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My Not So Bad Birth Story

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/13

639 total posts


My Not So Bad Birth Story

I used to read these all the time during my pregnancy, since I was terrified of labor.
I'd look for some positive stories to try and convince myself that could happen- and usually there aren't many.

BUT I'm happy to share my birth story, I can't call it easy, but it wasn't awful.

I woke up at 2 am with cramps. Nothing awful, just felt like a stomach bug. I honestly didn't think it was labor, I thought it was the Chinese food I had for dinner. I also felt extreme pressure and bad reflux almost like I had a stomach thing. I got up and walked to the bathroom and was convinced I'd either throw up or have diahhrea.. nothing..

I went back to bed, but the cramps were getting worse. Still no idea I was in labor, everyone told me the pain would be unmistakable and I'd know, but it really wasnt.

I couldn't fall back asleep so around 3 I tried to go to the bathroom again, thats when I lost my mucus plug. I then realized wow this is the start of labor, and thought I could expect to be in pain like this for a while at home, which was okay bc it was uncomfortable but not unbearable.

By 4 am I felt like someone was twisting my uterus with a vice grip. I couldn't even walk back up the stairs to my room to tell my husband I was in labor. I called him from my couch. I was in so much pain I couldn't time the contractions. I kept attempting to but I was throwing up from the pain and I just felt like it was constant.

I called my OB and explained what was going on, she sent me right to Labor & Delivery and said she'd have a nurse there examine me and they'd call her when it was time to meet me there.

I took a shower and went straight to Southside. I was finally able to calm myself down and time my contractions and they were 2 and a half minutes apart at this point and were lasting for 45 seconds a piece. I started counting down from 45 every time one would start , just to relax myself that it was almost over.

When I got to the hospital it was 5:45 am and I was 7cm. I was definitely in pain but I had mentally calmed down a bit and decided I didn't want an epi, which was my plan all along, but once labor started I thought it was impossible to do without one.

Luckily, another OB from my practice was already there bc she had scheduled c-sections for 7 that morning bc they ended up screaming down the hallway for her bc I progressed so fast.

By the time I was ready to push I didn't feel a thing. It was just a crazy urge to push. And I tore, a lot! Didn't even feel that.

My daughter was born at 7:22am after only 5 and a half hours of labor, and only about 3 and a half of knowing I was in labor.

I only pushed for 7 minutes total.

Posted 5/28/14 6:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

784 total posts


My Not So Bad Birth Story

Awesome story! I WISH this would happen to me but that's highly doubtful lol. Congrats on your baby!!

Posted 6/6/14 3:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

151 total posts


My Not So Bad Birth Story


Posted 6/7/14 9:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

885 total posts


Re: My Not So Bad Birth Story

So inspiring!!! LOL. Congrats, I'm hoping for a fast and non traumatic delivery too!!!

Posted 6/23/14 8:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

575 total posts

Charlotte & Michael

Re: My Not So Bad Birth Story

Thank you for sharing your story. Very truly inspiring.


Posted 7/12/14 5:45 PM

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