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LIF Zygote
Member since 8/05 4 total posts
Name: Jen
Abnormal sonogram
I am new to this board, I am currently 29 and 21 weeks pregnant.
I just wanted to know if any of you mommies to be have gone through something similar. My level II showed 2 of the "markers" for downs, bright spot on the heart and dilation of kidneys. The doctor told me there is now a concern of down syndrome. Through my own research, both of these markers seem quite common. All else was measuring fine.
I am going to see a genetic counselor and periantologist(sp?) today. As I am sure you understand, this news puts you in a tailspin of confusion and worry.
Please let me know if anyone has gone through the same thing and what the outcome was. Thanks.
Posted 8/12/05 7:47 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Abnormal sonogram
I didn't go through this.. just wanted to wish you luck!
Posted 8/12/05 7:59 AM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Abnormal sonogram
I actually went through this at 20 weeks - I am having twins and when they did the "big" sonogram they noticed a echocardio focci on Baby B's heart. (a bright spot) - I went to genetic counseling, but there was no way I was having an amnio - Instead I opted to have another sonogram to take a closer look at the babies heart. The spot was still there - but they said it is very common - that the heart looks totally normal. So I'm just keeping a positive state of mind and am praying everyday that both my babies are healthy! I can totally relate to what you are going through - its very scary - If you need to talk fm anytime - and keep us posted!
Posted 8/12/05 8:12 AM |
I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

Member since 5/05 1647 total posts
Name: Licia
Re: Abnormal sonogram
I have heard of this too. A friend of mine was told that there was a spot on the baby's heart and she was born fine. She did not agree to do the amnio either.
Hope everything goes well!
Posted 8/12/05 8:27 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Abnormal sonogram
My friend went through this, I am not sure what her markers were but they eventually cleared up and her baby was born perfectly fine.
Posted 8/12/05 10:33 AM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Abnormal sonogram
Sorry I'm no help, I didn't but GOOD LUCK
Message edited 8/12/2005 10:36:20 AM.
Posted 8/12/05 10:35 AM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: Abnormal sonogram
sorry i am no help either, but just wanted to wish you luck and send you some
Also wanted to ask when your due date is cause I am also 29 yrs old and also 21 weeks pregnant!! Good luck again, I'm sure your baby will be ok, he/she will be in my prayers...
Posted 8/12/05 11:15 AM |