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? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

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Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

We fell in love with a puppy there last night but they said she wouldn't be good with kids under 6.

How do they know that?

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Posted 1/22/07 2:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: ? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

Posted by 5ofClubs

We fell in love with a puppy there last night but they said she wouldn't be good with kids under 6.

How do they know that?

TIAChat Icon

Possibly by the breed or by the home it was rescued from.

What breed was the dog?

Posted 1/22/07 2:59 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: ? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

My brother adopted a dog from NSAL, and the sign also said not good with children under 12 I think. When they took him out, he seemed awsome, my brother adopted him, and he is just great with my two neices(age 6 months and 2 1/2), a perfect gentleman.

I think because when a dog is younger, they worry about jumping on kids and etc..Howver, be careful because just maybe the sign is there for a good reason. I think overall, many shelters do not like adopting to homes with very small children, so this is a tactic to avoid it.

Posted 1/23/07 4:20 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06

384 total posts


Re: ? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

How old is the puppy ??

They might be going by what they think the breed is.

They usally try to avoid any future problems.

If you really like the Puppy I would find as much as you can about where they got him from and what kind of behavior he's been showing.

Whatch out about what kind of breed they tell you too. My girlfriend got a pup and they told her she was a jack russel begle mix the dog is 75 pounds I never seen a 75 pounds.

Posted 1/26/07 2:12 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: ? about NSAL and how they know the dogs aren't good with small children?

They usually do tempermant testing on them before adopting them out. Like using fake hands to touch the food/them while they eat, seeing how they are with dolls and high pitched sounds.

Posted 1/26/07 2:48 PM

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