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The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

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2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

DD1 was a c-section, and I knew that when I had another child, I'd go for the VBAC. My Dh was onboard from the start. I used the Stony Brook Midwives, found an amazing chiropractor, and hired the "VBAC Queen" of doulas. I called them "The Dream Team" lol, but it was true: it worked. Arielle Hope was born after 7 hours of labor.

My water broke at 2am Sunday, but I didn't start contracting until 1am Monday. I had been in touch with the midwives all along and went to the hospital at about 6pm Sunday, but the attending doctor sent me home. I had instructions to come back if I saw any strange discharge or felt feverish.

I woke up to a contraction at 1am Monday morning, but I was able to breathe through them for awhile. By 2, I woke DH. By 2:30, I was in a lot of pain and was screaming into a pillow. Called my doula and left for the hospital. They checked me. I was 5/6 cm, so I was admitted. During one contraction that I thought was going to snap me in half, I begged for the epi. DH kept trying to get me to think about waiting, but there was no way. I was contracting every two minutes and they were vicious.

I had wanted a natural birth, but was willing to get the drugs because 1) If I needed another csection I wanted to be awake; I couldn't handle being knocked out again and 2) I had been up for two days and didn't think I'd have the strength to push after several more hours of this. The anestheologist gave me a joystick and told me to hit the button for extra pain relief. I tossed it over the side of the bed. I wanted something to take the edge off, but wanted to be able to feel.

My doula got there. I was suddenly freezing, and when the docs took my temp, it was 101.7. That was DD2's ticket to the NICU. But I tried not to focus on it. We let DH rest on the couch and my doula pulled up a chair in front of the monitor. She'd massage my legs and back during each contraction (which felt awesome). The baby was having some heart rate decells, but since she was bouncing back, and I was progressing, they let me continue to labor. When they came in to check me at 615ish, I was at 10cm. WOOHOO! Since the baby was still high they let me labor for a little while longer. A short time later (no clue how long) they decided the decells were getting scary and the baby needed to come out ASAP. By that time, it was 7am and shifts were changing, so I waited for a whole new team to get in.

I told my doula that I didn't know how to push. She tried to explain it to me, but even then it took a few minutes for me to figure out what I was doing. DD2 was coming down pretty quickly, but seemed to be stuck under my pubic bone. At one point, DH said he could see that she had hair. I reached down, and was able to touch the top of her head. Most amazing thing ever. This is where my doula was worth anything we paid her: someone used the word "csection" and I got scared. My doula caught my eye, told me that it wasn't happening, and I was going to push this baby out.

An OB was in the room with me, and someone suggested using a vacuum as a last-ditch effort to get her out w/o a scalpel. My doula had DH ask if they were going to cut an episotomy. (OB said no and that he never does them). They put the vacuum on, and I pushed 2x. Her head was out, and I opened my eyes to see... and they were handing me a gooey mess of a baby. I couldn't believe I had done it, and laughed. She was beautiful. I only got to hold her for a minute, but I held her first. DH got to cut the cord and take a picture.

There was meconium and were worried that she breathed it in. They also figured out why her heartrate was dropping during contractions: the cord was around her neck twice. Since I had that fever, DD2 had to go to the NICU for observation, and they basically took her and ran. The OB stitched me up (I tore a little, but not much) and everyone else packed up their stuff and left. Overall I've had a great recovery. I was better off emotionally and physically than after my csection. BFing is significantly easier this time. I will never stop being grateful for the experience of actually giving birth. The VBAC totally made the difference in my ability to take care of my girls.

To my VBAC hopeful mamas:
"Do not go gentle into that good night / Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Be willing to fight; it is worth it.

Message edited 12/12/2012 4:07:57 PM.

Posted 12/10/12 8:43 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you are such a rockstar Rachel!

And I am so happy that you got the birth experience that you wanted Chat Icon

Posted 12/11/12 11:20 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Beautiful birth story R, I am so so happy for you!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

And Epi's are the sh!t Chat Icon

Posted 12/11/12 12:25 PM

Team One of Each

Member since 10/09

2150 total posts


Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

so awesome R !!!!! i am crying!!!

Posted 12/12/12 2:36 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

that is amazing!!!!!!! congratulations on a job well done!

Posted 12/13/12 11:15 AM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

What a beautiful story. You've inspired my next birth as a VBac Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/12 3:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

2476 total posts


The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Congratulations & what a great birth story!! You should share who your doula is! Mine was not so great, I wish I had a better one.

Posted 12/15/12 12:09 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Posted by schmora15

Congratulations & what a great birth story!! You should share who your doula is! Mine was not so great, I wish I had a better one.

I used Regina Iacarrino. She was amazing. She's been a doula for 10 years, and is a VBAC mom herself. Highly recommended.

My chiropractor was Larain Valenti in Bethpage. She's Webster certified. When DD2 was transverse, Dr Valenti was able to flip her.

Posted 12/16/12 1:20 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Posted by TheDivineMrsM

Posted by schmora15

Congratulations & what a great birth story!! You should share who your doula is! Mine was not so great, I wish I had a better one.

I used Regina Iacarrino. She was amazing. She's been a doula for 10 years, and is a VBAC mom herself. Highly recommended.

My chiropractor was Larain Valenti in Bethpage. She's Webster certified. When DD2 was transverse, Dr Valenti was able to flip her.

Is she part of ICAN? If so she is the same woman who I spoke with when I first decided I wanted a VBAC, she's amazing! Congrats on a successful VBAC!!

Posted 12/16/12 5:21 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Posted by headoverheels

Posted by TheDivineMrsM

Posted by schmora15

Congratulations & what a great birth story!! You should share who your doula is! Mine was not so great, I wish I had a better one.

I used Regina Iacarrino. She was amazing. She's been a doula for 10 years, and is a VBAC mom herself. Highly recommended.

Is she part of ICAN? If so she is the same woman who I spoke with when I first decided I wanted a VBAC, she's amazing! Congrats on a successful VBAC!!

Yes! She actually used to run it. She was still an active part of the chapter after handing ICAN off to another woman. She also runs the LLL chapter in Baldwin.

Posted 12/28/12 1:25 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/11

8 total posts


The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Great story and soooo inspirational.... i definitely want to try for a VBAC. I'm only 6 weeks which means i have to start searching for a midwife. I found out that SB Midwives take my insurance but Stony Brook Hospital does not. its so fustrating. Can i please have the number to ICAN Long island chapter. thanks for your help. I might have to go to St. Charles Hospital..

Posted 1/21/13 1:22 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: The fast VBAC birth of the Divine Baby M #2!!

Great story! So inspiring! I'm looking to VBAC this second time too (hired doulas and switched practices to midwives). Chat Icon congrats!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/31/13 12:44 AM

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