My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
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3 under 2!!!

Member since 10/10 2476 total posts
Name: Carey
My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
It’s been a crazy 9 days! Emma Jordan Brown was born 10/10/12. On Monday, Oct 8th (my due date) we went to the dr. He said my bile acid levels were elevated which was causing severe itchiness. I was still just 1 cm dilated so they told me to come to the hospital on Wed evening 10/10/12 and they would induce me that following a.m., the 11th (my birthday).
Oct 9th, Tues night we went to bed and were watching the Daily Show. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pop. I got out of bed and my water broke. It was like a TV sitcom. I started walking to the bathroom and my two dogs were following me trying to lap up the water – gross. My husband was right behind them trying to get them away from me. This girl didn’t want to share a birthday apparently!
There were no contractions at this point. I called the dr who told us to come in. While my husband went to get the car, I was straddling a towel loading the dishwasher and cleaning the living room just in case anyone had to come to the house to take care of the dogs for us!
We got to the hospital at around 12:30. They checked us in and said since I wasn’t having contractions they were going to start me on half of an oral inducing pill Cytotec and when contractions started coming regularly they would start the Pitocin. The Cytotec worked very quickly. The contractions started getting very strong and at 3 cm I got the epidural. At around 1:30pm 10/10/12 I was ready to start pushing. It was the hardest 2 +hours I ever went through. By the end I was begging for a c-section. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was literally scratching my chest until I drew blood. I was so so itchy and hot and just wanted it to be over. All of a sudden these big lights came on and everyone around me started rushing around and getting blankets and stuff ready. I said to my doctor, alright you’re starting the c-section? He said no, you’re going to have this baby right now!
Next thing I knew he was telling me to push hard and I remember an extreme burning feeling and then her coming completely out. I heard my husband saying , “You did it babe, she’s here! You did it!” I couldn’t even understand what happened, I was stunned and in so much pain (I didn’t realize they turned off my epidural completely) so I was just begging for pain meds. I delivered the placenta and I was getting sewn up and they came over and put my daughter on me. Everything else didn’t matter at that point, I was in awe of this beautiful little girl laying on me. The next day I was laying in bed and realized I couldn’t move my right foot. I felt completely numb from the right calf down to my foot. I thought the epidural didn’t wear off. Turns out I have foot drop caused by damage to a nerve in my leg during delivery. When we got home I still couldn’t walk. I have no control over my feet or toes. So the other night I was taking a video of Emma in her swing and my toes got caught under my foot, I fell and broke my pinky toe! Now im going to physical therapy to try and get feeling back and if theres no improvement by next week I’ll have to get an EKG to see how badly the damage is. SIGH.
But, this little girl is amazing. Shes so sweet, so happy and such a good baby. The first few nights of breastfeeding were challenging but as soon as my milk came in things got a lot better. We love her so much its crazy. So without further adieu, here is our little angel Emma:
CHECK PHOTO ALBUM --- EMMA JORDAN I can never post pictures.
Posted 10/19/12 7:35 PM |
Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
I had cholestasis too? That itching is the worst!
Message edited 10/19/2012 9:16:42 PM.
Posted 10/19/12 9:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10 833 total posts
Name: Lorin
Re: My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
aw, brought tears to my eyes! congrats!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/20/12 10:38 AM |

Member since 7/10 8027 total posts
Re: My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
Posted 11/16/12 12:50 PM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
congrats!! love her name. my DD is emily and we almost named her Emily Jordan
Posted 11/25/12 1:07 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 2/13 1 total post
Name: lee
My angel is here! Introducing Emma Jordan ---
she is beautiful
Posted 2/18/13 5:01 PM |
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