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Weight gain question

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Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Weight gain question

Does anyone else get offended when people ask you how much weight you've gained so far? I always feel like saying its none of your business. Usually when people ask me, I either ignore them (because i am constantly being emailed this question by DH's aunt) or say I'm not keeping track.

Posted 7/11/06 4:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Re: Weight gain question

now that i think about it....i haven't been asked. weird huh?

Posted 7/11/06 4:58 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

I don't know if anyone has come out and ask me yet but I have gotten the "You look like you didn't gain any weight at all" - hinting for me to tell. I have to admit my first 16 weeks I was all proud blabbing - I only gained 3 lbs. Now I'm completely closed mouth!! Chat Icon Those are good responses though, thanks!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 4:59 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

People do ask me, but it's been mostly friends so I don't find it offensive.

Posted 7/11/06 5:10 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Weight gain question

only one of my best friends has asked. if it were anyone else, i wouldn't answer! i'd find it very rude!!

Posted 7/11/06 5:15 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Weight gain question

I get asked a lot but mainly because I was very thin before pg and I think they are in shock that I've gained weight!

Posted 7/11/06 5:16 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

luckily people dont really ask me the weight gain question, but they did comment up until a few weeks ago that I was "barely showing" ... which made me wonder if they thought I just looked chubby and not preggo Chat Icon

I've had a serious weight gain and growth spurt the past 2-3 weeks so now I'm getting the opposite comments, such as "wow,you got BIG" Chat Icon

It's always something Chat Icon

Message edited 7/11/2006 5:35:42 PM.

Posted 7/11/06 5:34 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

Uggg! My Dh's aunt asked me that the other day right after she said, "wow you're big for 5 months." I wanted to smack her. I just said, "Actually my size is quite normal and I'm not discussing my weigth gain."

Posted 7/11/06 5:55 PM

My lil Princess... ;)

Member since 7/06

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Re: Weight gain question

I completely understand you I think I was like 5 months and people were asking me if I was having twins.
I am currently 7 1/2 months and gain about 50 lbs. I gained 70 lbs with my son.

Some people gain alot of weight during Pregnancy some people dont.

Some advise enjoy every moment .
Some people are so stupied and have nothing else to say.

I sometimes reply to the stupied people making comments about my weight
I gain what I gain and I hope my baby is healthy and has all 10 fingers and toes

Posted 7/11/06 11:19 PM

Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

2241 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

A close friend asked and she was the only one, that I did not mind at all, if someone else asked besides my mom or something I think I would be ****** !

Posted 7/12/06 8:02 AM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

i got asked again last night by my friends DH how much i've gained. i said thats none of your business!!!

Posted 7/14/06 7:12 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

so far no one has asked me that. I guess maybe b/c I popped and my boobs are huge, that is where I gained only. Everywhere else Im the same, so I guess in their eyes I really havent gained much to ask.

Posted 7/14/06 9:39 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

I hate it! The only one who has asked me is my MIL who has not seen me yet (she lives in Florida) she always tells me she gained 17 punds with her kids and tells me to watch out and just work out right after the baby is born and I despise it. My DH is actually going to tell her off when she comes in for a visit! YEAH!!!

Posted 7/14/06 10:24 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Weight gain question

I am not embaressed yet bc it is only 1 pound at 20 weeks...not bad with MS. BUT then comes in the other weight comments like ooooh you are carrying all around or oh your all belly etc.... SHUT UP already!

Posted 7/14/06 10:25 AM

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