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Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

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mommy of two!

Member since 11/09

2733 total posts


Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

At my 40 week appointment I was already 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced, I was stuck there for 2 weeks. My OB said I was ready to go anyday and if I didn't go into labor on my own, she would induce me a couple of days after my due date.

I went in for my next appt. on 4/6/11 and if I was still at 3 cm she was going to send me to the hospital the following morning for an induction, instead when she examined me I was 4 cm and the baby's head was low. I was sent right to the hospital to start the pitocin.

I went straight to L&D triage where I was put into a tiny room for over an hour hooked up to the fetal monitor and contractions monitor. I didn't know at the time but I was in back labor, I thought my back was hurting bc the bed was so uncomfortable. I was there from 5:30pm til about 7:15 waiting to be admitted and given a room. By 7:15ish they wheeled me into my L&D room, I was in some pain but nothing serious. I kept staring at the fetal monitor bc one nurse told me the baby's heartrate was a little slower than they would like to see (This is the last thing they should have told me bc it made my BP skyrocket) at 7:30 I met my nurse for the night and asked her when she would start me on pitocin, I was so anxious to get the show on the road. DH was pacing and by this time my mom arrived also ( i needed both in the room for support). My nurse said she had to look at the drs notes and would let me know when they would start to induce me. In the meantime, I was hooked up to an IV (ouch) and had the BP cuff taking my pressure every 10 minutes plus the fetal/contractions monitors on my belly.

A couple of hours later, and still no pitocin, I was checked again and was now 4.5cm and 100% effaced. The back pain was getting worse, the nurse said I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes, it felt like really bad cramps and really bad back pains. I asked if there was anything I can take for pain, this was at 11:30pm -- the nurse quickly got the anesthesiologist, who was a jerk, to give me the epidural. He walks in and says to me "you know this can cause headaches", I looked at the guy like the was the biggest a-hole and said "i'd rather deal with a headache, just give me the needle". My nurse held me tight and talked to me while I got the epidural, I was terrified, they told me not to jump while made me want to jump even more when I felt the pinch, but somehow I sat still and before you know it, the pain was gone. Unfortunately, right after that, they inserted the catheter....ugh. I didn't feel it then (but afterwards was another story)

So I was left like this until about 6am, I rang for the nurse bc I felt no contractions and something weird down there, she came to take a look and my vagina was so completely swollen, they said it was from the pressure of the babys head on my pelvis, i didn't feel any pain, I just felt something strange down there. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart (who knew? thank the lord for the epidural) Anyway, the physician assistant checked me at that point, I was 6cm and my water had just broken but apparently the baby was still somewhat high. The nurse explained to me that if the baby didn't drop it could be bc my pelvis was too small which would lead to a c-section, she also said that everytime I contracted, his heartrate dropped a bit, which scared me stiff! If his HR would continue to drop w/ the contractions, c-section would be the only option. I was so upset bc I was doing so well. By 8am my dr. arrived, she checks me and I was 8cm, she was very optimistic that he would drop, so I felt better. I asked her about the pitocin, was I ever given it? and she said that she really had no intentions of inducing me bc I was ready and basically in labor on my own. by 9am I was 9cm and by 9:30am I was fully dilated and we were going to get ready to push.

My dr., a nurse, DH and my mom were all there. The nurse told me exactly how to push, my dr. told me not to press the epidural drip so that I could feel the contractions when it was time to push, tahnkfully I was still so numb from my belly button to my mid-thighs but I could move my legs and I could feel the pressure of the baby trying to get out. BTW, the entire time I was in labor, I was texting/updating my family, they thought I was crazy for doing this lol.

I started to push at 9:40, we had the tv on watching Wendy Williams, I would feel pressure and DH would grab one leg, the nurse would grab the other leg, the dr. was counting 3 sets of 10 and my mom would feed me ice-chips in between. We were having conversations in between my contractions, I was so relaxed and wasnt feeling any pain. It was really crazy. About an hour into pushing, the baby was crowning, my OB said he has so much hair, I couldn't believe it, we thought for some reason out DS would be bald lol. At this point my OB said a couple of more pushes and he would be out, she puts on all this gear, part of my bed comes off, the nurse gets the little bassinet ready with a blanket and my mom and DH look pale lol ( they thought it would take alot longer than it did). I had an episiotomy (didn't feel that either) and by 11:16 am my beautiful little boy was born, crying as he came out. I burst into tears, DH and my mom abandoned me to go see the baby, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. They cleaned him up and brought him over. I cried while holding him, I fell in love instantly, we snapped tons of pics and shortly after I was wheeled to the maternity floor and the baby was taken to the nursery.

Joseph Salvatore, born 4/7/11 at 11:16 am - 6lbs 2 oz., 19 inches. ( a couple of pics in my album)


Posted 5/2/11 2:14 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

Congratulations! That's quite a birth story! Glad everything went well & you have a happy & healthy baby boy to enjoy! He's just beautiful!

Message edited 5/3/2011 11:23:27 AM.

Posted 5/3/11 11:22 AM

expecting boy # 3

Member since 9/09

2522 total posts


Re: Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

Wow, he is a cutie!! Congrats!!!

Posted 5/29/11 1:50 PM

Happy Autumn<3

Member since 12/10

1328 total posts


Re: Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

Congratulations on your baby boy! he is adorable!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/11 9:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

779 total posts


Re: Joseph's birth - 4/7/11

i LOVE your story. and that is my nephew's name. Chat Icon

congrats!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/11 2:27 PM

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