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Alyssa Rose is here!!!

Member since 9/10 3288 total posts
Name: Jessica
ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Alyssa Rose Born June 4, 2011, 3 weeks early, 7lbs 11oz, 19.5 inches long, and soo freaking adorable!
Just wanted to share my birth story with you all. Some of you might have read my post early saturday moring about how thougth my water may have broken but i was unsure since it was more of a slow leak than a gush of water. I called the Dr.'s office satruday morning spoke to the Dr and he said come to the hospital to be checked out. Luckily i already had my bags packed and ready to go, but i ran around like crazy trying to throw in al the last min things i would need. We made it to the hospital around 10:00 am and got hooked up right away and they confirmed my water did break, and i was having contractions about 3 mins apart! So they admitted me! I was like HOLY wow i am having a baby today!!!!
Apparently saturday was the day to have a baby because the hospital was packed with new babies and new babies on the way. (oh just thought i would share anyone who is delivering at NSUH Manhasset, the new ward is officially open! They opened Monday...we got discharged Monday! go figure! LOL)
anyways my contractions were barable at first, but after a few hours they started to get intense...aroun the time they were able to get me into a labor and delivery room, i decided to get my epi! thinking i was about to be pain free like ive heard wonder stories about woman who have an epi. Well my epidoral only numbed my left side, so i felt everything on my right! they quickly gave me a second doss, and had me lay on my right side hoping to have it flow to the right side of my body, but no luck!!! they then gave me another pain med, nothing...gave me another doss of that med...nothing....tried to up the epi meds again...nothing! finally after all those attempts they decided to take out the epi and readminister it in a different spot...FINALLY i had some relief!! but now i was COMPLETELY numb!! Nurse said normally the epi will take away the pain, but you will stil be able to feel the contractions, and the pressure so you know when to push and helps you push. I felt nothing!
Pushing was a looot harder than i expected. I never expected it to be easy. I dont know if it was because i felt nothing until the very end, but it was very hard!! I pushed for 2 hours! at one point the doctor said that i could either keep pushing or he could help and vaccuum her out. I decided al tho i had had enough pushing to keep trying because i just pictured my LO having a giant cone head! lol. it was hard and i was nearly ready to give up at the end. even after the head was out and they assured me that it would only take one more push to have her out completley i was done! But all the hard work and pain and everything it was totally worth it in the end and i would do it again in a heartbeat!!
We were team so finding out that my LO was a was super exciting! anyone thinking about being team green do it! def worth the moment!
Dr. said it was a girl and i was in total shock...I even said to DH...its a girl??? and hes like Its a girl!!! Finding out it was a girl was soo exciting because our DD is the first girl on both sides of the family. (altho of course we would have been equally as thrilled for a boy) Everyone in our family was saying boy so it was cool to shock everyone with the news of our DD!!!
She is gorgeous, and such a good baby (knock on wood) we have some issues with nursing as i dont think my milk has come in yet, so we are supplelementing with formula and hopefully my milk will come in soon! (im really kinda upset about this, i didnt think i would be because i dont think i was ever 100% in love with the idea of nursing, but once i started i enjoy the special bond i have with my DD that i would be sad if i werent able to continue) But either way, i never thought i could love something or someone soo much!!!
here are some pictures!!!

Posted 6/7/11 10:13 PM |
Member since 5/11 1368 total posts
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Congratulations and Blessings to all of you, Jessica!!!! Mary
Posted 6/7/11 10:23 PM |
So in love with my little girl

Member since 1/10 2471 total posts
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Congratulations! She's so beautiful!!!
Posted 6/7/11 10:35 PM |
My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Congratulations! What a crazy story about the epidural!! So glad it all worked out in the end! About the nursing- for most women, milk doesn't come in until 3-5 days or so. Until then, the baby is getting colostrum from you, which is the most important and nutrient-packed stuff for them to get! Did someone recommend that you give her formula also? Because as long as she is having enough wet and poopy diapers and is not screaming to be fed, it's best to let her get all that colostrum and then that will help your milk come in. Hope that helps! Congrats again Momma!
Posted 6/7/11 10:40 PM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Oh wow, what a beautiful baby! Congrats to you!
Posted 6/7/11 10:42 PM |
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Congrats Jess!! Alyssa is so gorgeous!! Im so happy for you!
Posted 6/7/11 11:34 PM |
expecting boy # 3

Member since 9/09 2522 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Congrats Jess, she is beautiful. Cant wait to meet her
Posted 6/10/11 8:35 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 12/07 132 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
She's beautiful. God Bless you all. Enjoy every moment.
Posted 6/10/11 10:17 PM |
Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10 2440 total posts
Name: Tess
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
beautiful baby girl and mommy looks great too!
Posted 6/20/11 12:19 PM |
Team One of Each

Member since 10/09 2150 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
awwwwww great birth story she is so pretty!
Posted 6/27/11 10:03 PM |
2 little ladies

Member since 1/11 2918 total posts
Name: Rose
Re: ALYSSA ROSE - JUNE 4, 2011 (3 weeks early)
Posted 7/1/11 8:58 AM |