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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
The birth of my son definitely did not go as planned and I'm still feeling quite emotional about the whole thing. I wanted to a natural drug free birth in the Birthing Center at St Luke's hospital and instead wound up with the c-section from hell. Here's how it all went down.
I went to the doctor the day before my due date and she said my cervix was soft, but other than that there was no progress. We discussed an induction for the following week and I figured that's what would happen. But the following day on my due date I started to feel contractions around 4pm. By around 11pm they were 3 minutes apart, but only about 45 seconds long. We called the doctor since we met the 3 minutes apart criteria she had set for us and she suggested heading to the hospital to get checked. So off we went. Once there though they said I was only 2-3 cm so they thought it best if I went home.
I labored at home until 8am when my contractions were still 3 minutes apart, but getting longer and more painful. At this point I figured I had to have made progress and I was starting to doubt my ability to go natural like I had wanted. So back to the hospital we went. I was only about 3-4 cm and my doctor suggested that if I was going to go for drugs maybe I wanted to be admitted and get the epidural and pitocin so that they could get things moving and also so I could maybe get some rest. Or I was told I could go back home. I decided on the epidural and pitocin even though it was not what I originally wanted because I just didn't think I could take it anymore. Looking back I'm not sure this was the right decision, but it is what it is.
I finally got into a room several agonizing hours later. I got my epidural, which turned out to be a total disaster. The doctor who did it was new and managed to puncture the spinal column. I was told this later when they asked if they could use my data for a study about punctures and saline given later. Not a good time to be asking about medical research! Anyway, the epi seemed to work for a little bit, but then I was in agonizing pain again. Plus now I had the pitocin going so that was making the contractions stronger. I was literally screaming my head off when they finally figured out that the epi pump had broken and they needed to bring in a new one so that I was actually getting the medicine.
At the next check I was still 4cm, this was around 4pm I think. The doctor suggested breaking my water to see if that would help and also putting in the intrauterine monitor to see how strong my contractions were. Two things I was absolutely against when planning my labor, but at this point I was exhausted and frustrated.
Neither of these things really did anything and so they kept increasing my pitocin. Around 6 or 7pm the baby's heart rate started to slow down and the contractions were coming really strong, though I couldn't feel a thing. My legs were totally and completely numb. I couldn't move them at all. They wanted me to flip on all fours to get the baby out of distress, but it took 6 people to move me because I couldn't do anything myself. It was awful. Finally they gave me a shot of turbeterol (or whatever that stuff is that stops labor).
Well, that was basically the final death blow for me. The baby's heart rate never got back to normal. So they decided I needed a c-section. By then, 29 hours into labor, I was fine with the decision. It had been my absolute worst nightmare so far and I just wanted it to all be over.
Little did I know the worst part of the day was still to come. The took me into the OR, started all the prep etc. I felt them putting clamps or something onto my stomach to test what I could feel I guess and I said that I could feel that. When they asked if it was painful I said no, because it was just a pinching, but I could really feel it. Well once the section started it was more than just feeling pulling and tugging like they said and I was once again screaming in pain thinking this is not supposed to happen! They finally got the baby out with me in so much pain and nearly vomiting. After that I don't remember anything. My husband tells me they put a mask on me with something to knock me out, though I have no idea what it was. I vaguely remember them telling me it was a boy, so much for the excitement of being team green. That moment was totally ruined for me
The next thing I can recall is being in the recovery room and finally being handed the baby. I was so happy to have him in my arms finally even though I was still quite out of it.
Anyway, I still get really upset when I think about the whole day and how things happened. I wish it had gone differently and that I'd made different decisions. But I'm trying to come to terms with it and move on. And I will most definitely be asking for my hospital records and inquiring as to why the anesthesia did not work like it was supposed to. But even though labor and delivery was, in my eyes a complete and total disaster and something that makes me sick to think about, my son is absolutely perfect and such a joy to have! Here's the stats:
Ryan Thomas Born 5/26/11 weighing 8lbs, 4oz and 20.5 inches long
Posted 6/7/11 7:33 PM |
Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09 7155 total posts
Name: Sandra
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
WOW I am so so so sorry to hear you had to go through all of this!!! It sounds absolutely terrifying!!!
Thank goodness you and your little boy are ok!!!! I love his name! Congratulations and again I'm so sorry.
Posted 6/7/11 8:30 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
That's quite a story. I also wanted a drug-free, natural birth, and also would up with a c-section. I totally understand why you're upset. You are allowed to be. It's ok to mourn your birth story if you need too.
That said... You took care of yourself while you were pregnant. You did everything you could while you were in labor. You're going to be a wonderful mother. Ryan's birth might not have gone the way you wanted, but don't let that experience negate all of the good stuff you've already done!!
Posted 6/7/11 8:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 1528 total posts
Name: Now!
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
congrats on your baby and thank goodness you both are now okay and healthy
Posted 6/7/11 9:30 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
Thanks ladies. I think just writing it all out has helped me feel a bit better about things.
Posted 6/7/11 9:59 PM |
In love with my Baby Boy

Member since 3/11 2783 total posts
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
Wow what a story! I am sorry that you had such horrible labor and delivery. The part about the C-section that is unbelieable you poor thing I would definitely ask for copies of your records because there was just too much going on.
Congratulations on your baby boy. I am sure that he was well worth the hell you went through.
Posted 6/8/11 2:57 PM |
Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07 8611 total posts
Name: M
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
Wow, Im so sorry you had to go through all of this. It gets me so angry to hear it but in the end Im glad that you and your baby boy are doing well.
Posted 6/11/11 12:34 AM |
Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10 2440 total posts
Name: Tess
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
wow what a story! Sorry about your team green situation! I definitely agree that it's ok to mourn your birth's definitely normal to be upset because things did not go as planned, but don't worry, time heals all and you will feel better soon!
Posted 6/13/11 1:48 PM |
Member since 5/11 1368 total posts
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
Congratulations and Blessings on the birth of little Ryan Thomas!!!! Mary
Posted 6/15/11 1:01 AM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Ryan Thomas 5.26.11
I had a Barry similar experience to you. Sometimes an epi is not enough to get through a cs
Congrats on the birth of your lil one
Posted 6/15/11 4:30 AM |