Love baby feet

Member since 2/09 2894 total posts
The arrival of Vincent Thomas
I was going in for weekly NST’s since March, so I knew baby was breech, my doc scheduled a c-section for 4/8/14 (my original due date was 4/13/14). I was getting ready for my last day of work on Friday 4/4/14. I got DD up and dressed, and as I was making her breakfast I started to have these intense pains in my back. I had already gone to the bathroom twice, so I started to think that maybe labor was starting. I felt the first contraction at 7:50am (I made sure to check the time, just in case this was it). They started coming faster and faster, and soon they were 3 minutes apart. I called DH, who is a teacher, at 8:15 and told him to come home – he didn’t even get through first period at school. I started to panic knowing that he would be at least 25 minutes, and the rest of my family was on their way to Manhattan for my brother’s police academy graduation. I called my MIL to come and sit with me and to watch DD (MIL does not drive, so she couldn’t take me). I called my neighbor and asked her if anyone was home to drive me to the hospital, unfortunately her daughters and DH were not home (she runs a day care out of her house, so she couldn’t take me either). So I called my cousin and he raced over to my house. In the mean time my MIL called another neighbor and asked her son (who is a medic) to come and help out. My neighbor convinced me to call 911, he kept telling me that since the baby is breech, it is best that someone is here to help just in case. Now it feels like the contractions are right on top of each other and I can’t help but panic that I am going to deliver at home. Finally DH gets home and then right after him the ambulance came. I felt that it was better to go by ambulance than have DH drive me. We arrive at the hospital and they get me all prepped, but first they give me some kind of wonderful medication to slow down the contractions, and I could actually calm down. The anesthesiologist comes in and I am now very happy! My doc comes in to do a quick sono just to verify that baby is still breech, which he is, so off to the OR we go. It all happened so fast. They put in the spinal and I am now completely numb – what a strange feeling. DH is finally let in and then I hear the baby crying and they announce that it is a boy!! Vincent Thomas was born at 10:53am weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 ½ inches long. I was in recovery for a very long time, I kept getting sick (I actually threw up on a nurse). I finally am awake enough that they can send me up to the maternity floor. Since I lost some blood, and the fact that I am severely anemic, I had to have a blood transfusion and because of that I had to stay in the hospital an extra day. Recovery from a c-section is not fun, I was in a lot of pain, especially my back due to sciatica while PG. Being at home with a newborn and a 2 year old has been hectic at times but we are adjusting well. I can not believe that I have 2 little ones, it is so amazingly wonderful to have a growing family. Baby Vincent is a big boy now, at 5 weeks he was 10 pounds! DD is warming up to him. She brings over his pacifier when he cries and she will rub his back saying “don’t cry baby brother” – it is so cute. Thanks for reading. ETA: having trouble uploading pics. will try again.
Message edited 5/13/2014 3:53:10 PM.