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Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
So I'm due this July w/baby #1
I plan on teaching a course online this fall (starts at the end of august)
and also taking one online course (I am in a doctoral program at the SUNY near me)
Anyways, is this going to be feasible? I know I don't have to leave the house to teach this one semester and take the class (I normally do this stuff in person, but had this option this fall) doing it online should be somewhat easier in terms of having the baby w/me (not having to find a sitter cause I'm not leaving the house)
I have no idea how exhausted I will be etc, but I guess I'm just wondering, will this be feasible or am I going to completely lose my mind?
Posted 2/18/09 12:02 AM |
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Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
I think it depends on so many things.
With my daughter I could have done it, my son, absolutely not. He had colic and screamed all day long so there was no way I could do anything much less have the energy or the mental capacity for it.
Are you the multi-tasker type? Do you think you'll be able to handle it?
I really think anything is possible but it depends on the baby, how you are feeling and if you feel you can do it.
Is there a way you could just do one of the courses and then do the other the next semester?
Posted 2/18/09 12:06 AM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
I am a multi tasker, and I also have two large dogs at home to throw into the mix
but my mom is close by, and can help two days a week, DH has a good job close-by and is somewhat flexible...
I guess I'm thinking in the worst case, maybe we can have a babysitter come to our house and help w/baby for a few hours while I get stuff done
I'm hoping the days my mom can help I can really get a lot more done...and of course weekends when DH is home.
I feel like I'm going into the UNKNOWN
Posted 2/18/09 12:11 AM |

Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
LOL - you are going to the unknown
It sounds like you have a bunch of help around so try it. Plus you are a multi-tasker so that is definitely a plus on your side.
I wish you luck - I'm extremely impressed!
Posted 2/18/09 12:23 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
Yes it could be done. I know women that went to school full-time post partum but it was very difficult at first.
If I just told someone who had a baby they were going back to school, they would think I was nuts. In the beginning, you're getting very little sleep (every 2-3 hours feeding, which can take about an hour). But just about the 3 month mark is when they fall into their schedule & you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
While I went back to work at 3 months, I would say it took longer for my mind to come back. The lack of sleep & the flux of hormones in your body result in a huge amount of forgetfulness that takes awhile to go away.
So yes, it can be done but it's going to be tough.
Posted 2/18/09 12:27 AM |
Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06 3867 total posts
Name: M
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
I would say it is possible especially since you are not leaving the house and online courses I have taken are flexible as far as posting goes (I do not know if this holds true for yours). I agree with the others that your mind will be all over but it seems like you have help available if you need it.
Posted 2/18/09 3:48 AM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: A question for moms (from a first time mom to be)
My ds is colic and has given me a run for my money these last 3 months. For the first 2 months+ he wouldn't sit or sleep in/on anything but me. The exhaustion I feel is like nothing I can describe! Thankfully he has always been a good sleeper at nite which is when I've had to work. Its been very very hard but possible. I don't have help either except when DH comes home from work - def use the help around you!!
Posted 2/18/09 7:25 AM |