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6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

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Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

Is it normal to feel this bad at this point or is something wrong with me.

Okay, I need to hydrate more.. the water is killing me. DH just went out and got me two cases of fruit2o and propell. Hopefully that will help..

But, the swelling... it only started for me in the past few days.. fingers toes feet, ankles. It is awful.

My tummy hurts. Not contractions.. just sore.

I swear I have cervical pain. I don't know if it's that..but, it hurts up there. I get some shooting pains.. like 2 a day and if I bend over or move funny it hurts.
RLP... it's back.

lower back aches..weepiness like crazy!

I am just sooo miserableChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Is this just par for the course in the last few weeks? My midwife is out of town for a another day or two and I go to see her next Tuesday. I could call her partner but, I don't want to be an alarmist.. if this is just normal end of pregnancy stuff....

So does anyone else feel this bad???

Posted 4/21/09 7:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

It is normal to feel pretty crappy towards the end, especially if you are dehydrated at all. It is absolutely KEY to drink lots and lots - I landed in L&D three times for dehydration during my 3rd trimester, and I swore I was drinking enough, even though apparently I wasn't! Chat Icon

Posted 4/21/09 7:55 AM


Member since 1/06

6887 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

Posted by sfp0701

Is it normal to feel this bad at this point or is something wrong with me.

Okay, I need to hydrate more.. the water is killing me. DH just went out and got me two cases of fruit2o and propell. Hopefully that will help..

But, the swelling... it only started for me in the past few days.. fingers toes feet, ankles. It is awful.

My tummy hurts. Not contractions.. just sore.

I swear I have cervical pain. I don't know if it's that..but, it hurts up there. I get some shooting pains.. like 2 a day and if I bend over or move funny it hurts.
RLP... it's back.

lower back aches..weepiness like crazy!

I am just sooo miserableChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Is this just par for the course in the last few weeks? My midwife is out of town for a another day or two and I go to see her next Tuesday. I could call her partner but, I don't want to be an alarmist.. if this is just normal end of pregnancy stuff....

So does anyone else feel this bad???

Tricia, I could have written this post.
I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but this past weekend I was literally in tears because of the back pain. I couldn't take a step without my back throbbing. I also feel like I have a pulled muscle on the left side of my lower abdomen.

When I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, I have to wait, let my back realign and then when I do get up, my stomach feels like a ton of bricks.

Mike thinks it's partly because I can only sleep on my side and it's sort of distorting my spine......

All of this coupled with the fact that I'm anal and a perfectionist does not help. I can't sit still because of my personality but my body is warning me to take it easy.

Posted 4/21/09 8:35 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/09

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

Posted by sfp0701

Is it normal to feel this bad at this point or is something wrong with me.

Okay, I need to hydrate more.. the water is killing me. DH just went out and got me two cases of fruit2o and propell. Hopefully that will help..

But, the swelling... it only started for me in the past few days.. fingers toes feet, ankles. It is awful.

My tummy hurts. Not contractions.. just sore.

I swear I have cervical pain. I don't know if it's that..but, it hurts up there. I get some shooting pains.. like 2 a day and if I bend over or move funny it hurts.
RLP... it's back.

lower back aches..weepiness like crazy!

I am just sooo miserableChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Is this just par for the course in the last few weeks? My midwife is out of town for a another day or two and I go to see her next Tuesday. I could call her partner but, I don't want to be an alarmist.. if this is just normal end of pregnancy stuff....

So does anyone else feel this bad???

WOW! Reading this I thought for a minute you copied my thoughts EXACTLY! THis is my first pregnancy so I am not sure what is "normal" and what isn't but I wanted to offer someChat Icon Chat Icon and say I can TOTALLY relate in regards to the sore tummy!
Some nites I have to wear DH's boxers to bed because the waistband of anything of mine just hurts to even rub against my skin.....
The cervical pain..and again I've never delivered a baby yet but i can also relate...if i bend to give the dogs water I feel like a shooting pain and then sometimes pressure...I am SO afraid the baby is going to come out while I am at home alone!

Posted 4/21/09 9:36 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

the worst I felt in all my PG's was from weeks 5-8. just horrible almost every day. Thankfully it does get better! Chat Icon

Posted 4/21/09 9:37 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

I was literally crippled the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy(and I delivered at 35.5 weeks!) I felt like a wishbone being stretched. My inner thighs were so sore, my back was killing me, my feet ached and it would take me 10 mintues to walk down the stairs in the morning. Luckily as soon as you deliver you start feeling better!

Posted 4/21/09 9:49 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

Im with you...

I have good days, but boy do the bad ones S U C K!!!

I feel huge, and I get so fustrated when I cant move the way I want too...

I feel like my skin is at its stretched capacity and my crotch is killing me... Forget the pressure... its actually sore as if I just got done pushing out a baby...

I had a few bad weeks of swelling, but it looks like that has calmed down a bit... (Im drinking LOTS of water and stop wearing heals)

The only thing thats saving me is I am sleeping good (when I use the body pillow that is)...

With my first- I felt a bit more uncomfy (just itchy) - but I was getting to rest everyday after work...and well now I often wonder what REST really isChat Icon

Posted 4/21/09 12:03 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

OMG.. Reading your responses made me want to cry. Thank god I am not the only one feeling THIS bad!!!!!

42 days.. 42 days... It just seems so long!!!

Posted 4/21/09 3:41 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

8346 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

I've been pretty much in the same boat. People i work with keep telling me it's because of the change in the weather. You know how sometimes with somepeople can predict rain due to their arthritis. Chat Icon
Hopefully it will go away soon and you will feel better.

Posted 4/21/09 3:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1075 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

I am so with you!!! I have 5 weeks to go and its terrible!!! The back, the crotch, the thighs, the peeing etc.....
I even went to L&D yesterday to get checked out--All I can say is we just have to hang in there-we are almost done and we will soon have our lil babies in our arms!!!

Posted 4/21/09 3:49 PM


Member since 6/06

1056 total posts


Re: 6 weeks out.. Am I supposed to feel THIS bad?

Wow, I could have written this post myself as well. I have 4 weeks to go and I'm miserable. My back hurts so much, I can barely walk. My legs, ankles and feet are so swollen it's hard to walk. Sleeping is not comfortable and the pee breaks are driving me insane! I just try to keep telling myself I'll have DD in a little while, and then I'll be wishing I was PG again. Chat Icon

My sister keeps telling me that once you give birth, all this pain and suffering goes away, as does the memory of it all!

Posted 4/22/09 3:51 PM

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