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What do you use for diaper rash?

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Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


What do you use for diaper rash?

Aside from having a runny nose and slight fever, my little guy has diaper rash!Chat Icon I've tried butt paste, a&d, desitin, corn starch, warm bath, warm washcloth and I'm at my wit's end! Chat Icon

Any suggestions?

Posted 3/17/06 5:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Try mixing aquaphor and maalox together. Its a little messy but the maalox will blend in the aquaphor. You can mix a batch.

Posted 3/17/06 5:05 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

I always used balmex.

Kevin came home from the hospital with a bad rash and my dr gave me this suggest - using a hair dryer on a low setting or airing it out - meaning no diaper.

I did the no diaper, tushie up but that was easy since he was only a week old at the time...may not work for your baby. I did that combined with the Balmex as thick as possible - dr said like I was frosting a cake! It really dried it up fast. I never resorted to the hair dryer. (this is all per Dr Peter)

Message edited 3/17/2006 5:06:05 PM.

Posted 3/17/06 5:05 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Posted by Niecey

I always used balmex.

Kevin came home from the hospital with a bad rash and my dr gave me this suggest - using a hair dryer on a low setting or airing it out - meaning no diaper.

I did the no diaper, tushie up but that was easy since he was only a week old at the time...may not work for your baby. I did that combined with the Balmex as thick as possible - dr said like I was frosting a cake! It really dried it up fast. I never resorted to the hair dryer. (this is all per Dr Peter)

Never heard of the Maalox mix. Chat Icon I'm desperate, tho!

Denise... I ran out of Balmex w/ Sean's last "boo boo tushie".Chat Icon I'll get some more tonight. Gotta love Dr. Peter. Chat Icon

I'm surprised nothing is working so far. Poor guy. I'll let him stay nekkid as long as possible tonight. Chat Icon

Thanks ladies!

Posted 3/17/06 5:11 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Have you tried Triple Paste? they sell it in CVS, and might be behind the RX counter (but it is not a RX) and I've heard its really good. I hope he feels better soon Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/06 5:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

for a little redness, balmex or whatevger aI have around - if it's really bad, always triple paste.

Posted 3/17/06 6:41 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Posted by monkeybride

Try mixing aquaphor and maalox together. Its a little messy but the maalox will blend in the aquaphor. You can mix a batch.

I mix maalox (original) with the original desitin and it works amazing. It seems that when Alex is cutting a tooth, he gets a horrible diaper rash and this works really well.

Posted 3/17/06 6:57 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Boudreaux's Butt Paste always works for us. The butt has to be dry first though, and just a thin layer of paste.

Posted 3/17/06 7:09 PM

Life is good!

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

I use balmex unless it looks bad, then I use butt paste. She never really had it bad though, just a little red a few times.

Posted 3/17/06 7:22 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Between months 1-2 Emily got a lot of bad diaper rashes and it turns out that the only thing that would clear them up was Nystatin cream. You might want to have the doctor look at it and make sure it isn't something that needs a prescription and is just regular old diaper rash.

Posted 3/17/06 7:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

We use Triple paste. It is on the expensive side but it will last you forever...

Posted 3/17/06 7:38 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

use zinc oxide. just plain zinc oxide. it works like a charm.

Posted 3/17/06 7:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

I use TRIPLE PASTE for rashes. I swear by it! within one application, the rash goes away. I actually found out about this while working in daycare for 5 years. Its like miracle paste! Desitin is good for preventing rashes but if the rash is actually there, get the triple paste. I live on long island, and i only know of CVS pharmacy selling it...its hard to find. Its also on the expensive side but well worth every cent! good luck!

Posted 3/17/06 10:10 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Huggies has a Diaper Rash Cream out - farely new product. It has aloe and vit E in it and it works great. I would also suggest, maybe getting a few cloth diapers and use them and keep them on lose or even open kind of. Some times that is what it takes to get it healing.

Posted 3/17/06 10:14 PM

Making big changes

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Usually Balmex does the trick. There was a time once when Christopher's rash wouldn't go away and the doctor had to give a prescription ointment.

Posted 3/18/06 12:24 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Thanks for your responses, ladies. We tried Balmex last night and that seems to be working. Chat Icon I think I'm going to pick up some Triple Paste the next time I'm at CVS just to have in the house!

Thanks again!
Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/06 4:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you use for diaper rash?

Posted by My2Boys

Thanks for your responses, ladies. We tried Balmex last night and that seems to be working. Chat Icon I think I'm going to pick up some Triple Paste the next time I'm at CVS just to have in the house!

Thanks again!
Chat Icon

Glad that's working. If you do have anymore problems do try the triple paste. Costco has it bhind the prescription drug counter and a large jar is about 25.00 ( alot cheaper than a small one at CVS) We have been on prscrition cream and this worked just as well!!!

Posted 3/18/06 10:20 PM

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