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A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

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Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Hi Girls -

I got an email from a very worried friend this morning and she doesn't have access to LIF during working hours... I'm hoping you can help...i can email her your responses & she can check them later...she's VERY upset and nervous...

Let me preface this with the knowledge that my friend has a clotting disorder. NONE of her medications have changed for a very long time...

Here are her emails:

I woke up this morning to the heaviest period I have ever experienced in my life. Every night I wear an Always overnight.. The new ones in the purple/black packaging because I just naturally have a heavy flow.

This morning while getting into the shower I noticed that the entire pad, every inch, was soaked through to the plastic on the back with blood. It looked as if I
had dunked it in red dye. Jess, every single spot on that pad was covered.

Yes, there were also 5-6 nickel sized clots on it.

The doctor just called me back. I explained everything - especially the huge clots. I'm shaking. She said monitor it for the rest of the
cycle. If I go through more than 1 pad an hour, call back and go in immediately.

Then in not so many words she said it could have been a miscarriage. "Theres are many reasons why it could have built up an extra lining (didn't give reasons).

Theres a chance there was something there and it was shedding, but like I said, we'll monitor it.. Feel free to call again if you dont feel comfortable or if it continues to be this heavy"...

Honestly, with this clotting disorder, miscarriages are always in the back of my mind.

Is there a chance that she had a very early miscarriage? Would that explain the extraordinarily heavy flow???

Any help would be truly appreciated..

Posted 11/14/08 12:38 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

It could be just a very heavy period, or it could also be a chemical pregnancy. Without having had a beta bloodtest or a +HPT, there's really no way of knowing for sure.

I had a chemical pregnancy last summer (the only time I got pregnant on my own, with the help of clomid), and it was very much like what your friend described. I was also in alot of pain and couldn't get out of bed.

That said, with a clotting disorder I believe there are other meds she can take once she gets pregnant to help sustain her pregnancy. I believe daily injections of Lovenx are prescribed to women with clotting disorders. She should talk more to her doctor.

Posted 11/14/08 12:44 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Posted by MrsRbk

It could be just a very heavy period, or it could also be a chemical pregnancy. Without having had a beta bloodtest or a +HPT, there's really no way of knowing for sure.

I had a chemical pregnancy last summer (the only time I got pregnant on my own, with the help of clomid), and it was very much like what your friend described. I was also in alot of pain and couldn't get out of bed.

That said, with a clotting disorder I believe there are other meds she can take once she gets pregnant to help sustain her pregnancy. I believe daily injections of Lovenx are prescribed to women with clotting disorders. She should talk more to her doctor.

Thank you so much for the reply.... Lovenox is definitely something she was considering next month... To quote her email:

I may begin Lovenox in Dec. We'll see after I go to the appt.

The appointment she is referring to is with a High Risk Dr. in the Madonna group (not sure if that's hospital or the practicing group's name, etc).

Posted 11/14/08 12:50 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

when I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with a clotting disorder as well (MTHFR). I had to see a maternal fetal medicine specialist and then a hematologist for lovenox

I was on lovenox my whole pregnancy and then for 6 weeks after

when and If Chat Icon I get pregnant again, I will have the same protocol

hugs for your friend Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/08 1:55 PM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

3881 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

ohhh...that's terrible.

I guess it could be a chemical. I have no experience with those.

Did she take a HPT ? that would be the only way to determine what is going on without her doctor. I thiink it would still register positive.

Has it stopped ?
1 pad an hour sounds like soo much.

I had clots with my miscarriage, but Ive also had clots with a regular period too. So maybe it's not a miscarriage.

Either way, very scary ...and sending Chat Icon Chat Icon to your friend.

Please let me know what happened.

Message edited 11/14/2008 2:38:52 PM.

Posted 11/14/08 2:37 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Posted by sleepie76

ohhh...that's terrible.

I guess it could be a chemical. I have no experience with those.

Did she take a HPT ? that would be the only way to determine what is going on without her doctor. I thiink it would still register positive.

Has it stopped ?
1 pad an hour sounds like soo much.

I had clots with my miscarriage, but Ive also had clots with a regular period too. So maybe it's not a miscarriage.

Either way, very scary ...and sending Chat Icon Chat Icon to your friend.

Please let me know what happened.

she was 2 days late and never tested positive on a test - she tested both days that she was late.

I did mention to her that i have had 'clotty' periods before....

Thank you for the replies girls! I know she'll appreciate them so much when she logs in later & I have been emailing her all the responses! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/08 2:47 PM

Maybe this time?

Member since 7/07

1761 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

tell her to go to the doctor!

No offese, but this is not the place to ask this. How do we know?

Tell her to go to the doctor and take care of herself.

Posted 11/14/08 11:07 PM

RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07

6710 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Oh boy... I dont have any advice but I will pray for her Jess.. Let us know what happens.. This is scary.. i have that disorder but this never happened to me.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/08 8:13 AM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Chat Icon Chat Icon i know one of my moms friends- had full periods while pregnant and didnt test postive on the tests for a while

Posted 11/15/08 9:25 AM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: A Question for a VERY worried Friend..

Posted by when

tell her to go to the doctor!

No offese, but this is not the place to ask this. How do we know?

Tell her to go to the doctor and take care of herself.

she has been in touch with her thanks for the suggestion.

She just wanted some opinions from women who have been through this....

thank you all for your thoughts & prayers!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/08 11:28 AM

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