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A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

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Member since 12/07

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CC's Mommy

A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

I know there are always a million posts about JHS.

But I haven't seen anyone ask about this.

Last summer I cut about 12 inches off my hair (to donate) and had my brownish/red hair double processed to be Gwen Stefani blonde. My hair was pretty short. Between ear and chin length at after the donating and cut.

At the end of the summer I decided it was just too much upkeep with the blonde and dyed my hair back to brown.

I have been dying my hair brown since last August, it is back to it's normal condition (the blonde left my hair very damaged, but since then I have only gone darker and used 10 volume processor.. no highlights or anything) and I now have a between chin and shoulder length bob (Between then and now I have grown it out a little/ cut it.. grown it out.. cut it again)

So I'm hopeing that most of the blonde dyed hair is pretty much gone by now.

I would like to get JHS for this upcoming summer.. I would imagine my hair will be just shoulder length by then


Is my hair still in too bad of a condition from double processing it that long ago? Or will they just leave the chemicals on for not as long?

Is it stupid to get JHS if you have sort of short hair.. (everyone in all the pics I see seems to have long hair)

Also.. my hair is not THAT curly, it's just very puffy and unmanageable.. always has been. It's a lot of work blow drying and flat ironing


TIA for your advice! And thanks for getting through this long post.. I kind of felt like it needed a thorough explanation though Chat Icon

Message edited 4/8/2009 10:53:36 PM.

Posted 4/8/09 10:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/07

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Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

Ive seen a girl with a grown out pixie cut get JHS so i ithink ur hair length should be fine.

As far as the double processed hair, it should be fine too...ive gotten my hair JHS 2 weeks after I dyed and highlighted it. Since yours is grown out somewhat I think you should be fine.

Posted 4/9/09 8:05 AM


Member since 12/07

2528 total posts

CC's Mommy

Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

Posted by Epeebes

Ive seen a girl with a grown out pixie cut get JHS so i ithink ur hair length should be fine.

As far as the double processed hair, it should be fine too...ive gotten my hair JHS 2 weeks after I dyed and highlighted it. Since yours is grown out somewhat I think you should be fine.

Mine is pretty grown out by now.. I would say maybe just a few inches at the bottom are still the hair that was double processed. And they can trim that.

I would just hate to go all the way there and then have them tell me they can't do it.

I know you technically can do it with any length hair.. I just wasn't sure if it would look weird being so straight. KWIM?

Message edited 4/9/2009 1:18:10 PM.

Posted 4/9/09 1:17 PM

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Member since 2/06

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Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

I did the same thing a few years ago (went from blonde back to brown)

and then got JHS

my hair was fine

Posted 4/9/09 3:15 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

I think my hair was about the same length you are describing and it was not a waste to get done. Although I did pose the same question on here!! Chat Icon

As far as the double process, I'll tell you my story ... I had highlights done almost a year and a half before I did JHS. I twice cut my hair VERY short after the highlights so in my mind there was NO WAY there was any remnants of them in my hair but the girl who did my JHS *insisted* I had highlights and kept saying I should have told them Chat Icon I was actually annoyed at how they wouldn't let it go ...

End of my story is that I LOVED not having to dry and flat iron last summer but it completely screwed up the texture of my hair (I went to Hair Club and if I ever did JHS again would not go there).

Posted 4/9/09 3:47 PM


Member since 12/07

2528 total posts

CC's Mommy

Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

Posted by Beth

I did the same thing a few years ago (went from blonde back to brown)

and then got JHS

my hair was fine

How long after having been blonde did you get it done? Did you tell them you had that and then they left it on for not as long?

I actually was hoping you would see this and give your opinion..

Your the official JHS guru Chat Icon

Do they trim your hair after.. or you have to go somewhere else to get it cut?

Posted 4/9/09 9:16 PM


Member since 12/07

2528 total posts

CC's Mommy

Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

Posted by Wendy

I think my hair was about the same length you are describing and it was not a waste to get done. Although I did pose the same question on here!! Chat Icon

As far as the double process, I'll tell you my story ... I had highlights done almost a year and a half before I did JHS. I twice cut my hair VERY short after the highlights so in my mind there was NO WAY there was any remnants of them in my hair but the girl who did my JHS *insisted* I had highlights and kept saying I should have told them Chat Icon I was actually annoyed at how they wouldn't let it go ...

End of my story is that I LOVED not having to dry and flat iron last summer but it completely screwed up the texture of my hair (I went to Hair Club and if I ever did JHS again would not go there).

How was the texture after.. dry? Limp?

Posted 4/9/09 9:16 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: A question I don't think has been asked before..(JHS related)

Posted by CCMommy

Posted by Wendy

I think my hair was about the same length you are describing and it was not a waste to get done. Although I did pose the same question on here!! Chat Icon

As far as the double process, I'll tell you my story ... I had highlights done almost a year and a half before I did JHS. I twice cut my hair VERY short after the highlights so in my mind there was NO WAY there was any remnants of them in my hair but the girl who did my JHS *insisted* I had highlights and kept saying I should have told them Chat Icon I was actually annoyed at how they wouldn't let it go ...

End of my story is that I LOVED not having to dry and flat iron last summer but it completely screwed up the texture of my hair (I went to Hair Club and if I ever did JHS again would not go there).

How was the texture after.. dry? Limp?

Chat Icon Like straw ...

Posted 4/10/09 8:37 AM

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