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How much gas is normal....

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


How much gas is normal....

DD is 1 month today but seems like she has more gas lately - wakes up almost always with it Chat Icon I'm BF and she gets 1 supplement bottle.

Posted 5/24/06 9:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

could be her system changing during a growth spurt--we went through that here.

Posted 5/24/06 9:11 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

any tips on helping them?

Posted 5/24/06 9:21 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

have you tried the gas relief drops?
do you notice that maybe after the formula bottle it's better or worse?
I was pumping for supplemental to the formula bottles and when I stopped even the 1 bottle of BM a day, it got a little better.

But she grew out of it mostly....still has some...and it's usually at night

Posted 5/24/06 9:22 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

used Mylicon last night - can't really tell if it helps - I will try again today - how often should I use it?

Posted 5/24/06 9:31 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

you can't overdose on can use it as often as every 2 hrs.

Posted 5/24/06 9:35 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

gripe water helped Jacob some... good luck!

Posted 5/24/06 9:54 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

Babies are notorious for having gas. My daughter was the fussiest of them all for 4 months because of bad gas - here are some tips I gave to another new parent a few weeks ago:

1- Use the swing. The movement distracts baby from the gas pains. Alex didn't take to the swing at first, but after a few weeks it was the only place she would sleep and/or nap.

2 - baby carrier. Keep baby close to you. It helps comfort them when they are uncomfortable and helps with napping. In the beginning, the only way I could get Alex to sleep was to put her in her baby carrier and walk on the treadmill on the lowest setting.

3 - Use a bassinet. In the beginning Alex didn't nap well in the crib, I think because it was so big. We bought a small bassinet that had a vibrate option on it, and had white noise on it as well. I do remember times when I would put her in there and she would actually sleep

4 - Use Mylicon consistently. It won't work when you use it sporadically.

5 - If her gas is very bad, try to let her sleep on her side. On the left side - I read an article about how laying on your left side allows trapped gas bubbles to travel out. I would rock Alex on her side and push her legs up to a fetal position - it often helped.

6 - Pump her legs like a bicycle to get out the gas.

7 - do the superman hold. This was one of the only things that worked with Alex when she was super fussy. DH would hold her on his forearm. Her head face down in the palm of his hand, her butt towards his elbow, with her tummy laying flat against his forearm. The pressure against her tummy helped ease the gas discomfort. If he walked around the house with her in that position, she would often fall asleep.

8 - Stroller/car ride. Again, the movement helps baby become distracted from the discomfort.

That's all I can think of for now!! Good luck and it WILL get better!

Posted 5/24/06 10:11 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

you guys are great!!! thank you

Posted 5/24/06 10:22 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: How much gas is normal....

Thanks for posting this KAS! I had the same question. Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/06 10:48 AM

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