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9 mth feeding questions...

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Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


9 mth feeding questions...

Aly will eat cheerios and puffs if I stick them in her mouth but if I put them down in front of her she just picks them up and plays with them. she'll bring them by her mouth sometimes, but cant get them in to feed herself. is this normal at 9 mths ?? My SIL says they should be able to feed themselves finger foods at this point.

also, the dr gave us the green light to try some table foods now...up till now she has just had cherrios and puffs. we tried pastina yesterday and she gagged and spit it out all over the place. :( I thought kids loved this stuff? any other ideas for a very first table food other than the puffs?

Thanks for your input ladies!

Posted 3/15/07 12:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: 9 mth feeding questions...

DD was exactly like that 9 months old. I asked the ped about it since i was concerned too. he said she'll learn on her own, just give her some time and practice for hand/mouth coordination.
Totallyl normalChat Icon
DD all of sudden did it one day :)

I give her little pieces of pasta, banana, cheese, bread, pizza, cooked veggies-except carrots, mashed pototoes, peaches

Basically once she got the hang of hand to mouth, i give her a bit of what we're eating all the time.

Message edited 3/15/2007 12:08:56 PM.

Posted 3/15/07 12:07 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

2063 total posts


Re: 9 mth feeding questions...

Just keep giving them to her, she will get the hang of it soon. i give my son puffs, cheerios, avocado, egg yolks, banana pieces and pieces of carrots. I've tried pastina and pasta but he hates it too.

Posted 3/15/07 12:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: 9 mth feeding questions...

Just keep offering. DD is 9 months and not a big eater. She will eat cheerios, puffs, and other very small foods but is very picky about textures. I just keep putting the same things on her tray and let her play with and mush them in her hands. It gets frustrating at times when I know other babies her age are feeding themselves table food. All we can do is offer in a positive manner and be patient. I don't think they are "behind" at this point.

Posted 3/16/07 8:39 PM

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