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Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

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Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

Jan 2011 DH decided that he wanted to start a family (thanks for telling me) and stopped being careful. Fast foward to July 4th and he expressed concerns why it hadn't happened yet. My old ass wasted no time and went to my ob. Turned out I had some fibroids. They wanted to run more tests. Guess what, I had a polyp that wasn't in a great spot. Had a D&C to get rid of it. In September doc said I was good to keep trying and if I wasn't pregnant in 6months come back. Ummmmm no. After a BFN in September I decided to see an RE. First month with them I was only being monitored. BFN. Our second month (Nov) I was told to take Clomind and they would do an IUI. December I got my BFP!! Very lucky!!

On July 31st I was at my weekly 830am appointment at Madonna (Damn GD) when I wasn having which I knew for a fact were contractions. The damn tech kept telling me I wasn't ( She didnt put it on me correct) and then a weird sound on the machine happened. She said my dd heart rate dropped and I needed to stay on the machine for another 45mins to make sure it was a fluke!! All I wanted to do was punch her in the face because I had to pee so bad. Once I was done I went to the bathroom and started leaking. I didn't know what the heck was coming out of me so I called the nurse. She told me to wipe a strip on my vag and if it turned green that meant my water broke. So I did and it turned dark green in 2secs. They got a hold of my doc and found out he was at LIJ. I kid you not the Doc(not a nurse or tech) that was at Madonna said"ITS YOUR FIRST BABY YOU'RE MORE THAN OKAY TO DRIVE YOURSELF TO THE HOSPITAL NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN 20MINS" Boy was that dummy wrong. 5mins into the drive I was getting horrible contractions every 2mins and a crazy amounts of fluid were coming out of me. Gave my keys to the car to the valet and the second I walked into the lobby another big gush of fluid ( thank god I was wearing black pants) came out of me along with a nice strong contraction. Two nice ladies got a wheelchair and rushed me to l&d. The contractions were coming every minute and HARD!! I was admitted at around 10am at 2cm. Epi heaven came at around 11am. I want to say by 2pm (maybe 3pm) I was 9cm. At around 430pm they told me I was at 10cm and we needed to prep to have this baby. I kid you not 20mins of pushing and POOF there she was. At 507pm 37w1d Adriana Rose came to be. 6lbs 2oz 19inches long. Tiny. Just like mommy. It was the greatest experince of my life!!!!

Picture was taken 20mins after I popped

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Message edited 12/3/2012 1:59:28 PM.

Posted 12/3/12 1:58 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

Great Birth Story-Can't believe how fast everything happened for you!

Posted 12/5/12 5:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10

573 total posts


Re: Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

great story Roz!

Posted 12/11/12 2:23 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

i can't believe the Dr. would tell yo to drive yourself! I'm sorry you had gallons of fluid leaking out of you the whole way - but so glad that everything happened so quickly for you!

Posted 12/13/12 11:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


Re: Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead


Posted 1/1/13 2:46 PM

This baby is awesome!

Member since 11/10

2467 total posts


Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

Great story Roz!!! You went so fast, this makes me nervous for my trip to Mt. Sinai from where I live!!

Posted 1/11/13 10:08 AM

Baby Marz is here!

Member since 12/10

1494 total posts


Re: Kool Sperm +Funny Egg = Baby Fatthead

this is amazing!!! and Adriana is soo beautiful!!!! great story RozChat Icon

Posted 2/1/13 3:14 PM
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