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Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

I need some new ideas please. So far this is what Sidney eats...

Breakfast: pancake made with banana and rice flour (actually really good) and chopped up pears.

Lunch: Rice pasta spirals, avocado, and peaches

Dinner: Sweet potato and string beans or peas

She also gets rice puffs during the day. (yes lots of rice and she has been getting constipated so I have been giving her prune/water juice with breakfast.

Her allergist says not to start meat till 12 months!!!! I swear this poor kid is aching for a real meal.

To make things worse she seems to not be able to handle wheat that well so we cut that out and will bring back later. So I know there are not many choices for us left but if anyone has some ideas please share!!!


Posted 5/28/06 10:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

anyone?? Emilain you around? Chat Icon

Posted 5/30/06 5:27 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

My dd has severe milk and egg allergies, so I tend to make most of her foods from scratch.....I find milk is the easier of the two, since I just substitute soymilk for any recipe that calls for reg. milk. Have you tried that with foods?

Emily is older (22 mths) but she's on a pretty typical diet now....

b- homemade waffles with flax seed and blueberries

l - soy yogurt, toast with Fleischman's Unsalted butter (milk free) or avocado

d - chicken, beef, veggie, pasta, bread, etc

Posted 5/30/06 7:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

Thanks for responding. I also forgot to add that she has a soy allergy also!!!!

I'm just so frustrated cause I feel like I can't give her anything. Dr. wants us to wait till 1 year for meats, can't do the soy yogurt, and would love to give toast but it all has wheat in it (unless anyone knows of some wheat, milk, soy free bread....yeah right!!!)

Also, not sure about the blueberries....when are you supposed to be able to intriduce berries?? I thought they were highly allergenic?


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Posted 5/30/06 9:03 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

not sure about the berries...but she had them each in her yogurt at around 1 yr and luckily she is okay with all fruits so far.

The best way to avoid these things is to bake all your foods at home - so you know exactly what ingredients are in everything. You can sub flour for wheat and bake breads, although I know how much of a PITA it is.

Are you just avoiding wheat for now or does she have an actual allergy to wheat as well?

Posted 5/30/06 10:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

Are you just avoiding wheat for now or does she have an actual allergy to wheat as well?

Just avoiding for now cause when I gave it to her at around 9 months she had the worst gas ever...she would wiggle her hips in my lap while she was nursing. I cut out the wheat and she got better. Could just be cooincidence or it was just too early for her. Hopefully it won't be a prob but the doc said to wait till 1 year.

I guess I should buy a bread maker Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/06 3:34 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

359 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

you can buy gluten free bread and other gluten free products online and alot of health food stores carry it now. like whole foods and some times trader joes

Posted 5/31/06 9:19 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Need table food ideas for milk free babies...

Talk to your dr. - My dr. told me that cooked berries are ok - but not maybe that is another option for you?

How about fish? I see fish in more and more kids cookbooks.

Posted 5/31/06 9:28 PM

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