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what do i do about my job dilema?

Forum Opinion Poll
quit now and waitress 10 41.67%
wait to find something else 14 58.33%

Job ?...sorry long

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Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Job ?...sorry long

I have been miserable for some time now at my job. At first I thought it was because I was pregnant and over I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything drastic while I was Pregnant...I would wait things out to see if things went back to normal after I had the baby. Well the baby is now 14 months old...and the job is worse than ever.

I'm working more and more hours...and not getting paid anything extra for it, because I am salaried. I have less time with my baby which is not acceptable...he is only a baby once. I am miserable just at the thought of coming to work. I spend most of sunday night with chest pains because I'm thinking about Monday morning.

my question I stay at this job until I can find something else? or do I give my notice and maybe waitress until something better comes along?


Posted 9/26/05 2:10 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

Start looking now, when you find someone give notice and maybe take some time for yourself. I wouldnt quit until you have something else lined up though.

Posted 9/26/05 2:14 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

I also think you should find something first. It might take a long time to find something else. At least while you have this job, you can choose the job instead of settling for something because you need to take it.
Good luck!

Posted 9/26/05 2:18 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

Message edited 6/27/2006 6:30:05 PM.

Posted 9/26/05 2:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

733 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

If it's THAT hard to bethere....then it's time to go...BUT I would say have something to fall back on before you leave (UNLESS you can afford not to)

Posted 9/26/05 2:25 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

I know that I could make up the $$ I make here by waiting tables...not glamerous...and kind of a step backward....but my DH can carry us on his benefits...and he is getting promoted next I oculd even aford to earn a little less than I make now.

DH and I agree that no matter what I am leaving before the new year....but each day that goes by I am more convinced that I will have a nervous breakdown before then.

Posted 9/26/05 2:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

733 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

If you timed it until the end of the got PLENTY of time to get a new job!

And believe it or not...I made GREAT $$$$$ when I was a cocktail waitress...all cash in my's not as easy as some may think....long hours on your feet and heavy trays to carry...but like I said-clear cash AND a pay check!Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/05 2:32 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

Definitley start looking now! Your health is 1,0000000% more important than a dam stressful job!
Good Luck to you!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/05 8:23 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Job ?...sorry long

I know how you feel..esp the chest pains part - i get that every day!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree you should get something else before you about temping? This way maybe there will be weeks where you work 5 days and other where you only work a few..and you most likely won't have to do any OT....can you go on your husband's benefits?
Maybe an office job like at a doctor's office that opens early?

What do you do now?

Posted 9/26/05 9:40 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: Job ?...sorry long

i felt the same way at my old job Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i got out of there as fast as i could BUT i made sure i got another job first. hoenstly, if you make the decision to get out of there ASAP, ad put your mind to it- you WILL find something to replace it. I know it $ucks, But i really feel like you will be mor emotivated to get a new job if you stay there, and that may speed up the process, and i also feel like employers tend to hire people that are currently working than those that have been out of the force for some time (just from what i've seen around me Chat Icon )

Good luck.!!! Better times are on their way!!
Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/05 9:46 PM

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