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Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

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Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

Greenwich Hospital - Greenwich, CT
April 19, 2012
Theodore Thomas and Reagan Honey

I took a 24 hour unine test at 35+5 because i was very swollen (feet and legs) and it turns out that i had proteins in my urine....

The day the results came back, my doc called me after i left work (i was shopping at homegoods) and she told me to go to the hospital for further testing.

I got there and my BP was elevated.

They decided to keep me over night for blood pressure readings. I told DH to go home and get some sleep..and to come back with all of my things just in case.

The next morning around 8 am they determined that they wanted to induce me that day. It was GO time!

i took a shower and blew out my hair, did my makeup and and put on my pink push gown that i bought (lol.) They say don't buy one of those gowns it will get covered with blood etc- but i wore it until I got my EPI and it was good for pictures and i felt move covered for visitors so i say get one!

They induced me with pitocin around 10 am and the contractions started. they were not that bad imho. i have experienced way worse with my period.

Once they got a little more intense in the afternoon, i asked for the epidural and that was wonderful. Around 5 pm they broke my water then i kept getting checked for dialation.

By 930 pm i was 10cm.

At 940 i did 3 practice pushes in the hospital room with the nurse....I remember her telling me "Push like youre poopin!" I did... and she said STOP because she saw Teddy's head it was time!

They wheeled me into the OR, Mike got into his scrubs, and in 2 pushes Teddy was out @ 952 pm. 4 lb 11 oz.

They were worried Reagan would flip with all the new space so the nurse held her in place in my belly. I pushed a few times and she didnt want to come out so the DR took a 10 minute break to discuss next steps and i heard the word "vacuum."

My big fear was the double whammy- vaginal for baby a and c/s for baby b so I felt a big contraction come on and i said i wanted to push....i was determined not to get the double whammy!

I pushed with all my might, miss reagan came out at 1024 5 lb 4 oz.

No pain AT ALL during delivery. It was wonderful. And I felt them come ojut- but it didnt hurt. It was just a feeling of relief.

Afterwards I was very tired and famished and they put the babies in the nicu for observation.

Then something bad happened. Around 1 am, the nurse said that the epi should have worn off and asked me to empty my bladder. She walked me to the bathroom and i sat on the toilet. She walked out and the door closed.

While sitting on the toilet i passed out. I woke up on the bathroom floor with people around me and smelling salts. It was so scary. I was so tired and out of it by then that i didnt even have the desire to go to the nicu to hold my babies again.

The next day i was ok, just in some pain down there, and couldnt wait to see my babies again.. They gave me ice pack pads in my underwear, and those helped. I was also on percoset and motrin.

I went home the following day. I was exhausted and in pain but it was bearable. The babies could have come home too, but i asked that they stay one more night in the nicu. So i went back the next day and picked them up and brought them home with us 4/22 (our 6 year anniverssary.)

By 4-5 days later I was feeling good. Two weeks later i was feeling awesome. By 7 weeks the bleeding stopped and i was back to normal.

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 7/20/2012 10:31:40 AM.

Posted 7/20/12 10:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

1402 total posts


Re: Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

What a great story!!! Love the pics! Glad you recovered so well too.

I have to ask, where did you get the gown? lol

Posted 7/20/12 3:17 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

Posted by Journey33

What a great story!!! Love the pics! Glad you recovered so well too.

I have to ask, where did you get the gown? lol

it was on zulilly for $25 - - but the brand is cure couture -

Posted 7/20/12 5:07 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

congratulations! you look amazing for being a woman about to give birth! to twins no less, lol! I'm glad your feeling better now, that must have been really scary when you fainted

Posted 7/24/12 5:09 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/12

14 total posts


Re: Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

Congratulations for your twins.

Posted 7/25/12 5:38 AM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

great story and adorable babies!! congrats again! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/12 10:07 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/12

13 total posts


Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

These are really adorable babies

Posted 8/28/12 10:31 AM

junior supafly

Member since 3/06

2268 total posts


Re: Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!

sorry im only getting around to reading this now! great story! god bless them!

Posted 8/4/13 3:33 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/13

23 total posts


Vaginal Twin Birth Story! From Shopping at Homegoods- to delivering my twins!


Posted 8/13/13 10:34 PM

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