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ITS A GIRL!! My Halloween baby

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junior supafly

Member since 3/06

2268 total posts


ITS A GIRL!! My Halloween baby

this pregnancy was very different from my first. everything from the way i felt, to the way i carried, to the emotions i was feeling ~ all different.

a wish i had as my november 4th due date came closer was that i was able to take my son trick or treating. he is 3 and has had his ironman costume since the summer and the thought of missing him trick or treating was heart breaking to me.

ON halloween i felt normal - totally normal. i brought my son to school, saw his halloween parade, went to target, picked my son up from school and got ready to trick or treat. we met up with friends who live nearby and were tossing around whose neighborhood we should trick or treat in. in hindsight, im so thankful we chose mine.

i made it about 2 blocks (chatting with all my neighbors along the way) when i began to feel pressure. the same pressure i feel every time after a long day on my feet. i decide to bail on our group and go home and lay down. i told my husband to continue with plans ~ trick or treat and go for pizza with the kids. this was about 6pm. about 7:30 i realize the pressure hasnt gone away and im having low cramping ~ like a period cramp. nothing dramatic or unbearable but a new feeling. i use the bathroom and there was blood. i decide to call my gyno (whose office was still open)

the nurse tells me it could be labor and i should maybe just go to the hospital. after explaining im home alone she said the prophetic words " you should get someone to be with you because sometimes these things happen fast". (she must've been a witch) she told me the doc would call me back.
i casually text my husband to come home when they were done with pizza that labor may have started. then the doc calls me back (not my reg doc the guy on call) and he gives me some blanket google search kind of answer to just wait and come to the hospital when contractions are 4 mins apart and i cant talk thru them. i hung up and really had a "thanks dr. obvious attitude" to his phone call.
i then call my mil to give her a heads up that i may need her help with my son. she made a fateful decision to just head to me and pick him up. she was already on long island and it would be easier for her to just to get him and have him sleep over. i agreed and hung up.
it was as i packed my sons bag that i realized that the pain was coming on so fast. i couldnt bend to look for his bag, i couldnt think of where things were. i quickly became overwhelmed by pain.

my hubbs finally comes home about 8:10pm. i hear the tv go on, i hear candy dump out, and he calls up "have you checked the candy?" and i just cried out for him to come upstairs. it was hard for me to even muster up the ability to speak. shame on me i had be attempting to pack a hospital bag (i totally wasnt prepared) and i couldnt stand, i couldnt find my shoes, i couldnt think of anything but the pain. my poor hubbs was so caught off guard so he sits on the floor with me and says to time them. i had a contraction at 8:20, 8:22, and then at 8:24…..i told him we had to go to the hospital NOW! as he is helping me up off the floor ~ GUSH ~ my water breaks! i think the tension/anxiety of the situation kicked up 10 notches after this happened.

thank god that as my hubbs went to the car to put my bag in ~ his mom pulled up. it was a total hand off of my ds. if she never made the decision to just come out i really dont know what i wouldve done w/ my son.
we got to the hospital at 9:20pm. the whole ride in i couldnt speak and was just praying that i was dilated enough for an epidural.
i had to pause between the forms that needed to be signed ~ my hubbs had to answer all the admittance questions (which i preregistered with the hospital but i still had so much paperwork when i got there)
they brought me into triage and i immediately asked to use the bathroom. the nurse told me no ~ to just get undressed and get in the bed and let the doc check me. the nurse undressed me, i couldnt do it myself. i somehow was on the floor again and my hubbs had to help into the bed. when doc comes in she confirms my water is broke and says im 6cm. i tell her i want the epidural asap.
the nurse is doing an iv the other nurse is getting me on the monitor. the pain is immense but im focusing on the fact that i will be out of this pain soon. i tell the nurse i have to go to the bathroom again. she tells me no, its just the babys head pushing down. then she leaves the room. its just me & my hubbs now. i am laying there and i get this overwhelming feeling to push. i do and i feel a head!!!
i begin screaming the baby is coming!! my hubbs doesnt quiet know/believe me and i had to tell him to get the nurse! he walks to the door but turned around and his face said it all! he saw the head crowning!! he threw open the door and said "baby is coming!"
chaos ensues as about 10 different people pile into triage all discussing what to do with me. they decide to roll me into an OR so it would at least be a sterile environment. i looked at the clock when we got there ~ it read 9:59. My daughter was born at 10:07!

after 39 weeks of anticipation about the gender it kinda got looked over because no one was prepared for a baby let alone a climactic moment of "ITS A GIRL!" no one even said the sex. my husband told me.

it really was true what i heard about drug free births ~ once that baby was born i felt incredible. i never imagined having this baby without an epidural. the pain is really all gone and i was alert and happy and just amazed! i couldnt believe i had a GIRL!!

if you told me this was how my daughter was going to come into the world i would have never believed you. im grateful she is here and healthy and happy and BEAUTIFUL!

Ryla Rose
8lbs 5oz
20 inches long

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Message edited 12/25/2013 7:56:05 PM.

Posted 11/6/13 9:14 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts



what an awesome story!! congrats!!!!!!!

Posted 11/6/13 2:19 PM

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