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How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

857 total posts


How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

Our beautiful baby boy arrived on Sunday, August 26th at 3:55 pm. He was 7lb 2oz, 21.65 inches long and is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Oh my gosh, what an ordeal! On August 25th I went to bed and told my husband that he better be ready to leave during the night because I was starting to feel more symptomatic. At 2:45 am on August 26th, I woke up with a contraction, then another 15 min later and another 15 min after that. I woke up my husband and told him I thought it might be the real thing. Less than an hour later, contractions were 2 min apart. We headed to the hospital and I was 3 cm dilated. Then the "fun" began.

They did a sonogram and my amniotic fluid was only a 2. This was especially bad because I was GBS positive and they suspected a slow leak, meaning that the GBS could have traveled to the baby earlier. A few hours later during my contractions, they noticed that the remainder of my water broke and it was greenish - meconium. They explained to me that the NICU team would come in and suction my baby's lungs before he could take that first big breath. Then a bit later on my temperature was rising and rising and Baby's heartbeat was speeding up, too - into the 170s. They told me they suspected that the GBS had entered my bloodstream and infected me, and now the baby probably had it, too. They informed me he'd go straight to the NICU after birth; I wouldn't get any skin to skin at all. I was really scared and also heartbroken. They thought my baby had a serious infection and might be in danger and I was petrified. They also mentioned the word "hysterectomy" since the infection may have gotten to my uterus. I didn't even care about me - I just needed my baby to be healthy. They started me on four different antibiotics that would help both my baby and me. The entire time I was in labor, my contractions were extremely long. Each one was squeezing my baby so hard for so long that his heart rate slowed to a dangerously low level. I was put on oxygen to help baby along. I was also told to lie on my side in order to get blood flowing to my son. During my labor, my heart rate was climbing and went into the 150s. They kept saying they couldn't tell if they were catching my heartbeat or my baby's. This scared me to death bc I didn't know if my baby was okay. This also led to their thinking I had an infection.

(At around 9:00 am, after over 6 hours of contractions, I finally got my epi - the anesthesiologist was busy with emergencies for a long time while I screamed in agony. After they did the epi, they checked to see if I could feel the coolness of alcohol wipes on my legs... I could feel everything. They did a few more tests and it turned out the epi DIDN'T WORKKK!!! They had to do it all over again. My poor husband was so worried, wondering what was taking so long.)

By 12:00 pm I was 10 cm and ready to push. I pushed and pushed and pushed and my little man wasn't making a great amount of progress. With each push he'd come a nice way and then between contractions he'd go back in again. I did have an epidural but felt everything down below and as the hours were going by, the pain and exhaustion were completely overwhelming. I seriously felt I could not last through it. But the drs, nurses and my husband were amazing and really encouraged me, even through my crying when I was saying how I felt like a failure. They stopped my epidural to ensure that I could feel everything. To be honest, this did not help me bc the immense amount of pain just made me more exhausted. I felt as though I was in another world, another dimension. I didn't feel as though I was in my own body. It truly felt like I was going into shock - it was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Eventually my OB suggested either a vacuum or C-section. I told her I'd like to try vacuum first. I wanted to do everything possible before going through with a C-section. She also said she was going to give me an episiotomy. Then suddenly, the urge to push was even stronger and out popped his head, accompanied by the "ring of fire." My OB held onto his head and then I pushed out the rest of him. It turned out the cord was wrapped around his neck, armpit and foot. No wonder he was so stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The poor little thing was all tangled up in his cord!!!! So after FOUR HOURS of pushing my little man had finally arrived - because he'd been in the birth canal for so long his heartbeat was slowing intermittently and they had me pushing while on my side, then back, then side again, etc. They wanted me on all fours but I couldn't do it - I was just too exhausted. It was torture.

I didn't get to see him when he came out but my husband said he was grey. The NICU team took him and worked on him and I couldn't hear any real cries. I started crying and crying because I couldn't hear anything. Then he started crying a little and they swaddled him up and gave him to me briefly. I started crying all over again and told him how much I love him. I will never forget that moment. I love him more than anything.

Because we were separated so soon and for our entire stay, nursing was very tough. I was only able to nurse for a month and it was never exclusive. However, my little man is absolutely thriving. He had gained 2 lb at his one month check up and he has another check up on his 2 month birthday,in six days. I'd b surprised if he didn't gain another 2 - he's a chunker!

These past eight weeks have been unbelievably amazing but quite tough. The first two weeks I was very depressed. My hormones, along with the fact that I was having so much trouble nursing, and the traumatic birth experience really hurt me. I wanted so badly for it to be like it is on tv - magical. But it really wasn't. It was traumatic and sad... and terrifying. But my little boy is so perfect and so gorgeous. He started social smiling at 5 weeks 2 days and is extremely bright. He is a colicky baby and cries A LOTTT and that has been really hard. But I truly love him more than words. He is such a little doll.

Check out his album for pictures!!!

PS: They did 24 and 48 hour cultures for the baby and there was absolutely no infection - he came home with us when I was discharged! I was hooked up to an IV for continuous antibiotics until 24 hours after delivery.

Message edited 10/21/2012 4:23:46 PM.

Posted 10/20/12 7:27 PM

My heart is full

Member since 3/12

1961 total posts


Re: How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

Wow. Thanks for sharing your story and being so honest with everything. As a soon to be mom, it's reassuring to know that no matter how tough the labor experience may be, seeing your baby for the first time takes everything away. You're son is beautiful! Congrats!

Posted 10/22/12 10:31 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

857 total posts


How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

Thank you so much!!! Yes, it truly is an AMAZING moment when you first see your baby. But do keep in mind that your little one may also seem like a little stranger to you. When they placed him on me, I cried and I loved him and was so relieved he was okay but it did take some time for us to get to know each other. Now we are completely obsessed with one another... He looks for me when he starts to cry (even if Daddy is holding him and he LOVES Daddy) and he smiles at me allllll the time. I cannot picture my life without him.

Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy! I wish you an uneventful and quick labor.

Posted 10/24/12 8:51 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10

833 total posts


Re: How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

Your birth story brought tears to my eyes! I am so happy that your little guy is happy and healthy after all that you both went through. You are so strong for having gone through all of that, physically and emotionally. Enjoy your little bundle of joy!

Posted 10/25/12 11:13 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

857 total posts


How My Beautiful Baby Boy Entered the World

Thank you so much - you are so sweet!!!! Cannot believe that was over three months ago now. Hope you are well!!! Xo.

Posted 11/30/12 9:53 AM

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