It just really urks me how far she is taking this.

Another problem we have is people who use their middle names as their first names and dont tell us this till after the ticket is issued and call to complain "thats not how it appears on my drivers license" Chat Icon

Welcome to the world of travel Chat Icon

Message edited 6/15/2005 8:43:39 PM.

Posted 6/15/05 8:40 PM

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