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Member since 3/11 1750 total posts
Name: Danielle
Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
My baby girls Amelia and Alexis were born on November 9th via c-section. I was developoing pre-eclempsia and when I went to the Dr. on November 8th they said ok we are bringing you in tomorrow. I was only 36 weeks 1 day for the c-section. Amelia weighed 6lbs 1oz and Alexis weighted 5lbs 12oz. I had the c-section at Stony Brook and my Dr's were Dr. O'Keefe and Dr. Lockner.
I had a fantastic pregnancy but at around 30 weeks I was seeing spots and went to Labor and Delivery at Stony Brook and that is when they started testing my urine for high proteins. I was being test once a week since and the protiens kept rising. When I went to the Dr. on November 8th my blood pressure was high and I was getting headaches. My Dr. said ok tomorrow come in at 11am for a c-section. I was shocked and thought he was kidding at first. But he was not kidding. I went in at 8:00am on the 9th to start prepping the surgery and to do paperwork. At 11am I was in the OR getting my spinal. The spinal was not too bad it was a weird feeling and some pain but not what I thought. Once I was numb the Dr's came in and started. Has soon as they took out baby A (Amelia) and I heard those cries I lost it and was crying so hard, then baby B (Alexis) came out a minute later and those first cries I will never forget. They were both so cute and I got to see them each for a moment before they were taken to do some tests. After the c-section when they were finishing up and doing my staples I had a bad reaction to the spinal and felt like I could not breathe and then started dry heaving, no vomit because I had not eaten for about 13 hours. It was kind of scary but they pumped me with some medicine and I felt better fast. I did lose blood during the surgery so they set me up with 2 bags of blood for a transfusion. When I got to recovery my DH was holding both girls. Before I could even hold them they said ok we have to go and took the girls. I was a little dissapoiinted but it was for the best. They had me in recovery for 5 hours. I was on magnesium which gave me the shakes at first then I was warm then I had a headache all from that. Most nurses who came in and even dr's said they hate the magnesium but it helps. I was told while in recovery that Amelia had to be put in the NICU for fluid in her lungs. Of course I was upset but I knew it was for the best. My DH went to the NICU to check on Amelia and he was told that she had clubbed feet and also what they were going to do for her. He came back up with 3 orthopedic dr's who tell me how she is going to be put in casts for 12 weeks on both legs, then weear boots and braces on her legs until 4 years olf. Now I just was put in my room after a c-section and was on pain meds and so out of it that I just broke down and started crying. I haven;t even seen my baby since she was born and never held her and these 3 guys whom were wearing jeans because they were on their way out and were not sympathetic at all just told me all this. I was so upset. At that point I just wanted to go see my baby. I was told by the nurse I could go down after 8pm. Everytime they came in to check me I asked again and since my blood pressure was high and I had a high heart rate they would not let me go without asking a dr. Well at 9pm I asked, at 10pm I asked at 11pm and so forth I asked. I kept getting excuses although my blood pressure and heart rate both were stable for sometime at this point. Finally at my 3am check I asked again but was crying and just mad that at 4am they came witha wheel chair to bring me down. She was doing well but hooked up to machines and I did see how her feet were. When I asked about it the nurses had no idea what was going to happen. I was told by the 3 Dr's earlier that the next day they would be doing the casts and the attending Dr. would come speak to me. When I went to the NICU that day the nurses had no clue what I was talking about. When I went later in the day still no one had any idea what I was talking about. Then at the night time visit the Nurse Practioner came in and say she read in the chart they decided no that with physical therapy that her feet would straighten out on her own. I was so happy about that. I was also told my daughter would be joining me in my room the next morning that she was breating fine. Well at 10am the next morning when I did not hear from anyone I called the NICU and they said she was having respitatory problems again and they put her back in the incubator. I went right down to talk to the nurses and see what happened. They explained what happened and that she pulled out some wires and it made it worse. Well I then ask again about her feet and that nurse tells me that they are probably casting one foot. I tell the nurse that the night before I heard a completely different thing and that everytime I ask someone has a different story. I also asked if it was normal not to update the mom when she had to be put back into the incubator and back on machines. She said well most moms come to to see their child more and also call more so we dont need to do that. Now I was going down has much as possible but I had twins and one was on one floor with me and the other a floor down. My DH also stayed with me the first night but woke up throwing up and was so sick he was told to go home and see his Dr. turns out he had had a bad stomach virus and could not come back for 48 hrs. I was devestated to say the least. Now this nurse is trying to make me feel bad for not coming more. Well anyways she said they do not update mothers unless they do CPR on the babies. Then a different nurse practitioner came in. I told her my concerns and how the nurse made me feel awful and she said she did not mean it that way. I asked about Amelia's feet and was told that from her that the notes were hard to read and she was not sure what was happening but she thinkings on foot only. I expressed to her how no Dr. has spoken to me about her foot and was told someone would come me. She was shocked about that. Well she called the Orthopedics and told them someone has to go to me because I was concerened and they seemed to think I had no reason to talk to them and that I was to go to their office next week with the baby. She told them I had twins and it was not going to be easy and that someone had to come to my room. She must have really gave it to them because an hour later someone was in my room. He explained they would put new casts on both legs week up to 6 weeks. They said 80% of the time that works and that is enough. If it did not work they would have to do something with her heal and have her wear corrective sneakers up until 4 years old. He sais they would start the cast on Monday but then re-do them in the office every Wednesday. Ok I was good with that. Well today before I was discharded a different ortho. came in and told me something different. He said she would need the casts then a boot with braces on her legs up until 4 months old then she would wear braces only at night untol 4 years old. I then almost last it because one of his staff members told me a different thing the day before. He asked which Dr. said that I told him and his excuse was well he is only a resident I guess he doesnt now. Well then why send him to talk to me if he did not know? I was so upset. Well turns thiis Dr. had come to tell me they were doing the casts today. So they did the casts and although it looks sad to see a 3 day old baby in casts I know it is for the best. I was just upset with all the misscommunication or lack of communication throughout my hospital stay. I have been told by family and friends I should find a different ortho and get another opinion because of all of this.
Other then all of that I did have a good experience with Stony Brook. The nurses in the maternity ward are fantastic. They were very sympathetic and truly amazing. I stayed 3 nights and had pretty much the same nurses everyday of my stay. I got pain meds very fast when I asked and really anything I asked for came quickly and always with a smile. Each nurse asked how Amelia was in the NICU and all loved Alexis it was very nice. MY DH brought them Starbucks today and they were so grateful for it. They were great and deserved it and more.
The hardest thing was leaving my beautful Amelia in the hospital when I left today. I cried so much and still cried at home but trying to stay strong for my other beautiful daughter Alexis. I know Amelia will be home soon and all of this will be a sad memory.
If you read through this thank you.
Posted 11/12/11 10:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 4357 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
Posted 11/13/11 5:15 PM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
Posted 11/14/11 12:34 PM |
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
Congrats, you sound like a very strong woman! I pray that your daughter only needs to wear the casts for a short while. Sorry that you had to go through all that confusion. I couldn't even imagine.
When you get a free moment (which I am sure will not happen for awhile!) I would honestly write a letter, or make a phone call to the hospital about the run around you were getting. It is not acceptable.
Love their names!
Posted 11/15/11 7:06 AM |
Our April Baby is here!

Member since 4/11 2418 total posts
Name: A
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
congrats! Love the names and I'm sorry about the cast and the confusion! How frustrating
Posted 11/16/11 5:12 PM |
His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06 2902 total posts
Name: Patricia
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
Awww... what a scary, frustrating and yet amazing few days you've had.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
Posted 11/23/11 10:30 AM |
Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11 5043 total posts
Name: Antonella
Re: Twin Girls C-section birth November 9, 2011
I'm so sorry about all the mess you had to deal with at the hopsital. I really would write a letter and make a formal complaint about everything. I really hope she only has to wear the casts for a short time and that she gets better soon.
Hoping that by now, they are both home and doing much better!
Posted 2/2/12 4:17 PM |