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My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/08

2052 total posts


My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

I was deathly afraid of not making it to the hospital in time for an epidural, but also so curious to see if I could give birth without drugs... I really think somehow I "made" my unusual birth story happen... So.. after 2 months from the birth of my second child, my DS, I am finally getting around to writing my birth story... it was important to me to do this because not only do I want to share it with all of you, but I also want to remember it for me and my DS.. Since it was so unusual... so here goes:

On May 17th, I started having minor cramping pains around 10 pm. I decided to shower and relax.. I was 3 days away from my original due date.. and had been having these episodes of contractions for quite a few days with no real labor in sight.. I was still, according to doctors, only about a finger tip dilated. From 12 am to 3 am I was having contractions.. not too consistent.. but ranging from every 4 to 6 minutes, with some a little further apart.. I started to get worried because everyone says your second is quicker than your first, and I never had real labor with my DD... my water broke prematurely, and I got an epidural because my back labor was so bad... well.. this time I also had back labor... I was in excruciating pain.. called my parents and in laws... my mother in law came to my house to watch my daughter, and off my DH, mom, dad and I went to the hospital. I had told my mom that this time I wanted to have my baby just me and DH (had her in the room last time.. which was great, but I wanted the experience of just the two of us... little did I know my parents whole neighborhood would be in on this delivery with me... ) I get hooked up to the machines around 4:30... My contractions are registering but are still not consistent. AT this point the resident comes in and does an internal.. saying i was still about 1 cm dilated... this was about 445 am... He says I am in early labor.. but they want to monitor the babies heartbeat for a bit longer, that everything looks good, but just want to make sure. Around 530, a different resident comes in... she takes the machines right off... tells me I am not being admitted... does a quick sonogram to measure fluids. At this point, I am in SO Much pain, I couldnt even roll onto my back for the sonogram, and I wanted nothing more than to punch this resident in the face. She tells me I am not really in labor.. that if I was I wouldnt be able to walk or talk.. at this point I am HYSTERICALLY crying... pleading them not to send me home.. I remember telling my DH that I felt like I was dying.. that I couldnt do it at home.. that all I wanted was some sleep... at this point my mom is also in the room and pleading for them to admit me... the resident gives me an ambien.. tells me to go home and sleep... and that i would probably not be back for at least 2 days...

So.. I get up, try to get dressed. and at this point I feel like someone is literally stabbing me in the back, pulling out my spine, literally felt like I was dying... at this point I am also bleeding.. but they said it was because of the internal... now.. if you are keeping track of time... it is now around 640 am, and I havent had an internal since 445 am... It takes me a good 15 minutes to walk to the car.. the whole time I am bent over in pain... could hardly do it.. crying... I tell my DH.. go to work, save your days.. if im not in labor yet.. you can at least get a few hours of work in... little did we know what was going to happen next...

I get to my parents house, so I could be away from my DD... I am so upset... and in so much pain... my mom gets really worried... she helps me into her room, into her bed.. and I am still crying... and saying "I cant do this.. " so she calls my dr... he tells me.. go back.. you are probably progressing quickly... It was now 720ish... give or take.. so only 30 minutes or so from when i actually got released from the hospital...

I walk down the hallway, down the 6 steps... and I just stop.. I told my mom to call 911... That I had to push... no one believed me.. my dad just thought I couldnt handle the pain... they call 911, police showed up.. and the rest seems like a blur to me.. I said I had to push, I pushed.. felt (Tmi) almost like a balloon was in between my legs, and then a gush... I knew it was my water... I told the officer, very calmly, that his head was there... they didnt believe me, until they looked at my pants, and I heard my dad scream in a high pitched voice "I SEE HIS HEAD!!!!" (my poor dad....) I told them I had to lay down.. I lean back... and start to squat down to sit.. and he literally comes flying out... so here I am.. in the FRONT DOOR of my parents house, on the front stoop... and here is my son... it was an amazing moment.. I will not only never forget.. but I was so upset... my poor husband missed the birth of his second child.. his first son... I was relieved the pain was gone, and honestly amazed i did it with no drugs... but the saddness started to overwhelm me... DS was born at 749, an hour or so after I was released from the hospital.. on May 18th

Anyway... the ambulance shows up about 10 minutes later.. so we were "hooked up" by the umbilical cord for quite some time... they rush him to the hospital.. then I went in another ambulance.. I did not like that we were separated... luckily.. both of us were amazingly well... and in those 10 minutes my mom was smart enough to grab the camera and document the birth... I will add those pictures at the end.. I didnt get reunited with my DS for a few hours.. and I was very nervous about that..

I am still amazed I did it all natural... and so happy that I did.. I am scared beyond belief to ever have another child... where I may deliver that one... and I am still so upset that the hospital... by sending me home, deprived my husband of the chance to see this amazing event.. and deprived me of sharing such an amazing time with my husband... I truly believe someone should have checked me again, seeing the agonizing pain I was in.. before discharging me... but what do I know...

So... that is my LONG birthing story... DS born May 18th at 749 am... and here are some amazing pictures my mom was able to catch.. and a few from our photo shoot... Thanks for looking and reading this far!!!!!!

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and one I took doing my own photo shoot.. but its un-edited..
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Message edited 7/15/2011 10:45:25 PM.

Posted 7/15/11 10:31 PM

FL Nana
LIF Infant

Member since 6/11

223 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Message edited 8/26/2011 5:26:35 PM.

Posted 7/15/11 10:40 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

11013 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW Chat Icon What a birth story! Congrats!!!

Posted 7/15/11 10:46 PM

Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09

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Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

what an incredible birth story!!!! Congratulations, he is beautiful!

Posted 7/15/11 10:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

900 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Whoa, that is SOOOOME story! Amazing!!! I just told DH what happened to you. He said he would've been pizzzzed at that resident. So glad everything turned out as well as it did & that you & baby are healthy. Congratulations! Gorgeous pics-Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/11 10:57 PM

Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05

6721 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

OMG!! That is crazy. I would of been so mad at the hospital.
I'm glad you and DS are okay. That is some story to tell him when he gets older.

Posted 7/15/11 10:58 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

4624 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Simply amazing!! Congrats!!

Posted 7/15/11 11:00 PM


Member since 5/09

6414 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Wow!!! Just wow. He is gorgeous!!!

Posted 7/15/11 11:04 PM

BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!

Member since 5/09

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Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW... What a story... I am shocked that you were taken to the hospital in two different ambulances! That i wrong. I have delivered a few babies in the field and I never heard of that.. So happy everything worked out in the end... Congratulations.... Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/11 11:05 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

OMG that's some story!!! The hospital messed up BIG TIME!! Chat Icon But, of course, glad your DS came out fine and healthy ... and with quite a story to tell!! Chat Icon

P.S. The pictures are just priceless!! Kudos to your mom! Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/11 11:09 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

OH MY GOD!!!! That is an ecredible story!!!! Congratulations and God Bless!

I'm just wondering... how are you going to get your mom's welcome mat into DS' baby book?! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I cannot even imagine what was going through your mind as you're lying across the threshold of your mom's house with lord knows how many people stepping over you to get in and out of the door!

I know you have some sadness about it but in time you'll find a great wonderfulness about your truly unique birth experience.

Congratulations! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/11 11:58 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW..thank god you are both okay, he is beautiful--CONGRATS Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/11 12:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

979 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

That is crazy! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congrats on the Chat Icon!

Posted 7/16/11 12:10 AM

Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

4691 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Posted by InShock

P.S. The pictures are just priceless!! Kudos to your mom! Chat Icon

You know my story Chat Icon , I am so jealous, I so wish I had these pictures, that's the one thing that really bothers me is that I don't have any pictures of when Aa was born. These pictures are priceless!!!

Definitely kudos to your mom!!

My mom was holding DS the whole time and Phil was running to get a shoelace to clamp the cord, so I guess they had their hands full, LOL!!!!

Posted 7/16/11 12:40 AM

I'm a lucky mama

Member since 1/10

7585 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Chat Icon congrats! He is precious.
when you said it happened on your parents front steps you werent kidding!! wow!!
What ever happened with the person who sent your home? did they ever find out what happened??

Posted 7/16/11 5:52 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/09

391 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW! What a story! How sad is it that they discharged you from the hospital?!? I hate when doctors won't listen to people!

The pictures are great!

Posted 7/16/11 6:35 AM

mom of two!

Member since 5/05

4368 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW-----that was surreal!!
Congrats to you

Posted 7/16/11 8:25 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

303 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW! Thank God you and your baby are ok!

Posted 7/16/11 8:56 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Congratulations!! What an amazing story!!

My DH missed my 2nd child's birth too (he was down signing paperwork & I delivered 7 minutes after getting to the hospital).

Kudos to you for being so calm & to your mom for the most amazing photos I've ever seen of a birth!

Posted 7/16/11 9:35 AM


Member since 6/10

6900 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

WOW that was an AMAZING birth story!
So happy you & your baby are both healthy and doing well.

Posted 7/16/11 11:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

1477 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

what an amazing birth story! and he's absolutely gorgeous! i can't believe the hospital... which hospital was this??? super glad that you and your ds are safe and sound!!

Posted 7/16/11 11:40 AM

All moms are working mothers!

Member since 8/08

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Super Mom

Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

omg congrats what a amazing story!!

Posted 7/16/11 11:52 AM

Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09

8306 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)



and i would so send those pics to the hospital.... with a special shout out to the resident who sent you home.... i'd thank her for making me give birth on the doorstep without my husband. she should know!!

glad all are doing well! hes a cutie!!

Posted 7/16/11 5:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

592 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

OMG! what an incredible story! what hospital were you *supposed* to deliver at?!!!

Posted 7/16/11 6:32 PM


Member since 10/09

4594 total posts


Re: My QUICK arriving DS... (quick as in his arrival... not the length of story. its quite long!)

Holy Cannoli, that is SOME birth story!!! You are an amazing Mama, kudos to you for handling everything so well. Both of your children are gorgeous! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/11 9:37 AM
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