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Moms who work and BF

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Moms who work and BF

What happens when you go back to work? When my little one comes, I will have 12 weeks plus some vacation time off. What do you do when you go back to work? Do you stop BFing and change to formula? Do you pump at work?


Posted 3/10/06 11:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms who work and BF

You can totally pump, there is not reason to use formula just because you're going back to work.

Posted 3/10/06 12:03 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

I pumped at the office & would bring the bag of breast milk home on the train. Medela Pump & Style comes with w travel kit & ice packs.

I have an office I can do it in. Depending on your type of job, you just make the decision whether or not you think it's feasible to continue. Your job should accomodate your needs, but sometimes this isn't realistic (ie if you are at clients all day).

Months later, I needed to supplement with formula, still pumped during the day. Then eventually went to bf'ing in the am & pm only.

Posted 3/10/06 12:20 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Moms who work and BF

I pump 2x a day at work . I am in a cube but there is always an empty office someowhere ont he floor where ai can sneak into. It;s totally doable!Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/06 12:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

I have my own office so I close the door and pump twice a day. I brought a mini-fridge for my office so I keep the milk there during the day and bring it home in the Medela ice pack on the train. I'm an attorney and I managed to pump for 3+ months, so it can be done!

Posted 3/10/06 12:55 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Moms who work and BF

There is a GREAT book Nursing Mother/Working Mother.

You 100% can be a bfing mother while working.
You need to get yourself a high quality pump, Pump In Style or Pump In Style Advance. You should begin to get your body used to pumping 2-3 weeks prior to going back to work as well as getting the baby used to drinking his/her BM from a bottle during the day. Begin a routine. I can help you with pumping if you need. Just let me know.

Posted 3/10/06 2:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

I just started back at work 3 weeks ago and I am still BFing
My little guy was 6 months when I went back so we also started him on some solids.
I feed him in the morning before I leave and then right when I get home.
I Pump 2x a day in my boss's office.
I need to start pumping at home too!!

best of luck

Posted 3/10/06 2:59 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

I pump 2 x at work and before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning to have enough milk for Justin. I have been pumping at work since July and my last day will be April 7th. Justin will be a year old on April 9 and then I BF him for a year. I reached my goal then and will continie to BF him when we are together until we mutually decide to stop.
Pumping at work is a pain but I am very proud of myself!

Posted 3/10/06 3:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

Great work Dawnie,
My goal is to pump until Michael is a Year too but thats not until August.
I hope I can make it

Posted 3/10/06 3:56 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Moms who work and BF

Posted by berlykim22

Great work Dawnie,
My goal is to pump until Michael is a Year too but thats not until August.
I hope I can make it

You will!
I had to supplement a little bit about just before 10 months because I am not the biggest producer. I cried for 2 days but now I am not as stressed knowing at least I give him mostly breastmilk. We are going to try to start giving him a little whole milk tomorrow. My baby is getting so big!

Posted 3/10/06 4:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: Moms who work and BF

I am not the biggest producer myself,
I need to start pumping more,
its hard at work cause who wants to waste valuable time pumping especially when you can hang out with your baby!!!
but I am going to do more, starting this weekend.
good luck with the whole milk

Posted 3/10/06 4:47 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: Moms who work and BF

is it possible to BF in the morning & evening & use formula (not pump) during the daytime feedings? will the BM dry up without pumping? i have a while to go (still pg), but i know that pumping at work will be too difficult for me.

eta: i will return to work when the baby is 6 months old.

Message edited 3/10/2006 7:15:42 PM.

Posted 3/10/06 7:07 PM

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